A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES: Iraqi Christians re-erect cross torn down and replaced with the black flag of jihad by ISIS

Last weekend, the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Baghdad, Louis Raphael Sako, visited the site and blessed the new cross in the village of Telekuf-Tesqopa, 17 miles from Mosul.

BritainFirst  A large group of Christian faithful accompanied the archbishop to a hill on the outskirts of the city where he blessed the enormous cross as the people set off fireworks and cheered, “Victory! Victory! Victory! For those who chose the faith and those who return!”

This cross will announce to the world “that this is our land, we were born here and we will die here,” Archbishop Sako said. “Our ancestors were buried in this pure land and we are going to remain to preserve them with all our might and for future generations.”

“It is a sincere and great call to return and rebuild. We are joined to our land, to our future on the land of our ancestors. Here we can be proud of our history and here we can be granted all our rights,” Sako said.

The placement of crosses has become a recurring gesture since the Iraqi Army began the offensive to retake the city of Mosul, the stronghold of the Islamic State in Iraq. As villages have been liberated across the Nineveh Plain, Christians have made wooden crosses and placed them on the roofs of churches and homes.

Below are ISIS savages taking down crosses in Iraq and replacing them with black flags of jihad:

Prior to the blessing ceremony, Archbishop Sako also celebrated the first Mass after two and a half years in Saint George Church, which was attended by authorities and officials of the region.

In his homily at Mass, Sako said that this event is “the first spark of light shining in all the cities of the Nineveh Plain since the darkness of ISIS, which lasted nearly two and a half years.”

“This is our land and this is our home,” Sako told the congregation, noting that the return of the faithful to the region demonstrates to the world that the forces of darkness, as terrible as they are, cannot prevail over Christ’s Church, which is built upon rock.

A year ago, the Patriarch published an Easter message in which he implored Christians not to leave Iraq, despite the hardships. Christians must “stay united in this land of ours, in which we were born, where we have lived for 1400 years,” he said.

In late 2014, Sako called the systematic persecution of Christians in Iraq by the Islamic State “a real genocide”and called for decisive steps to put pressure on decision-makers at home and abroad to ensure a free, safe life for all in Iraq.

“There were about 1 million Christians in Iraq and more than half of them have been displaced. Only 400,000 are left while displacement is still rising,” Sako said at the time.

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Trump Threatens Flag-Burning Americans With Loss Of Citizenship Or Jail

With snowflakes everywhere across America seemingly content to burn the Stars & Stripes to protest democracy’s decision to elect what they have been told is a racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, sexist, tax-fraud as president…

… President-elect Donald Trump has put his foot down in this seemingly most unpatriotic of endeavors:

Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!

Of course, there is the small issue of changing the Constitution as flag burning remains protected speech by the First Amendment.

The catalyst for Trump’s 7 a.m. tweet is unclear. Fox News reported earlier this month that Hampshire College in Massachusetts would stop flying all flags on campus after an American flag was burned following Trump’s win.

“We hope this will enable us to instead focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors,” Hampshire’s president, Jonathan Lash, said in a statement at the time.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) pushed back on Trump’s proposal during an early morning interview. “I don’t think we want to make this a legal issue,” Duffy told CNN on Tuesday.

And before the liberal media gets hold of this tweet and claims Trump’s fascist tyranny is peaking through against constitutionally protected rights to do whatever a citizen wants, don’t forget that none other than the Hillary Clinton herself sponsored exactly this punishment in The Flag Protection Act of 2005

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In 2005 a bill was introduced that would outlaw burning the American flag.

That bill was introed by: @HillaryClinton & Sen Bennett (R-UT)

The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced by Senators Hillary Clinton and Robert Bennett. The law would have outlawed flag burning, and called for a punishment of one year in jail and a fine of $100,000. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, the act was summarized as such:

Amends the federal criminal code to revise provisions regarding desecration of the flag to prohibit: (1) destroying or damaging a U.S. flag with the primary purpose and intent to incite or produce imminent violence or a breach of the peace; or (2) stealing or knowingly converting the use of a U.S. flag either belonging to the United States or on lands reserved for the United States and intentionally destroying or damaging that flag.

Early in his presidential campaign, Trump said that he supported revoking the citizenship of babies born to undocumented immigrants, but this appears to be the first time since then that he’s proposed revoking citizenship as a punishment.