“Space Critters” Ufologist Trevor James Constable Has Died

(excerpt: Twilight Language)

Another early researcher and writer in ufology has passed away. Native New Zealander Trevor James Constable, 90, died on March 31, 2016, in California.

This news comes after only recently learning of the death of Albert K. Bender, 94.

Not too surprising, because Bender and Constable were from a special era, there’s an overlap between their lives.

Ufologist Nick Redfern points out in a communique to me:

Constable contributed a letter to the book Bender Mystery Confirmed. Not many people know of this book. It was a follow-up to Bender’s Flying Saucers and the Three Men. It was published by Gray Barker. The Confirmed book is a collection of about 20 letters from people who had read Bender’s book and who wanted to comment on it.

Trevor Constable was an early foundation proponent that UFOs were actually “space animals,” and wrote about his theories beginning in the 1950s.
Trevor James Constable began reading, intensively about “flying saucers” in 1957. Using the name “Trevor James,” as the author of They Live in the Sky (1958), he tells of having attended George Van Tassel’s Giant Rock convention and learned techniques to contact a mysterious entity called “Ashtar.” Some in ufology link Constable to Men-in-Black through these learning experiences, although this merely appears to be his youthful introduction to the field. His direction found him going elsewhere in his exploration of UFOs.

Writing 24 years ago about Constable’s role in ufology, historian Jerome Clark observed:

In two books (They Live in the Sky [1958] and The Cosmic Pulse of Life [1976]) Trevor James Constable, an aviation historian, occultist, and contactee, has offered comparable theories [to other writers of creatures living in the upper atmosphere] but gone beyond them to produce infrared photographs of aerial entities he calls “critters,” which resemble one-celled life forms “complete in some cases with nuclei, nucleoli, vacuoles, and all the rest,” in the words of the late biologist and anomalist Ivan T. Sanderson, a proponent of space animals [Uninvited Visitors: A Biologist Looks at UFOs, New York: Cowles, 1967]. Constable says that these phenomena are visible to the eye only under certain circumstances, when they are perceived as meteors or UFOs. Even those skeptical of space animals have not questioned Constable’s sincerity, evidenced in his long commitment to his work, or accused him of faking his photographs. Though the photographs have never been explained, replications have been few, but not nonexistent. ~ Jerome Clark, The Emergence of a Phenomenon: UFOs from the Beginning through 1959 ~ The UFO Encyclopedia – Volume 2 (Chicago: Omnigraphics, 1992: 317)

A summary of his theory appears in Wikipedia:

After reading about radionics and Wilhelm Reich’s orgone, Constable became convinced that supposed UFOs were in fact living organisms. He set out to prove his theorem by taking a camera with him, fitted with an ultra-violet lens and high-speed film. The processed pictured showed signs of discolouration, which Constable insisted were proof of amoeba-like animals inhabiting the sky.
Reviewing his new found ‘evidence’, Constable was moved to write in two books that the creatures, though not existing outside of the “infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum,” had been on this Earth since it was more gaseous than solid. He claimed that the creatures belonged to a new offshoot of evolution, and that the species should be classified under macrobacteria. According to Constable, the creatures could be the size of a coin or as large as half a mile across.
The biology of the creatures supposedly meant that they were visible to radar, even when not to the naked eye. To explain supposed cattle (and occasionally human) mutilations, Constable theorised that the use of radar angered the organisms, who would become predatory when provoked. Source.

So what we find is that “inspired by Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy, Ruth Drown’s radionics, the writing of Charles Fort and Arthur Conan Doyle’s story The Horror of the Heights, Constable became convinced that the UFOs he heard so much about in the 1950s weren’t alien spacecraft, but living beings,” wrote frequent Fortean Times contributor Mark Pilkington in The Guardian in 2005.

But is it not a zoologist who would have these supposed creatures as Amoebae constablea, named after their discoverer, as Pilkington writes. Nor is it “crypto-zoologists” [sic], as Wikipedia would have you consider the basis of that Latin name.

No, the author of Ablaze! is the source of this piece of Constable lore.  The Fortean researcher “Larry Arnold believes that these plasmamoeboids–whom he dubs in gratitude to Mr. Constable with the scientific name Amoebae constablea–emit energies that may be a cause of Spontaneous Human Combustion if they are in close proximity to a human being,” notes Andrew Gaze.

Trevor Constable took the photograph directly above, on May 17, 1958, at Giant Rock, California, the object above the ridge was not seen by witnesses at the time.

The Cosmic Pulse of Life was revised and reissued at Sky Creatures: Living UFOs, in 1978.

Trevor Constable was still taking photographs that he said were of living UFOs into the 21st century.
In lectures early in the 2000s, Constable would use NASA’s own space infrared films to show evidence of space animals, as can be seen five minutes into the video posted above. Constable would also make appearances on radio programs.
Cloud busting
Constable, after becoming interested in the cloud busting work of Wilhelm Reich, studied the field.

Trevor James Constable, originally from New Zealand, worked in the merchant marines for over 31 years as a merchant marine radio officer, he travelled on enormous ships crossing the north eastern pacific ocean over 300 times, this gave him the opportunity to experiment with his research based on Wilhelm Reich’s work.

 Constable (left), LeMay (right)

After Trevor retired from the Merchant Marines, Trevor launched the world’s first Airborne Etheric (another name for Orgone) Weather Engineering Operation based in Singapore from the late 1980s to the 2000; Trevor worked with US Air Force retired Colonel W.A.”Willy” Schauer, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer George K. C. Wuu and US Air Force General retired Curtis Emerson LeMay [November 15, 1906 – October 1, 1990]. Trevor has proven rain records, radar and federal filling showing his success. Source.

Aviation Histories

Trevor Constable was also a military historian and author, having written eleven non-fiction books, many well known to aficionados of famous fighter aces. Mostly coauthored with Colonel Raymond F. Toliver, Trevor J. Constable’s titles included Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe, The Blond Knight of Germany: A Biography of Erich Hartmann, and many similar books. In 2015, a volume appeared combining his interest in little-known military histories, UFOs, and rainmaking, entitled Hidden History, Rain Engineering and UFO Reality.



Trevor James Constable had a long and varied life.
Living in San Pedro, California, at the time of his death on March 31, 2016, he was born September 17, 1925, in Wellington, New Zealand.

Wikipedia (unaware that Constable had died earlier, as of 4.16.2016), nevertheless, have online a thoughtful entry on the man, and recalled Constable “served 31 years at sea, 26 of them as a radio officer in the U.S. merchant marine.”

Constable is remembered in his official obituary as “a prolific author of WW2 aviation histories, and pioneer in the subjects of ufology, and rain engineering. Professionally, he enlisted in the Merchant Marines at age 17 and worked for most of that time as the radio-electronics officer. Later he was employed by Matson Shipping and served as the Communication’s Officer aboard the U. S. Maui for nearly two decades.
Besides his writing and research work, Mr. Constable was known to have a great understanding of homeopathy and good health, a love for cats, a remarkable vocabulary, and a wonderful sense of humor.”
He is survived by his wife Gloria of 35 years, and his daughter Diana (Neroni) currently of Las Vegas, and grandson Maximilian Constable now living in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Trevor James Constable has many admirers in ufology.

(h/t to Patrick Huyghe for this sad news.)

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