Anti Trump Protest

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Protests against Donald Trump
Anti-Trump protests.jpg

From top to bottom:
Protestors in St. Paul, Minnesota, a protest near the United Nations Plaza in San Francisco, and Chicago, Illinois
Location United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Philippines, Australia, Israel, among other countries.
Methods Demonstration, riots, Internet activism, political campaigning, vandalism, arson

Presidential campaign
Thousands of protesters


  • Pre-inauguration
  • Women’s March
    500,000+ (Washington, D.C.)
    2–4 million (US)
    4–5 million (world)[6]
Injuries 43+[7][8][9]
Arrested 371+ [7]

Protests against Donald Trump, or anti-Trump protests, have occurred both in the United States and worldwide following Donald Trump‘s 2016 presidential campaign, his electoral win, and through his inauguration.



Campaign protests

A number of protests against Donald Trump’s candidacy and political positions occurred during his presidential campaign, including at political rallies.

Political rallies

During his presidential campaign, activists occasionally organized demonstrations inside Trump’s rallies, sometimes with calls to shut the rallies down;[10][11][12] fueled by some of Trump’s language,[13] protesters began to attend his rallies displaying signs and disrupting proceedings.[14][15] Following Trump’s election to the presidency, students and activists organized larger protests in several major cities across the United States, including New York, Boston, Chicago, Portland, and Oakland. Tens of thousands of protesters participated,[16][17][18] with many chanting “Not my president!” to express their opposition to Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. (He lost the popular vote by a margin of 2.1 percent.)[19]

There were occasional incidents of verbal abuse or physical violence, either against protesters or against Trump supporters. While most of the incidents amounted to simple heckling against the candidate, a few people had to be stopped by Secret Service agents. Large-scale disruption forced Trump to cancel a rally in Chicago on March 11, 2016, out of safety concerns.

Many protesters were part of organized groups such as Black Lives Matter.[20][21] They sometimes attempted to enter the venue or engage in activities outside the venue. Interactions with supporters of the candidate may occur before, during, or after the event.[22] At times, protesters attempted to rush the stage at Trump’s rallies.[23] At times, protests turned violent and anti-Trump protesters have been attacked by Trump supporters; this violence has received bipartisan condemnation.[24], People for Bernie, the Muslim Students’ Association, Assata’s Daughters, the Black Student Union, Fearless Undocumented Alliance, and Black Lives Matter were among the organizations who sponsored or promoted the protests at the March 11 Chicago Trump rally.[10][25][26][27]

There were reports of verbal and physical confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters at Trump’s campaign events.[28][29]

Fake News

Fox News incorrectly reported on a Craigslist advertisement that claimed to pay people $15 per hour, for up to four hours, if they took part in protests against Trump.[30] The fact checking website, rated a separate story titled “Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: ‘I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump’s Rally'” as “100 percent fabricated, as its author acknowledges.”[31] Paul Horner, a writer for a fake news website, took credit for the article, and said he posted the deceitful ad himself.[32]

Trump’s reactions

During the campaign, Trump was accused by some of creating aggressive undertones at his rallies.[33] Trump’s Republican rivals blamed him for fostering a climate of violence, and escalating tension during events.[34] Initially, Trump did not condemn the acts of violence that occurred at many of his rallies, and indeed encouraged them in some cases.[35][36]

In November 2015, Trump said of a protester in Birmingham, Alabama, “Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”[37] In December, the campaign urged attendees not to harm protesters, but rather to alert law enforcement officers of them by holding signs above their head and yelling, “Trump! Trump! Trump!”[38]Trump has been criticized for additional instances of fomenting an atmosphere conducive to violence through many of his comments. For example, Trump told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that he would pay their legal fees if they engaged a protester.[39]

On February 23, 2016, when a protester was ejected from a rally in Las Vegas, Trump stated, “I love the old days—you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.” He added, “I’d like to punch him in the face.”[40][41][42] Following criticism from the media over his language toward protesters, Trump began to backtrack and started encouraging supporters at rallies to not injure any protesters. He also admitted at his San Jose rally that he was wrong to make such inflammatory comments in the past.[43]


Fairly early in the campaign the United States Secret Service assumed primary responsibility for Trump’s security. They were augmented by state and local law enforcement as needed. When a venue was rented by the campaign, the rally was a private event and the campaign might grant or deny entry to it with no reason given; the only stipulation was that exclusion solely on the basis of race was forbidden. Those who entered or remained inside such a venue without permission were technically guilty of or liable for trespass.[21] Attendees or the press could be assigned or restricted to particular areas in the venue.[20]

In March 2016, Politico reported that the Trump campaign hired plainclothes private security guards to preemptively remove potential protesters from rallies.[44] That same month, a group calling itself the “Lion Guard” was formed to offer “additional security” at Trump rallies. The group was quickly condemned by mainstream political activists as a paramilitary fringe organization.

Timeline of protests against Donald Trump

The following is a timeline of protests against Donald Trump.

