HEY, KANSAS & SOUTH CAROLINA: Muslim terrorists from Gitmo coming soon to a neighborhood near you?

11781777_10206477856818149_282662434669302934_nJust think, you might be in spitting distance of the leading terrorist mastermind behind 9/11 – Khalid Sheik Mohammed. He likely will never be tried and even if he ever is, he will never be executed. Lucky you, imagine what having former Guantanamo Bay Muslim terrorists  in your neighborhood will do to your property values.


Washington Examiner  Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Pat Roberts of Kansas are up in arms about reports that the Pentagon is scouting sites in their home states to house terrorist prisoners currently detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

“We have received reports of President Obama’s attempt to shut down Guantanamo Bay, which once again reflects another egregious overstep by this administration,” Roberts said in a statement on Friday, referring to the law preventing transferring any of the inmates to a U.S. prison.


“Congress has consistently stopped Obama by law from moving a single detainee to the U.S.,” Roberts said in reaction to reports that Kansas’s Fort Leavenworth is being considered as the terrorist suspects’ new home.

“I shut down this administration’s nominee for secretary of the Army in 2009 to prevent moving any detainees to Kansas and will do it again if necessary,” he said. “Not on my watch will any terrorist be placed in Kansas.”


Graham was equally emphatic upon learning that Defense Secretary Ash Carter is also considering Charleston for the new high-risk installation.

“If the detainees need to be moved, they must be moved to a maximum security location in a remote area far from heavily populated areas with vital infrastructure,” Graham told the Washington Post earlier this week. “Charleston does not meet that criteria.”


The Pentagon on Thursday confirmed to lawmakers that it is studying both Forth Leavenworth and the Consolidated Naval Brig in Charleston as potential sites.

“These visits will also help refine our baseline standard for what a facility should look like to inform potential selection of other locations to evaluate in the future,” the Defense Department notification read.



Transferring the remaining 116 detainees to the U.S. is being considered as an option for closing Guantanamo Bay. Moving the prisoners to other countries requires congressional notification and unanimous sign off by the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Earlier this week the Pentagon said it would present Congress with a plan to shutter Guantanamo Bay when they return to Washington after Labor Day.

Hoofed animals
















Vicuña (Llama)


“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Revelation 9:6

The world around us is turning dark, and is preparing itself for what the prophet Jeremiah in the bible calls the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, otherwise known as the Great Tribulationfrom Matthew 24. After the Rapture of the Church takes place, those left behind will indeed deal with many horrific things, including dealing with the undead zombies in Revelation 9. But you don’t have to experience any of that mess if you will click here and get prepared.

Whatever you do, don’t be left behind.

Zombie Preparedness Month?

To make sure Kansas takes the zombie apocalypse seriously, Brownback plans to officially declare October “Zombie Preparedness Month” during a ceremonial event Friday at the Kansas Statehouse.


Zombie Preparedness Month, however, is not actually about planning a defense for viral reincarnate flesh eaters. Instead, Brownback’s administration wants to capitalize on pop culture’s zombie obsession to raise awareness about disaster planning and response.

State officials say the preparations needed for a fictional zombie attack are a good exercise for the natural disasters that could actually hit Kansas in the near future. The agency is calling on Kansans to devise a survival plan that they could implement in the unlikely event that a horde of zombies descends upon the Sunflower State. Five of the best entries will be highlighted during “Zombie Preparedness Day” on Oct. 25, an event that will take place in Topeka.

“If you’re equipped to handle the zombie apocalypse, then you’re prepared for tornadoes, severe storms, fire, and any other natural disaster Kansas usually faces,” said Devan Tucking, a Human Services Officer with the Kansas Division of Emergency Management.

And Kansas isn’t the only place preparing for the arrival of the living dead. In Virginia, Northern Virginia Community College is planning an event Thursday where zombie look-alikes will swarm the campus sharing tips with students about how to plan for disaster.