ILLINOIS Coroner under fire for Facebook post re: Muslim toilet ‘etiquette’ and Starbucks pledge to hire 10,000 ‘refugees’

A Southern Illinois coroner’s Facebook post about Muslim toilet etiquette has ignited a firestorm. with designated terrorist group CAIR whining the loudest. Marion County Coroner Troy Cannon this week shared a meme on Facebook that showed a bearded Muslim man sitting on a toilet, along with the Starbucks coffee logo.

BND  The meme states: “This is a Muslim they don’t use toilet paper they use their hand. This is Starbucks they vow to hire 10,000 Muslims. Enjoy your coffee.” Attempts to reach Cannon for comment on Wednesday were not successful.

The meme itself is no longer visible on Cannon’s Facebook page, but the dozens of comments about it remained Wednesday morning.

Some commenters took offense. “This is a gross generalization of the Muslim people. You should be ashamed of yourself,” one wrote. Another, Eric Slater of Salem, wrote: “This is racism. You’re a public servant. I regret my vote.”

Others supported Cannon. One wrote: “He’s providing a public service … ever hear of E. coli?” Cannon, in replies to comments, said he served in the military in Iraq and knows about Muslims’ toilet etiquette. (Below)

“I only shared something that, from my own experience, is absolutely true, and in response to Starbucks making a very discriminatory, inflammatory announcement,” Cannon wrote. “I don’t ask anyone to agree with me, it’s factually accurate. Sorry you feel disheartened, but the truth is uncomfortable at times.”

Cannon, a Republican, was elected in November to a second four-year term as coroner. Marion County’s Republican Party Chairman Ben Stratemeyer said Wednesday he had not seen the Facebook post.

“As you described it, it would sound offensive, but I haven’t seen it,” Stratemeyer said. “Some people like bathroom humor. A lot of comedians make a lot of money off bathroom humor — I’ll just leave it at that.”

Hoda Katebi, a spokeswoman for the designated terrorist group CAIR Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago, described the meme as very offensive. “It’s just silly,” Katebi said. “It’s petty.

Starbucks did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Starbucks on Sunday announced plans to hire 10,000 refugees around the world in 75 countries where it does business, over the next five years.

Marion County Treasurer Patti Hahn, a Democrat, said she hadn’t seen the Facebook post, but she said it sounds offensive.

“Facebook used to be a place where people posted what they were cooking for dinner, or that their kids had soccer. Now it’s getting into this political bashing crap that nobody wants to be a part of,” Hahn said. “Nobody needs that. Nobody wants to read that stuff. Be positive.”

 Muslims follow the traditions of their Prophet Muhammad, who performed istinja, the act of washing the private parts with water after committing najis, which is the “filth” we commonly refer to as the numbers “1” and “2.” Paper and certain rocks can also be used to facilitate the process, but water alone is the preferred accomplice.

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TOLD YA SO! Sooner or later Twitter, and hopefully Facebook, will be replaced by social media that does not censor speech with which it disagrees