People taking part of the 2017 Women’s March on DC the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

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Protesters at the inauguration of Donald Trump

Protests during Trump’s campaign[edit]


Protests against Trump began following the announcement of his candidacy in June 2015, especially after he said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were “bringing drugs, bringing crime, they’re rapists”.[1][2]


  • June 17 – At Trump’s first rally in New Hampshire, three protesters entered the rally and held up signs. This was the first documented protest of the campaign.[3][4]
  • June 29 – At a luncheon in Chicago, about 100 protesters gathered across from the City Club of Chicago to demonstrate.[1]


A protest against Trump at the future Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. on July 9, 2015

  • July 9 – In Washington, D.C., a group of protesters gathered outside of the future Trump International Hotel Washington D.C. to demonstrate and “call for a worldwide boycott of Trump properties and TV shows”.[5]
  • July 10 – While Trump spoke at a Friends of Abe gathering, about 150 protesters gathered with signs and hitting piñatas made in Trump’s image. A smaller group of Trump supporters gathered near the protests and caused tension, with one Trump supporter beginning to jab at protesters.[6]
  • July 12 – Protesters interrupted Trump at a speech in Phoenix, Arizona, with a large sign and were later escorted out while Trump supporters chanted “U-S-A!“.[7]
  • July 23 – Trump arrived in Laredo, Texas, and was greeted by protesters while others gathered in support.[8]


  • August 11 – About 150 protesters gathered in Birch Run, Michigan outside of a rally at the Birch Run Expo Center, gathered by the Democratic Party of Michigan due to what they called “anti-immigrant, anti-veteran statements” made by Trump.[9]
  • August 25 – During a press conference, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos began to question Trump since before being called on. After being told “Sit down! you weren’t called” and “Go back to Univision”, Ramos continued to protest Trump’s plan to deport illegal immigrants and their children born into citizenship in the U.S. Trump motioned to his security, with Keith Schiller removing Ramos from the event. Trump later met with Ramos alone.[10][11][12]


  • September 3 – Trump’s chief of security, Keith Schiller, was filmed punching a protester.[13]


  • October 14 – In Richmond, Virginia, several clashes broke out between protesters and Trump supporters.[14]



  • December 4 – After being interrupted ten times during a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina, Trump ended his rally.[16]
  • December 12 – Multiple protesters heckled Trump during a rally in Aiken, South Carolina.[17]
  • December 22 – Trump’s speech was interrupted more than ten times at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with dozens of protesters being ejected. Trump characterized the protesters as “drugged out”, antagonized them by calling them “so weak for not fighting security”, and asked protesters why they interrupted him “in a group of 9,000 maniacs that want to kill them”.[18]



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Trump protest in Lowell, Massachusetts, January 2016

  • January 4 – Protesters interrupted Trump several times in Lowell, Massachusetts, with some chanting support for Bernie Sanders and the Black Lives Matter movement.[19]
  • January 8 – During Trump’s visit to Burlington, Vermont, about 700 protesters demonstrated in the City Hall Park.[20]



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Trump rally at UIC Pavilion in Chicago on March 11, 2016, immediately after news of Trump’s cancellation of attendance of the event. Many protesters cheer “Bernie!” to show their support for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.

  • March 1 – Kashiya Nwanguma attended a Trump rally in Louisville, Kentucky, with two anti-Trump signs. She reported that Trump supporters ripped her signs away and shouted insults at her.[24]
  • March 10 – As Trump was being led by police from a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, a protester was punched by a Trump supporter. Charges of assault and battery were filed by the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.[25][26][27] A protester being led by police from a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, was sucker punched by John McGraw, a Trump supporter. McGraw later told the media that the next time he saw the protester, “we might have to kill him.”[28]McGraw was subsequently charged with assault and battery.[25][27][29] On Meet the Press, Trump said that he had instructed his team to look into paying McGraw’s legal fees and said, “He obviously loves his country.”

2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest

On March 11, 2016, the Donald Trump presidential campaign cancelled a planned rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), in Chicago, Illinois, citing “growing safety concerns” due to the presence of thousands of protesters in and outside of his rally.[5][6]

Thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators responding to civic leaders’ and social media calls to shut the rally down had gathered outside the arena, and several hundred more filled seating areas within the UIC Pavilion, where the rally was to take place. When the Trump campaign announced that the rally would not take place, there was a great deal of shouting and a few small scuffles between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters.

Prelude[edit source]

Plans to protest the Trump rally were launched a week in advance by a variety of community and student groups who largely organized via social media. Some 43,000 undergraduate and graduate students had signed a petition asking UIC to cancel the rally by March 6.[7] That same day, Latino leaders in the city, led by Democratic U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Chicago, issued a call to their constituents to join them in a protest outside of the UIC Pavilion, where the rally was to take place.[8] One of many student-based protests was first proposed by 20-year-old Chicago political activist and Bernie Sanders supporter Ja’Mal Green, who had posted to Facebook a week urging others to “get your tickets to this. We’re all going in!!!! #SHUTITDOWN.”[9] Green told reporters that the plan was for protestors to make noise when Trump appeared, “and then rush the stage.”[10] While “activist groups did try to disrupt the event, … many protesters said that they learned of the demonstrations on social media and went of their own accord.”[11] confirmed that it helped promote the protest and paid for printing protest signs and a banner.[9][12] Among those who took part in organizing the protest included members of the UIC faculty, People for Bernie, the Fearless Undocumented Association, Black Lives Matter, Assata’s Daughters, BYP100, College Students for Bernie, and Showing Up for Racial Justice, with “black, Latino and Muslim young people” at the “core” of the crowds of protesters.[13][14][15][16][17]

Incident[edit source]

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Video of Trump rally at UIC Pavilion in Chicago on March 11, 2016 immediately after news of Trump’s cancellation of attendance of the event. Many protesters cheer “Bernie!” to show their support for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.

