Designated Terrorist Group CAIR demands DOJ investigate threats to a school board member who supports indoctrination of students with Islamic propaganda in the classroom

IslamicInfiltrationsign620x465-vi-300x225Thanks to Arab Muslim-funding of ‘Common Core’ by the nation of Qatar, American students are being force-fed Islamic religious doctrine in public schools. Parents in Tennessee are fighting back while administrators defend the policy.


WSMV  The textbook in question is being used by many schools in sixth and seventh grade social studies classes. Some parents said the textbook has a large focus on Islam with little to no focus on any other religion.

Ed Butler with the Citizens Against Islamic Indoctrination said some of the material is wrong. “We need to be teaching the truth,” Butler said. “Like when you say it’s a peaceful religion. It’s not a peaceful religion. You either convert or you die.”


“The sweeping Islamic infiltration is being deeply embedded into the Bible belt, and it has penetrated our public schools in Tennessee,” said Dale Walker, the organization’s president, in a release. “Our founding fathers would be appalled.”


The state offers a list of recommended textbooks for districts to choose from, but districts have the option to use books that are not on the list. Butler and others asked the school board to remove the textbooks from classrooms in September, but the board voted unanimously not to do so.


At Tuesday’s meeting, the group passed around a petition calling for the entire school board to resign. “Because they don’t represent the values in White County,” Butler said.


Roy Whited is a school board member, a father and former teacher. He is currently a full-time minister. “We found absolutely nothing wrong with that material,” Whited said.

Whited said he has received death threats. “You know, just watch out for your family, be careful, because when your house burns down, and such things like that,” Whited said.

One concerned parent certainly has got CAIR’s number:

  1. Comment by  Cathy Hinners

    October 22, 2015 at 8:38 am

    Well Mr Whited, you have just opened another can of worms that you may not like the end results. The involvement of CAIR to investigate alleged death threats is nothing more than a diversion. Certainly your local law enforcement agency could have dealt with legitimate threats, but that isn’t the real reason CAIR is involved.

    Its obvious you are eager to have the parents and community members silenced over the indoctrination of children in schools, the very children you are supposed to be protecting and serving.

    CAIR has been designated a terrorist organization in the United Arab Emirates(UAE). CAIR is an arm of Hamas, which is a designated terror organization in the United States. CAIR is also an un-indicted co conspirator in Americas largest terror funding trial called the Holy Land Foundation which took place in Dallas TX in 2008.

    CAIR officers have tried to have that status removed by the courts, however the federal judge in TX has ruled there was ample evidence to prove their involvement with funding Hamas.

    CAIR is the enemy Mr.Whited, not the parents you serve. By involving CAIR perhaps you yourself have violated ethic codes or policies if not locally but state wise. I find it hard to believe having contact with a terror organization is acceptable to the character and standards to be upheld by school board members.

    Parents, I urge you to keep fighting. You are not alone, other counties are fighting this battle and will continue to despite the diversions and distractions CAIR thinks it will bring. Message to CAIR, get out of Tennessee, you won’t win this one.





See much more on Islamic infiltration of public schools: ISLAMIZATION OF SCHOOLS

By BareNakedIslam 

Second Republican Debate – September 16th

The second Republican debate begin to night and just like the first debate there will be two debate big boys and the little boys debt.
The same people who made it to the big boys debate are there plus carly fiorina and the same go for the small boy’s debate minus fiorina and Perry
So let’s recap the first debate shall we. The first GOP debate hit new record 24 million people view this debate compared to the last debate where 3 million watch the debate

But who won the first debate well let look at the number

Trump winner

Who talk the most


Who was attack the most


How let focus on the substance or what the debaters mentioned the most and what they didn’t talk about.

