Happy Birthday, Confident Cappie!

by BETH on DECEMBER 22, 2014

In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest.
– Henry Miller, who had his Sun, Mercury, Midheaven, and Venus in Capricorn

At the moment of the arrival of Winter Solstice, at 6:03pm Eastern time yesterday, the Sun moved into the sign of Capricorn.

Happy (slightly belated) birthday to Capricorns everywhere!

If you are a Capricorn, you belong, not to the sign of the goat, but to the sign of the Sea Goat; a mythical creature that represents a doorway to another world.

The strong-willed Sea Goat climbs up from the sea and scales the steepest peaks to reach the high goals they set for themselves. Their cautious, but confident steps usually get them to the summit.

The myth about Capricorn people is that they are far too sensible and down to earth (translation: dull) to be interested in much more than getting ahead in life.

Yes, they can be quite ambitious in their own unique ways. But astrologer Jon Cainer reminds us that the fact is, they are usually toobusy to fool around trying to fix people’s wrong-headed assumptions about them.

“Capricorns,” he writes, “may be capable characters but they haveplenty of mystery and sensitivity in their souls. They also have plenty of fire in their bellies.

“These passionate, adventurous, and mischievous people also just so happen to be highly intelligent. They can instantly see that if folks want to jump to the wrong conclusion about them, it will only helpthem run rings round the rest of the human race!”

He admonishes Capricorns to, “Remember this and have more faith in the visions and ideas that constantly flood through your busy brain.”

Though gifted with a good sense of history and perspective, once it starts climbing, Capricorn doesn’t look back.

For All of Us

When the Sun is in Capricorn, we prepare for the worst, expecting the best. Capricorn’s Earth Sign energy is a time of self-control, persistence, and patience. Ruled by Saturn, Planet of Karma, Capricorn’s Sun transit can seem like slow going sometimes.

However, this influence focuses our ambition and clarity of purpose, while still maintaining an honorable respect for others. While it can be an self-absorbed time, it’s not devious or truly selfish.

Working towards a long-term goal is very satisfying during this time, and we can expect a greater emphasis on the need for stability, especially in matters regarding law and order.

Common sense governs decisions made under this influence. Rather than being free-wheeling and unpredictable, in the period when the Sun in Capricorn, we would do well to take ourselves and our lives more seriously. Remember, it is simply more pragmatic to do things well the first time.