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Voice of America video of the clashes at the UIC Pavilion

The protests had begun 24 hours prior to the event with a vigil outside of UIC Pavilion. The vigil lasted until the rally was scheduled to begin.[18]

Thirty minutes after the rally was scheduled to begin, a representative of the Trump campaign came on stage and announced that the rally was postponed. The crowd immediately cheered and chanted “We dumped Trump!” and “We shut it down!”[14] As Trump supporters shouted “We want Trump!”, arguments, several fistfights,[2] and small scuffles[19] broke out between the groups.[14] Two police officers and at least two civilians were injured during the protests. Five people were arrested, including Sopan Deb, a CBS News reporter who was covering Trump’s campaign.[2] Protesters said that they were protesting against racism and Trump’s policies.[20] Some of the demonstrators were also members of the group Black Lives Matter.[20][21][22] A smaller number of protesters were seen carrying flags representing various groups and countries, including Mexico.[23][24]

John Escalante, the interim superintendent of the Chicago Police Department (CPD), said about 300 officers were on hand for crowd control.[2] A CPD spokesman said the department had never told the Trump campaign that there was a security threat, and added that the department had sufficient manpower on the scene to handle any situation.[25]

The Trump campaign postponed the rally. The CPD and other law-enforcement authorities “were not consulted and had no role in canceling the event.”[19] Trump initially claimed he had conferred with Chicago Police but later said that he made the decision himself: “I didn’t want to see people get hurt [so] I decided to postpone the rally.”[26][27][28][29][30]

Arrests[edit source]

Arrest being made at the protest

Four individuals were arrested and charged in the incident. Two were “charged with felony aggravated battery to a police officer and resisting arrest”, one was “charged with two misdemeanor counts of resisting and obstructing a peace officer”, and the fourth “was charged with one misdemeanor count of resisting and obstructing a peace officer”.[31] Sopan Deb, a CBS reporter covering the Trump campaign, was one of those arrested outside the rally. He was charged with resisting arrest;[32] Chicago police ultimately dropped the charges.[33]

Reactions and aftermath[edit source]

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Voice of America video about Trump and Sanders’ responses to the postponed Chicago rally

After the event was postponed, Green described the cancellation of the event as a “win,” saying that “our whole purpose was to shut it down… we had to show him that our voice in civil rights was greater than his voice. The minority became the majority today.”[10] Mayor Rahm Emanuel praised the Chicago Police Department’s work to restore order.[2]

Trump blamed Sanders for the clashes in Chicago, insisting that the protesters were “Bernie’s crowd” and that a protester who charged the stage at an event in Dayton, Ohio the following day was a “Bernie person”, calling on Sanders to “get your people in line.”[12][34]Sanders subsequently denounced Trump as a “pathological liar” who leads a “vicious movement”, and said that “while I appreciate that we had supporters at Trump’s rally in Chicago, our campaign did not organize the protests.” Sanders blamed Trump for propagating “birther” conspiracy theories and for promoting “hatred and division against Latinos, Muslims, women and people with disabilities.”[34]

Presidential candidates[edit source]

Republican[edit source]

Rivals for the Republican presidential nomination criticized Trump. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said, “When you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, you create an environment that only encourages that sort of nasty discourse.”[35] John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, issued a statement saying, “Tonight, the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly.”[2] Senator Marco Rubio of Florida attributed blame for the events at various parties, including the protesters, the media, and the Democratic Party, but “reserved his harshest words” for Trump, condemning him for inciting supporters who have punched and beaten demonstrators and likening him to “Third World strongmen”.[36]

Democratic[edit source]

Clinton, one of two Democratic presidential candidates in the 2016 election, said in a statement that the Trump campaign’s “divisive rhetoric” was of “grave concern” and said, “We all have our differences, and we know many people across the country feel angry. We need to address that anger together.”[37] The morning after the incident, Clinton said, “The ugly, divisive rhetoric we are hearing from Donald Trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong, and it’s dangerous. If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control. That’s not leadership. That’s political arson.”[38] Bernie Sanders, the other Democratic candidate, tweeted: “We will continue to bring people together. We will not allow the Donald Trumps of the world to divide us up.”[39]

Media[edit source]

Conservative media described protest actions as an infringement on Trump’s freedom of speech. National Review editor Rich Lowry called the protest an indefensible “mob action” and wrote that “the spectacle … will probably only help” Trump, since he “thrives on polarization and has sought to turn up the temperature of his rallies with his notorious suggestions that protesters should get roughed up.” Fox News host Jeanine Pirro characterized the protesters as “abject anarchists” who had infringed upon Trump’s right to free speech by “responding to activist calls at #SHUTITDOWN.”[40][41]

Other media outlets stated that such protest actions were predictable due to Trump’s rhetoric. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said that Trump’s violent rhetoric at campaign rallies resulted in the escalation of tensions: “Anybody who tells you that there is no connection between the behavior of the mob at these events and the behavior of the man at the podium leading the mob at these events is not actually watching what he’s been saying from the podium.”[42] Jelani Cobb wrote in the New Yorker that “[t]he image of protesters clashing with Trump supporters in Chicago … is the logical culmination of what we’ve seen throughout his Presidential campaign” as “the idea of fighting to take the country back” promoted by Trump’s campaign “went from figurative to literal.”[43]