Well as excepted Isis was talk about the most in the debate on how the will so call stop Isis Crisis in Iraq and Syria

Clinton was also talk about the most since she will be the most likely nominee for the Democrat

The next hot topic was the border and illegal alien which every one is talk because of Donald Trump and when the border was talk about building a wall followed

Abortion was next in line because of plan parenthood and the murdering the innocent

Iran and what i would call a bad deal came in next

A few of the debater attack the trump epically ron paul

Obama came low down the list which is not anything to talk about because he is not in the race for another terms in office

Obama Care had a negative feedback last night

Cyber warfare a new type of warfare came up in the debate

Other thing to mentioned jeb try to distance him from the bush brand

Common core got negative rating

There were people who want to be another Ronald Reagan

Gay marriage got positive rating

Thing that was not mentioned or talk about a lot in this debate was

Jade helm
Police brutality

For those who don’t know Rick Perry was the first one to drop of the 2016 Republican presidential campaign

Those who benefit from the first debate are Trump, Carson and Florina

The biggest loser are Bush. Cruz and Perry

Ok the small boy’s debate is over it was a calm one with a lot of substance i think Bobby jindal is the winner of this debate

Ok the debate of the big boys are over it was very intense I think Florina paul and Cruz did very well in this debate

The second debate CNN had a record 23 million people viewing this debate

So who won the second debate well no surprise


So who talk the most


Who was attacked the most


In this debate Russia was talk about the most mainly in relation to Iraq and Syria as now Russia has troop on the ground in aim to keep asad in power by defeating isis which was also talk about a lot to

The next County that was talk about the most was iran and the nuclear deal which is a disaster waiting to happen according to the people who spoke on this issue and also how it affect Israel

Plant parenthood in terms of abortion and the need to protect human live

Since the debate happen at the Ronald Reagan library Ronald Reagan was mention

The war on drugs was discuss in terms of marijuana and Bush admitting that he spoke weed in his youth

The Clinton email raise it ugly head again in the debate

China came up in the debate in terms of hacking and cyber attack on the us shore

The border and the wall was talk about especially as the Islamic wave is in full progress

Repeal of Obama care

War on Christian raise this head as kim Davis was put behind bars for her belief

Vaccine it good and it’s bad

Tracking people
Wall Street
North Korea was also talk about

Black live
jade helm was not talk about

Now let’s talk about the early debate
Who was attacked


In the early debate the same thing was discuss almost on the same level

All about the Barack Hussein Obama Muslim connection to Common Core

islam-in-schools-2In the last few years we have seen a movement in our country to nationalize our educational system, to implement Common Core in all schools. Inside the schools, the most drastic change has been an overwhelming influence of Islam and Sharia law. Education publishing giant, Pearson, whose biggest investor is the Libyan Investment Authority, is a major supplier of Islam-oriented text books for American schools. As is the nation of Qatar.


Pearson owners are deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood and linked to CAIR.  “Muslim Brotherhood documents seized by the FBI and presented at the Holy Land Foundation Trial in Texas revealed a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood and their subsidiary organizations like CAIR to penetrate and indoctrinate American K-12 students.”

Freedom Post  In 2008, seven members of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation were convicted by a Richardson, TX, jury of violating a 1977 law known as the International Emergency Economic Powers Act through money laundering activities on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.


A key prosecution exhibit was an 18-page document entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America“by Mohamed Akram, one of 300 unindicted co-conspirators in the case. The memo was seized from the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search coordinated by the FBI’s Washington office. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, a front group created by the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) to garner public support for Hamas within the U.S.


Akram’s memo recommends penetrating America’s schools and indoctrinating American K-12 students with the goal of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” Examples of pro-Islamic bias can be seen in the “Whose Jerusalem” assignment, which sides with Hamas while fostering hatred of the US and Israel.

Basic CMYK

According to Ken Mercer, a member of the Texas Board of Education who has seen the Advance Placement US History (APUSH) that parents and members of the general public aren’t allow to view, there is no mention of Hitler or the Holocaust. Pivotal battles of World War II, including Pearl Harbor, Midway, and the Normandy invasion have been airbrushed out of the history texts, along with any mention of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks.


The Islamic and other groups influencing American education, to its detriment, use the one tool that is in abundance for them: money. A nearly $50 million grant from a Qatar Foundation International board member to fund the education-reform group domestic terrors Bill Ayers and Obama co-chaired in Chicago was given to Ayers to promote their views and lead American children away from objective evaluation of actual historical events, replacing them with destructive propaganda.


