Popes Papacy To Be Shortened? Is or Isn’t He Malachy’s Prophesied Last Pope? Speculations Rising…

By Lisa Haven 


Since the resignation of Pope Benedict there has been an upsurge of interest in the new pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (also known as Pope Francis) and his link to the predictions of an Archbishop from the 12th century, known as, Saint Malachy.


As many of you know, Saint Malachy, was born in Northern Ireland and was appointed Archbishop of Armagh in 1132. Many of those who knew him best said he received the gift of prophecy and witnessed many miracles throughout his lifetime. He was even known to have predicted the day and hour of his death.


In 1139 he received a vision from the Lord which revealed a long list of popes who would rule the church until the end of time (112 Popes total). This vision eventually became known as the “prophecy of the succession of the Popes,” which has resurfaced with the election of the new pope.


Malachy’s last ten Popes according to the “Prophecies of the Succession of the Popes”: 


Pope Pius X (1903-1914) received the title, ”The Burning Fire,” from Malachy’s prophecies. This Pope showed a burning passion for spiritual renewal in the Church.


Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) received the title, “Religion Laid Waste,” from Malachy’s prophecies. This pope tried to bring peace during World War 1 but failed, which lead to the deaths of millions of Christians. He witnessed the rise of communism which brought an end to the Christian influence in Russia.


Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) received the title, “Unshaken Faith,” from Malachy’s prophecies. This pope witnessed the rise of Nazi Germany, during which time, he was an outspoken critic of communism and fascism. He ruled when Christians were under persecution from the Europeans and stood faithful until his death.


Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) received the title, “Angelic Shepherd.” This Pope had an affinity for the spiritual world and was known as an Angelic pastor to his flock.


Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) received the title, “Pastor and Marine.” Prior to his election, he was the patriarch of Venice, which is a marine city.


Pope Paul VI (1963-1978), received the title, “Flower of Flowers.” His personal arms displayed three lilies.


Pope John Paul I (1978-1978), received the title, “Of the Half-Moon.” This pope was elected during a half-moon and ruled for only one month because he died unexpectedly during the next half-moon.


Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), received the title, “Eclipse of the Sun, or Labor of the Sun.” This pope was born during a solar eclipse and was buried in Rome during another solar eclipse. He was from Poland and used the Solidarity Labor Union.


Joseph Ratzinger (2005-2013) received the title, “The Glory of the Olive.” Joseph chose the name Pope Benedict XVI. Interestingly, the Order of the Benedictines refer to themselves as, “The Olivetans.” Not only that but the name Benedict means “blessing.” If we were to put his name together it can literally mean, “The Blessing of the Olive.” This pope resigned Feb. 2013, which now leads us to the current pope, and his prediction from Saint Malacy.


Is Pope Francis, The Final Pope?


Before I go any further I want to clear something up. It’s always important not to base prophetic understanding upon visions outside of the Bible, even when they come from godly individuals. Our prophetic understanding must come from the revelation of the Biblical prophets. However, if a believer has established a reputation of speaking prophecies that continually come to pass, then their information should be reviewed and considered as a possible prophetic word.


With that in mind, let’s move on. According to Malacy’s prophecy, the 112th pope, will be known as “Peter the Roman,” the last and final pope. Here is the prophecy…


“In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit… Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations: and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. The End”


The current pope is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who chose for himself the name of, Pope Francis. No Pope has ever taken on the name of “Peter,” so it is no surprise that Jorge did not either. The shock lies in the fact that Jorge picked the name, Pope Francis, whose real name is, Giovanni di Pietro [or Peter]. Not only that but the word “Roman” implies that the pope must be of Italian decent. Jorge is a native of Buenos Aires, Aregentina, and one of five children of Italian immigrants, thus making him of Italian decent and fulfilling the prophecy of “Peter the Roman.” Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first pope from America, and the first pope from outside Europe since Pope Gregory III in the 8th century. Could this pope be the fulfillment of Malacy’s final prophecy or is there a twist?



The Twist? Is Pope Francis “Peter the Roman,” the 112th Pope, or Will it be the Pope After Him?


If Pope Francis is not the final pope, then the pope after him might be. Currently, there is speculation among Catholic historians who claim that Pope John Paul II was a continuation of Pope John Paul I, and therefore should be counted as one succession, rather than two. Considering Pope John Paul I only ruled for one month, they tend to wrap him together in succession with Pope John Paul II, thus making it one rule. Putting Pope John Paul I and II as the 109th Popes, Joseph Ratzinger as the 110th, Pope Francis as the 111th pope, and the 112th pope in the future. In addition John Paul I was known as ‘half-moon’ and John Paul II ‘the labor of the sun.’ These are the reasons some Catholic historians claim Pope Francis as the 111th pope, not the 112th.


Whether or not Pope Francis is the 111th pope or 112th pope, only time will tell. Either way our safest interpretation of the future lies in the Scriptures and not in outside predictions.


While the Bible does not clearly teach that Pope Francis is the false prophet of the latter days, the timing of the election of Pope Francis is consistent with the time period for the end of the age and the rise of the final Antichrist.


“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth [the False Prophet], and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast…he performs signs… he calls down fire from heaven… he’s granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” Revelation 13:11-15


It is possible that the person with two horns like a lamb will be an apostate Pope who will unite apostate Christianity and Islam under his control. He will perform miracles, call down fire from heaven, and create a living, speaking image (or icon) , forcing men to worship the image and the antichrist himself.


Pope Francis or the one after him just MIGHT be the final pope and false prophet spoken of by Saint Malacy, but then again only time will tell…

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