  • March 12 – Thomas Dimassimo, a 32-year-old man, attempted to rush the stage as Trump was speaking at a rally in Dayton, Ohio. Dimassimo was stopped by Secret Service agents and subsequently charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and inducing panic.[37]
  • March 13 – Trump refused to take responsibility for clashes at his campaign events, criticized protesters who have dogged his rallies, and demanded that police begin to arrest rally protesters.[38] His Kansas City rally was interrupted repeatedly by protesters in the arena while protesters outside the event were pepper sprayed by police.[39][40] In an effort to dissuade future protesters, Trump may begin to request that protesters be arrested “[b]ecause then their lives are going to be ruined.”[40]
  • March 17 – During an interview with CNN, Trump predicted “you’d have riots” if were denied the Republican nomination despite having the most delegates at the convention.[41]
  • March 18 – Between 500 and 600 people engaged in a standoff outside of a rally in Salt Lake City, Utah. Police officers formed a human barricade to separate the two groups, who largely remained nonviolent. Toward the end of the rally, protesters tore down a security tent at a Trump rally in Utah and threw rocks at rally attendees as they left. Two people unsuccessfully attempted to breach the entrance of the venue. Secret Service officers secured the inside of the venue and roughly 40 police officers in riot gear repelled the protesters from entering the building.[42] No arrests were made.[43][44]
  • March 19 – Thousands of anti-Trump protesters in New York chanted “Fuck Trump!” and “Donald Trump! Go away!” as they rallied around the Trump International Tower building near 60th St. and Columbus Circle. The group was followed by dozens of NYPD officers who lined the streets with metal barricades and blocked the protesters path as they tried to cross busy intersections. After violence broke out, police pepper-sprayed the crowd, whom police refused to let cross the street.[45] During a simultaneous protest, protesters blocked a highway leading to Trump’s Fountain Hills, Arizona rally, leading to three arrests.[46] During a separate rally in Tucson, Arizona later that night, a black Trump supporter was arrested after punching and stomping a white protester who had donned a Ku Klux Klan hood.[47]


Protests in New York City on April 14, 2016. One banner reads “Fuck UR Wall”, denouncing Trump’s policy on immigration.

  • April 14 – Hundreds of protesters gathered in a New York City Hyatt hotel against the wishes of the hotel staff.[48]
  • April 28 – Several hundred protesters in Costa Mesa, California, clashed with police and Trump supporters outside the OC Fair & Event Center, where Trump was holding a rally. Seventeen people were arrested and five police cars were damaged.[49]
  • April 29 – Around 1,000 to 3,000[50][51][52] protested in the area surrounding Burlingame, California, where Trump was to give a speech at the California GOP convention.[53] Protesters rushed security gates at one point.[54] Activists blocked a main intersection outside the event and vandalized a police car. Eventually, the police restored order in the area.[55] For safety reasons, Trump himself was forced to climb over a wall and enter through a back entrance of the venue.[56]


An effigy seen in San Diego on show of May 26, 2016, featuring Trump with the word “Bigot” taped on while wearing a sombrero and holding a Mexican flag

  • May 1 – Thousands of May Day demonstrators marched in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, some speaking out in support of workers and immigrants, others criticizing Trump. LAPD Sergeant Barry Montgomery told The Los Angeles Times that no one was arrested. Some protesters carried a big inflatable figure of Trump holding a Ku Klux Klan hood in his right hand.[57]
  • May 7 – Protesters shouting “Love Trumps Hate” met Trump supporters before his second rally in Washington. Many protesters outside spoke out against Trump’s words and policy stances regarding women, Hispanics, and Muslims, including his plan to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Later in the day, a group of protesters blocked a road near where Trump was supposed to speak, hoping to keep him from reaching the location. According to authorities, “a small number of arrests” were made.[58]
  • May 24 – Following a rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico, protesters began throwing rocks and bottles at police and police horses, smashed a glass door at the convention center, and burned a number of Trump signs and flags, filling the street with smoke.[59][60] Video footage of the incident also showed protesters jumping on top of several police cars.[61]
  • May 25 – Anti-Trump protesters were arrested after clashing with Trump supporters in Anaheim.[62]
  • May 27 – Anti-Trump protesters clashed with Trump supporters and with police after a Trump rally ended in San Diego. Protesters waved Mexican flags and signs supporting Bernie Sanders.[63] Some protesters were arrested when they attempted to push past railings separating them from the Convention Center where Trump was speaking.[64] The clashes, largely verbal and resulting in no injuries or property damage, began after the Trump rally ended and his supporters poured into the street. Individuals on both sides shouted and threw trash and the occasional punch, but no injuries or property damage were reported. Police then declared the protest an illegal assembly and ordered the crowd to disperse. Further arrests were made when some members of the crowd failed to disperse. A total of 35 people were arrested in that protest.[63][64][65]


  • June 2 – Protests and riots occurred outside a Trump rally in San Jose, California. During a series of protests, hundreds of anti-Trump protesters waving Mexican flags climbed on cars, and harassed supporters of Donald Trump. There were reports of violence including instances of bottles being thrown and assaults against Trump supporters.[66][67] A police officer was assaulted.[68][67][69] At least one American flag was burned by protesters.[70] Video footage went viral of a female Trump supporter being pelted by eggs thrown by protesters.[71]
  • June 3Vox suspended writer Emmett Rensin for allegedly inciting anti-Trump violence at protests.[72]
  • June 10 – Anti-Trump protesters and Trump supporters clashed outside a rally in Richmond, Virginia. One Trump supporter was punched and several protesters were pushed to the ground by police. Five people were arrested but only one was charged.
  • June 16 – A photographer for the Dallas Advocate was hit on head with a rock that had been thrown from a crowd outside a Dallas rally that included both Trump supporters and protesters.[73]
  • June 19 – During a rally in Las Vegas, Michael Sandford, a 19-year-old British national, was arrested for assault and held in the county jail until he was arraigned in federal court and charged with “an act of violence on restricted grounds”. He was accused of attempting to seize a police officer’s firearm and later claiming he intended to kill Trump. A British citizen, he was in the U.S. illegally and is being held without bond.[74][75] He has since then pleaded guilty to federal charges of being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm and disrupting an official function.[76]