In addition to Obama, Bill Ayers enlists others to his cause. Vartan Gregorian, former president of Carnegie Corp’s charitable foundation, was appointed by President Obama to the White House Fellowships committee in 2009. In 2011, the Qatar Foundation International partnered with the Department of State and the US Dept. of Education for the “Connect All Schools” project to link classrooms worldwide, with the goal of connecting all schools by 2016.


President Obama announced his ambitious plan in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, with the Muslim Brotherhood seated in the front row. The vicious Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who gave the killing of American troops in Iraq his blessing, has attended numerous events sponsored by QFI and even has a center named in his honor. Al-Qaradawi has openly praised Hamas for its “heroic deeds.” In his eyes, the 19 men who hijacked four planes on September 11, 2001, were not terrorists, but freedom fighters!


PEARSON is a main a publisher of radical Islamic biased text books, many of which are now being used in American public schools. Pearson is in a very strong position to influence the minds of America’s children as well as numbing the attitudes of Corporate America regarding the threat of Islamization in the United States.  Public officials for the most part seem unconcerned about this situation.  Elected education officials are undeterred regarding Pearson plc biased textbooks and their role in Common Core.


In February 2012, the group Citizens for National Security conducted a study of Pearson-aligned in Florida and found “significant” pro-Muslim bias. To cite just one example, here is an actual assignment:

“Distinguishing terrorism from other acts of political violence can be difficult. For example, if a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions? Competing arguments are made”


Title VI of the Higher Education Act has become a “magic carpet” for Saudi influence over American schools. Title VI requires Middle East study centers receiving federal funding to engage in cultural-exchange programs with U.S. schools. Outreach coordinators, funded by the Saudis, then create lesson plans for American k-12 teachers. A class assignment in a Rialto, California, eight-grade class asking students whether the Holocaust was “an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain” was likely funded by the Saudis.


Sixth-graders in Wellesley, MA, were spirited to a mosque, where they were required to observe Shahada law by covering their heads. For a child of any faith—or no faith—to be required by school officials to kneel before someone else’s God is an outrageous usurpation of parental rights. Is it any wonder parents are withdrawing their children from public schools in record numbers?


The ACLU, which cried like a banshee when the ten commandments were displayed in Judge Roy Moore’s Alabama courtroom and, we can safely assume, would threaten legal action at the teaching of Jesus’s ministry or Maimonides’s Code of Giving, has been tellingly tolerant of lesson plans designed around The Five Pillars of Islam, submission to Allah’s will, and taxpayer-funded trips to mosques by school officials. An Ohio teacher was fired simply for keeping a Bible on his desk.

Christian students are forced to go to mosques on school field trips

An astounding 32 pages of the World history textbook are devoted to Muslim cavitation. Students in two Texas schools–Cross Timbers intermediate and Kenneth Davis–will be required to learn Arabic as a condition of passing, thanks to a 1.3 million grant from the Department of Education’s Foreign Language Assistantship program.


Sandra Stosky, a former senior assistant commissioner of the Massachusetts Dept. of Education from 1999-2003, was one of the formers of Common Core Standards but is now one of its fiercest opponents. She said, “Most of these materials have been prepared and/or funded by Islamic sources here and abroad, and are distributed or sold directly to schools or individual teachers, thereby bypassing public scrutiny.” (Source: The Stealth Curriculum)


Assuming the Advanced Placement US History texts are the “quality educational standards” the state was promised, why the secrecy? Why are parents and members of the public–whose taxes fund the schools–not allowed to see them?


The Palestine Authority, Saudis, and much of the Arab world have long used biased textbooks to foster ancient hatreds and keep their citizens ignorant. Parents and citizens of every state in the US must demand that our Commissioners withhold funding from all public schools using these biased, anti-American, anti-Semitic texts. At stake is nothing less than the hearts, minds, and souls of the next generation.





Republican Debate – August 6th

by: twilight Language


What would Carl Oglesby say about all the candidates as they stumble towards the Presidential Election of 2016?

Carl Oglesby’s most famous book, a favorite of mine, reveals a twilight language view of the world and should be read by all students of political history. It is The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate and Beyond (1976).