  • July 1 – Three people were arrested after a conflict occurred between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters outside the Western Conservative Summit. According to The Gazette, a man grabbed pro-Trump bumper stickers from a woman selling them outside Denver‘s convention center, ripped some of them, and threw them in her face. A pushing match then ensued, with many people spilling into the street.[77]


  • August 4 – Protesters stood silently among seated attendees at a Portland, Maine Trump rally, and held up pocket Constitutions, in reference to Khizr Khan‘s DNC speech days earlier. The protesters were ejected from the rally.[78]
  • August 19 – Protesters harassed, pushed, and spit on Trump supporters outside a fundraising event in Minneapolis.[79]
  • August 31 – A group of approximately 500 people protested in downtown Phoenix, Arizona chanting and hitting a Trump piñata. There were no arrests, although police had to usher two anti-Trump protesters off the sidewalk where speech-goers for a Trump rally entered the Phoenix Convention Center, saying that the protesters were causing conflict with the Trump supporters.[80]



#GrabYourWallet (also, Grab Your Wallet)[1] is an organization and social media campaign that is an umbrella term for economic boycotts against companies that have any connections to President Donald Trump in response to the leak of a lewd conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush on the set of Access Hollywood where he infamously said “grab them by the pussy”.[2][3] The movement has particularly targeted the ride-sharing app Uber and President Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump‘s clothing and shoe line that was notably carried by Nordstrom before being indefinitely discontinued due to poor sales as a result of the boycott.

History[edit source]

GrabYourWallet founder Shannon Coulter speaks at Day Without a Woman San Francisco, March 2017.

GrabYourWallet started on October 11, 2016 via Twitter by a San Francisco marketing strategist named Shannon Coulter,[1][6][7] with the help of Sue Atencio.[8] Coulter created a list of stores that carried Trump products after the Access Hollywood tape came out.[6] The news from the tape made Coulter physically ill for a few days.[9] Coulter went on Twitter where she was able to talk about her “deep ambivalence” about spending money at a place that sold Trump products.[9] She stated that she wanted “to be able to shop with a clear conscience,”[7] and did not feel comfortable purchasing items from those who do business with anyone in the Trump family.[10] The name, “GrabYourWallet” is a reference to both Trump’s comments about women and people using their buying power to influence companies.[10]Coulter emphasizes that the movement is non-partisan and says, “This is a human decency thing. It’s about the divisiveness and disrespectfulness of Donald Trump.”[11]

Within a month, one company,, dropped Ivanka Trump‘s brand from their website.[12] Interior design company, Bellacor, dropped the Trump Home brand in November.[13] Both of these companies did contact supporters of the boycott campaign after dropping the Trump lines.[13] By February 2017, 18 companies had stopped carrying Trump brand merchandise.[11]

After Trump was elected President, Coulter created a spreadsheet of companies that do business with Trump family members and distributed the information online and via social media.[1] The sheet also provides alternatives to stores on the boycott list,[14] and has contact information so that consumers can “express their outrage.”[15] #GrabYourWallet as a movement grew larger after the election.[14][8]Part of the reason is that the campaign became part of the broader anti-Trump movement.[2] Working on the campaign has almost become a full time job for Coulter.[2]

Nancy Koehn of Harvard Business School told PBS NewsHour that though boycotting business is not new, the scope of #GrabYourWallet is unprecedented.[10] She also said that the boycott is unique because it is in “resistance or opposition to the current administration.”[10]

On Twitter, more than a combined 626 million impressions have amassed.[16] Twitter users use the hashtag, #GrabYourWallet and some independently tweet at businesses carrying Trump merchandise.[6] Captiv8, a social media influence study group, has found that most engagements with the hashtag come from California and New York.[2]

Counter-boycotts[edit source]

Forbes dubbed it the “Trump effect” and “GrabYourWallet effect”, given that when people boycott companies, his supporters pledge to start buying those products and vice versa.[15][17] Trump supporters started boycotting Nordstrom after they dropped Ivanka Trump’s line of clothes.[10]

Supporters of Trump took to to make Ivanka Trump’s fragrance the best selling fragrance on the site for a week.[18]

Notable boycott targets[edit source]

Uber[edit source]

The app Uber was targeted for its alleged relation to Executive Order 13769 which has also been referred to as “Muslim ban”.[19] As taxi drivers to JFK Airport went on strike in solidarity with Muslim refugees, Uber removed surge pricing to the airport where Muslim refugees had been detained upon entry. Uber was also targeted because CEO Travis Kalanick was on an Economic Advisory Council with President Trump.[20] As a result, a social media campaign called #deleteuber arose and approximately 200,000 users deleted the app.[21] This campaign made Kalanick resign from the Council.[22] An email with a statement sent to who deleted their accounts stated that the company would be assisting refugees and that CEO Kalanick did not join the Council as an endorsement of President Trump.[23]

Ivanka Trump[edit source]

Ivanka Trump, 2016

In the beginning of the proposed boycott, Nordstrom stated that if costumers stopped buying Ivanka Trump‘s line, as a business decision they would stop carrying it (which they did in February 2017). Nordstrom also acknowledged that customers would counter-boycott if they dropped the line.[24] Before the inauguration of President Trump, Ivanka Trump had announced she would be resigning from her fashion brand.[25] Sales of Ivanka Trump’s line started falling before the 2016 election.[26] And in February 2017 President Trump expressed his ire at Nordstrom via Twitter and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer called the business decision a “direct attack on President Trump”.[27] President Trump’s tweet caused Nordstrom’s shares to temporarily fall, before soaring by 7%.[28]

Macy’s customers have also asked that the company drop Ivanka Trump’s line.[29]

Ivanka Trump also faced criticism from Coulter when she promoted her $10,800 gold bracelet to fashion writers after wearing it on an interview about her father on 60 Minutes.[8]

Controversy[edit source]

In February 2017, President Trump’s spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway formally endorsed Ivanka Trump’s products on Fox News by saying she is giving the brand a “free commercial” telling viewers to buy Ivanka Trump’s products.[30] The statement was seen as a violation of federal ethics laws.[31]

Company lists related to #GrabYourWallet[edit source]

Primary targeted companies[edit source]

Trump-related companies not targeted[edit source]

These companies have been identified by as companies that will not be boycotted though they have a connection to President Trump or family members business.[32]

  • Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, CEO of (which indirectly sells Trump products), but the Washington Post has not been targeted since it did critical reporting of President Trump.[2]
  • Facebook has not been targeted because the scope of its user base and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has criticized President Trump.
  • Home Depot is not being boycotted because it discontinued sales of Trump Home products.
  • Delta Airlines has not been targeted because they do not directly have any business ties to President Trump, though there have been political controversies with certain passengers aboard Delta flights.
  • Paypal has not been directly targeted, though co-founder Peter Thiel has endorsed Trump, because he is no longer involved with the company.
  • Carrier Corporation has not been boycotted, though then-president-elect Trump got directly involved in keeping 1,000 jobs from moving to Mexico, because they don’t do monthly or continued business with any Trump family member.

Companies that cut ties with Trump family as result[edit source]

  • October 18 – Dozens of women, some of whom were victims of sexual assault, gathered in front of Trump Tower on a Tuesday morning to begin a series of protests across the nation pushing women to leave the Republican party and un-endorse Donald Trump. Dressed in black, the protesters sat in front of Trump Tower holding signs such as “Grab my pussy, muthafucker I dare you” and “Don’t tread on my pussy”.[84]
  • October 26 – Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was destroyed with a sledgehammer and a pickaxe.[85]


  • November 5 – During a rally at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nevada, Trump was rushed off stage by Secret Service agents when someone yelled “gun” while others tried to take a protester’s anti-Trump sign. The protester was questioned and found to have no weapons on him. Trump returned minutes later to resume his rally.[86][87]

Post-election protests[edit]

March against Trump in Saint Paul, Minnesota on November 9

Following the announcement of Trump’s election victory, large protests broke out across the United States including other countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Philippines, Australia, Israel with some continuing for several days, and more protests planned for the following weeks and months.

November 2016[edit]

Protest outside Trump Tower, Chicago on November 9, 2016

  • November 9
Protests against Donald Trump that occurred in cities on November 9, 2016

According to several sources, thousands of protesters took to the street in Chicago. Chicago Tribune explains that the protest was “relatively peaceful” and was “devoid of any of the heavy vandalism of effigy burning that occurred elsewhere.” Five people were arrested altogether.[88][89][90]

Protests also occurred at various universities, including:

High school and college students walked out of classes to protest.[97][113] The protests were mostly peaceful, although at some protests fires were lit, flags were burned, and a Trump piñata was burned.[114][115][116] Celebrities such as Madonna, Cher, and Lady Gaga took part in New York.[117][118][119] Some protesters took to blocking freeways in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Portland, Oregon, and were dispersed by police in the early hours of the morning.[120][121] One protester was hit by a car.[122] In a number of cities, protesters were dispersed with rubber bullets, pepper spray and bean-bags fired by police.[123][124][125] While protests ended at 3:00 a.m. in New York City, calls were made to continue the protests over the coming days.[126]

  • November 10

Protesters gathered at Trump Tower in New York on November 10.

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Protests in Madison, Wisconsin

“Love Trumps Hate” was a common slogan, as here at the Idaho State Capitol.

As Trump held the first transition meeting with President Obama at the White House, protesters were outside.[127] Protests continued in cities across the United States. International protests were held in London, Vancouver, and Manila.[128][129]Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani called protesters “a bunch of spoiled cry-babies.”[130] Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti expressed understanding of the protests and praised those who peacefully wanted to make their voices heard.[131]

In Austin, Texas, a young girl rallied protesters behind the mantra: “I am a female, I am mixed race, I am a child and I cannot vote. But that will not stop me from getting heard” after which chants of “Love is love, and love trumps hate” followed.[132][133][134][135] In Los Angeles, protesters continued blocking freeways.[136] A peaceful protest turned violent when a small group began rioting and attacking police in Portland, Oregon.[137] The protests in Portland attracted over 4,000 people and remained largely peaceful, but took to the highway and blocked traffic.[138] Acts of vandalism including a number of smashed windows, vandalized vehicles, and a dumpster fire caused police to declare a riot.[138][139] Protesters tried to retain the peaceful nature of the protest and chanted “peaceful protest”.[140]

Protests were held in the following cities:

Numerous petitions were started to prevent Trump from taking office; including a petition started by Elijah Berg of North Carolina requesting that faithless electors in states that Trump won vote for Clinton instead, which surpassed three million signatures.[151]

  • November 11

Protests occurred in the following cities:

Protests also occurred at the following schools:

A protest also occurred at the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel.[185][186] The American and Mexican national soccer teams also posed together in a Unity Wall in response to Trump’s election before their World Cup qualifying match in Columbus, Ohio.[187]