I’ve discovered this book, which is extremely difficult to find in a print edition (they go for over $300 via used book vendors), is available as a free download, here. You have no excuse not to read it.

I asked Carl’s son, Caleb Oglesby, about publicly posting this link, as I respect author’s copyrights. This is what Caleb wrote to me today, via his Facebook page: “I think he would be happy to see it out there in the world. I know someone approached my sister about putting this book online, and we as a family gave our blessings.”

Carl Oglesby, 1989.

Of course, I miss what Carl Oglesby (July 30, 1935 – September 13, 2011) would have had to say about the specific alignments of the candidates for president. “What would Carl say?” does come to mind.

It’s a circus out there, but someone in this candidate pool, no doubt, is going to continue the Yankee or Cowboy traditions

Some people, like Rick Santorum, don’t wear the Cowboy hat too well.


The first GOP debate hit new record 24 million people view this debate          compared to the last debate where 3 million watch the debate

But who won the first debate well let look at the number











Who talk the most











Who was attack the most







How let focus on the substance or what the debaters mentioned the most and what they    didn’t talk about.

Well as excepted Isis was talk about the most in the debate on how the will so call stop Isis Crisis in Iraq and Syria

Clinton was also talk about the most since she will be the most likely nominee for the  Democrat

The next hot topic was the border and illegal alien which every one is talk because of Donald Trump and when the border was talk about building a wall followed

Abortion was next in line because of plan parenthood and the murdering the innocent

Iran and what i would call a bad deal came in next

A few of the debater attack the trump epically Ron Paul

Obama came low down the list which is not anything to talk about because he is not in the race for another terms in office

Obama Care had a negative feedback last night

Cyber warfare a new type of warfare came up in the debate

Other thing to mentioned jeb try to distance him from the bush brand

Common core got negative rating

There were people who want to be another Ronald Reagan

Gay marriage got positive rating

Thing that was not mentioned or talk about a lot in this debate was

Jade helm
Police brutality

There are the point standing of who did well at the small Boys table there is the list in order from favorable to less favourable

Fiorina Jindal Perry Santorum Gilmore Graham Pataki

Rick Perry’s Texas Cowboy roots are secure, but candidates Bush and Cruz have undermined Perry’s Texas money base by courting Perry’s former Cowboy funders.
Yankee Donald Trump, of course, would like to take on the mantle of the Midnight Cowboy.
Who above are the “Yankees” and who are the “Cowboys” among them?
What is Hillary?

AMERICAN PARENTS! Did you know that public schools are indoctrinating your children with Islamic teachings?


If you aren’t already up in arms about the controversial Common Core program being pushed on schools, how do you feel about it being funded by Muslim oil-rich countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Libya?

Washington Times (h/t Charlotte)  “Where did Common Core come from?” is a question I often hear from parents  as I travel the country speaking about the Islamic infiltration of America. Because in 2014-15 America, public school students via Common Core are:


• Participating in public school-sponsored trips to mosques via taxpayer expense, girls must wear head scarves (Colorado parents complain)


• Debating whether or not the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain,” (an eighth-grade assignment defended by the Rialto Unified School District, Los Angeles)


• Pledging allegiance in Arabic (New York)


• Closing public schools for two “Muslim holy days,” per year (New York City)


• Being taught Islamic vocabulary lessons (North Carolina)


• Being taught Islamic culture (Tennessee)


• Being taught world history from Islamic perspective (Florida) that includes learning about the five pillars of Islam (Maryland father, a Marine Corps veteran, complains and is banned from school grounds)

Basic CMYK

• Told to proselytize by creating a pamphlet about Islam to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders” that introduces Allah to children as the same God of the Christians and Jews (Michigan)



•  Reciting in class the Shahada, “There is No God but Allah,” and the Muslim call to prayer (Massachusetts)


Parents in every state are outraged, protesting and asking, “Why is Islam being taught in public schools?” and “How did this happen?” “Where is the ACLU?” “Where are the people ‘protesting against’ religion being taught in public schools?”