Michael Moore at the march against Trump, New York City, 12 November 2016

  • November 12
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News report about the protests in Los Angeles on November 12 from Voice of America

During a peaceful march in Oregon in the early hours of November 12, one protester was shot by an unknown assailant.[188] Police in Portland, Oregon, said that they arrested over than twenty people after protesters refused to disperse.[189]

Protesters at an anti-Trump rally in Indianapolis on November 12th

On the first weekend day after the election, a march of over 10,000 people in Los Angeles went from MacArthur Park and shut down the busy Wilshire Blvd corridor.[190][191] In New York City, another crowd cited by NBC News as 25,000[192]marched from Union Square to Trump Tower.[193][194][195] In Chicago, thousands of people marched through The Loop.[196] In Indianapolis, about 500 people gathered at the Statehouse, then proceeded to march downtown.[197] Protesters split off into several groups, some of which moved to the streets and blocked traffic.[198] Some protesters were allegedly throwing rocks at police officers, who responded by firing non-lethal weapons.[199]

International protests also occurred in cities such as Berlin, Germany, Melbourne, Australia and Perth, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand.[200][201][202][203]

  • November 13

Protests continued in the following cities:

International protests have occurred in cities including Toronto, Canada, where about a thousand people gathered in Nathan Phillips Square.[209][210]

  • November 14
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Anti-Trump protest in Silver Spring, Maryland[211]

A group of 40 protesters in Washington, D.C. staged a sit-in at the office of prospective Senate minority leader Charles Schumer, in an effort to change Democratic leadership and prevent the party’s collaboration with Trump. Seventeen arrests were made at that sit-in.[212]

At a small protest at Ohio State University, protest leader Timothy Adams was attacked from behind and knocked down to the steps he was standing on, breaking his bullhorn and glasses.[213][214]

Several school districts experienced walkouts from high school students, many of them too young to have voted.[215]

  • November 15
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Wilson High School students protest outside Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. News report from Voice of America.

Protests occurred in the following cities and universities:

  • November 16

Student protests continued for a third day in Montgomery County, Maryland.[219]

Students around the country walked out of classes in an effort to push their schools to declare themselves a “sanctuary campus” from Trump’s planned immigration policy of mass deportations.[231] The Stanford, Rutgers, and St. Mary’s protests on November 15 were among the first.[226] Rutgers President Robert Barchi responded that the school will protect the privacy of its undocumented immigrants.[232] California State University Chancellor Timothy P. White made a similar affirmation.[233] Iowa State University reaffirmed continuation of their already existing policy.[234]

Around 350 Harvard University faculty members signed a letter urging the administration to denounce hate speech, protect student privacy, reaffirm admissions and financial aid policies and to make the university a sanctuary. One of the first to sign the letter was Henry Louis Gates Jr.[235]

The letters of Trump’s name were removed from three buildings in Manhattan, including Trump Place due to angered residents.[236]

  • November 17

Protest in Mission District, San Francisco, California on November 17

  • November 18
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Anti-Trump protest in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on November 18

Various protests occurred in Augusta, Maine,[244] Chapel Hill, North Carolina,[245]Cleveland, Ohio,[246][247] Prince George’s County, Maryland,[248] Sacramento, California,[249] and Washington, D.C.[250]

Vice President-elect Mike Pence attended the musical Hamilton in New York City, where he was addressed by the cast.[251]

  • November 19

Protesters in Chicago on November 19, Marching toward Trump Tower Chicago

Protesters at an anti-Trump rally in San Francisco

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Philadelphia anti-Trump Rally on November 19, 2016

  • November 20
  • November 21
  • November 22

Students at Christopher Newport University protested.[272]

  • November 23

Protest in Minneapolis, Minnesota on November 23

A protest occurred in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The protesters called for President Obama to pardon all immigrants before the end of his term.[273]

  • November 25

On Black Friday, protesters blocked entrances to stores on the Magnificent Mile in Chicago.[274]

  • November 26

A small protest occurred at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Oregon. Protester Bobby Lang said, “It’s either sit in horror or go out and do things.”[275]

  • November 27

A protest occurred at the Nebraska State Capitol building.[276] The crowd was estimated at around 200 people.[277]

December 2016[edit]

International reactions

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Protesters against Trump in Paris, France

  •  China – On November 14, 2016, the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco warned “Chinese exchange students, visiting students, teachers and volunteers” to avoid participating in the protests.[54]
  •  Turkey – The Government of Turkey warned its citizens who may be traveling to the United States to “be careful due to protests” and that occasionally “the protests turn violent and criminal while protesters [are] detained by security forces” while also stating that “racists and xenophobic incidents increased in USA”.[55]

Stop Trump movement

The Stop Trump movement, also called the anti-Trump, Dump Trump, or Never Trump movement,[1] was the informal name for the effort on the part of some Republicans and other prominent conservatives to prevent front-runner and now President of the United States Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican Party presidential nomination, and, following his nomination, the presidency, for the 2016 United States presidential election. Although Trump’s campaign drew a substantial amount of criticism, he was ultimately sworn in as president.