The short answer is that President Obama’s push for “hope and change” translates into completely transforming America — for the worse. Common Core is but one of many parts of an intricate plan to infiltrate every area of American society with Islam. Which is why, Common Core’s origin and funding came from Qatar, Libya and Saudi Arabia.


Globally, Common Core originated from the “One World Education” concept, a global goal orchestrated by the Connect All Schools program. Its origin is funded by the Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna.


According to the WND website, in 2011, QFI “partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate matchmaking between classrooms in the U.S. and international schools through … the ‘Connect All Schools’ project.” QFI states on its website that the initiative was founded in response to Mr. Obama’s infamous 2009 Cairo speech, during which the Muslim Brotherhood was seated in the front row.

Mr. Obama’s mentor, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, received $49.2 million from Vartan Gregorian, a board member of the Qatar Foundation, who also is involved with Mr. Obama’s White House Fellowships Commission. Gregorian is an integral part of Connect All Schools, through which Qatar invested $5 million to teach Arabic in American public schools.


Domestically, in America, Common Core was “created by” the National Governor’s Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Achieve Inc., ACT and the College Board. The Common Core State Standards are copyrighted by the NGA and CCSSO, a private company, which means they cannot be changed.


Many groups helped create these standards (chief among them, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations) but Pearson Education, an NGA donor and CCSSO’s listed business and industry partner, is integral to Common Core.

Pearson Education designs “education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners.” Listed on the London and New York Stock Exchange, of its numerous investors, the Libyan Investment Authority is its largest financial contributor, holding 26 million shares.

According to the Financial Times, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Seif al-Islam; more than five Gaddafi family members own shares. The Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR, a recently designated terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates), Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim Brotherhood invested in Pearson Education through the Libyan Investment Authority.


Despite this connection, according to the Guardian, Pearson Education claims as a public company operating in a free market it has no control over its shareholders’ terrorist-related activities.

Common Core was implemented in states that accepted federal funds from the 2009 “Race to the Top” initiative, which encouraged states to receive federal money to adopt new standards that would improve their public school children’s test performance results.


In order for a state to participate, the state board of education and the state’s educational professional standards board would have voted to adopt Common Core standards. Each participating state has posted the Common Core Standards on its state department of education website.

Two years prior to the Obama administration’s Race to the Top initiative, in 2007, the FBI uncovered documents revealing the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its subsidiary organizations like CAIR, planned to indoctrinate American K-12 students by teaching Islam.


The seized documents were part of the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. The FBI uncovered the Muslim Brotherhood’s manifesto “on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” (Exhibit 42945 and Exhibit 42946).

After states applied for “Race to the Top” federal funds in 2009, Pearson Education created Common Core curriculum and standards. Pearson Education is also the sole evaluator of teachers in some states. In order for New York State to continue receiving “Race to the Top” federal funds, it had to implement “reforms.” Pearson Education now solely administers the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA).

New York State no longer evaluates its teachers — a private company does — whose primary investors fund terrorism and propagate Islam.


Additionally, no state or federal oversight exists for university programs (under Title VI of the Higher Education Act) that train K-12 teachers to develop lesson plans and seminars on “Middle East Studies.” These programs and teacher training materials were developed by Pearson Education and largely funded by Saudi Arabia.

In order to end Common Core and eliminate the Islamic indoctrination being taught in public schools, parents must demand:


• Their state school board members be investigated and/or fired and replaced.

• Their state legislature and governor reject “Race to the top” federal funds and implement legislation or reverse its state education department’s implementation of Common Core in their state, and at a minimum, in the interim.

• Their child not participate in state testing.

Parents can also take their children out of public schools altogether.

Parental rights are guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that parents possess the “fundamental right” to “direct the upbringing and education of their children.” The court has declared that “the child is not the mere creature of the State: those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations” (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 534-35).

Parents must say no more: The $632 billion the federal government spends each year on public school “education” is being wasted on violating the First Amendment, by the federal government instituting a religion through the teaching of Islam in public schools.


SHOCKING VIDEOS about how schools all around the country are filling your children’s heads with Muslim lies and propaganda as well as forcing them to learn and recite Islamic religious dogma.