The movement gained momentum following Trump’s wins in the March 15, 2016, Super Tuesday primaries, including his victory over U.S. Senator Marco Rubio in Florida.[2][3][4][5] After U.S. Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the race following Trump’s primary victory in Indiana on May 3, 2016, Trump became the presumptive nominee, while internal opposition to Trump remained as the process pivoted towards a general election.[6]

Following unsuccessful attempts by some delegates at the Republican National Convention to block his nomination, Trump became the Republican Party’s 2016 nominee for President of the United States on July 18, 2016. Some members of the Stop Trump movement endorsed alternative candidates in the general election, such as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, independent conservative Evan McMullin, and American Solidarity Party nominee Mike Maturen.[7][8]

These efforts ultimately failed when Trump won the general election on November 8. According to exit polls, Trump received 90% of the GOP vote, while Clinton won 89% of Democratic voters.[9]


Trump entered the Republican primaries on June 16, 2015, at a time when Governors Jeb Bush and Scott Walker and Senator Marco Rubio were viewed as the early frontrunners.[10] Trump was generally considered a longshot to win the nomination, but his large media profile gave him a chance to spread his message and appear in the Republican debates.[11][12] By the end of 2015, Trump was leading the Republican field in national polls.[13] Despite Trump’s enduring strength in the polls, his rivals continued to attack each other rather than Trump.[14] In this atmosphere, some Republicans, such as former Mitt Romney adviser Alex Castellanos, called for a “negative ad blitz” against Trump,[14] and another former Romney aide founded Our Principles PAC to attack Trump.[15] After Trump won the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, many Republican leaders called for the party to unite around a single leader to stop Trump’s nomination.[16]

Erickson meeting[edit]

On March 17, 2016, notable conservatives under the leadership of Erick Erickson met at the Army and Navy Club in Washington D.C. to discuss strategies for preventing Trump from securing the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in July. Among the strategies discussed were a “unity ticket”,[17] a possible third-party candidate and a contested convention, especially if Trump did not gain the 1,237 delegates necessary to secure the nomination.[18]

The meeting was organized by Erick Erickson, Bill Wichterman, and Bob Fischer. Around two dozen people attended.[19][20]Consensus was reached that Trump’s nomination could be prevented, and that efforts would be made to seek a unity ticket, possibly comprising U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich.[19]


By political organizations[edit]

Our Principles PAC and Club for Growth were involved in trying to prevent Trump’s nomination. Our Principles PAC has spent more than $13 million on advertising attacking Trump.[21][22] The Club for Growth spent $11 million in an effort to prevent Trump from becoming the Republican Party’s nominee.[23]

By Republican delegates[edit]

In June 2016, activists Eric O’Keefe and Dane Waters formed a group called Delegates Unbound, which CNN described as “an effort to convince delegates that they have the authority and the ability to vote for whomever they want.”[24][25][26] The effort involved the publication of a book, Unbound: The Conscience of a Republican Delegate by Republican delegates Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell. The book argues that “delegates are not bound to vote for any particular candidate based on primary and caucus results, state party rules, or even state law.”[27][28]

Republican delegates Kendal Unruh and Steve Lonegan led an Free the Delegates effort among fellow Republican delegates to change the convention rules “to include a ‘conscience clause’ that would allow delegates bound to Trump to vote against him, even on the first ballot at the July convention.”[29] Unruh described the effort as “an ‘Anybody but Trump’ movement”. According to The Washington Post, Unruh’s efforts started with a conference call on June 16 “with at least 30 delegates from 15 states”. Regional coordinators for the effort were recruited in Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Washington and other states.[30] By June 19, hundreds of delegates to the Republican National Convention calling themselves Free the Delegates had begun raising funds and recruiting members in support of an effort to change Party convention rules to free delegates to vote however they want – instead of according to the results of state caucuses and primaries.[31] Unruh, a member of the convention’s Rules Committee and one of the group’s founders, planned to propose adding the “conscience clause” to the convention’s rules effectively unhinging pledged delegates. She needed 56 other supporters from the 112-member panel, which determines precisely how Republicans select their nominee in Cleveland.[32] However, the Rules Committee voted down, by a vote of 84–21, a move to send a “minority report” to the floor allowing the unbinding of delegates, thereby defeating the “Stop Trump” activists and guaranteeing Trump’s nomination. The committee then endorsed the opposite option, voting 87–12 to include rules language specifically stating that delegates were required to vote based on their states’ primary and caucus results.[33]

By individuals[edit]

Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president in 2012, was a major leader amongst anti-Trump Republicans.

At a luncheon in February 2016 attended by Republican governors and donors, Karl Rove discussed the danger of Trump securing the Republican nomination in July, and that it may be possible to stop him, but that there was not much time left.[34][35]

Early in March 2016, Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, directed some of his advisors to look at ways to stop Trump from obtaining the nomination at the Republican National Convention (RNC). Romney also spoke publicly urging voters to vote for the Republican candidate most likely to prevent Trump from acquiring delegates in state primaries.[36] A few weeks later, Romney announced that he would vote for Ted Cruz in the Utah GOP caucuses. On his Facebook page, he posted “Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.”[37][38][39] Nevertheless, Romney said early on he would “support the Republican nominee,” though he didn’t “think that’s going to be Donald Trump.”[40]

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham shifted from opposing both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, to eventually supporting Cruz as a better alternative to Trump. Commenting about Trump, Graham said “I don’t think he’s a Republican, I don’t think he’s a conservative, I think his campaign’s built on xenophobia, race-baiting and religious bigotry. I think he’d be a disaster for our party and as Senator Cruz would not be my first choice, I think he is a Republican conservative who I could support.”[41][42]In May, after Trump became the presumptive nominee, Graham announced he would not be supporting Trump in the general election, stating “[I] cannot, in good conscience, support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief.”[43]

In October 2016, some individuals made third-party vote trading mobile applications and websites to help stop Trump; for example a Californian that wants to vote for Clinton will instead vote for Jill Stein, and in exchange a Stein supporter in a swing state will vote for Clinton.[44] The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the 2007 case Porter v. Bowen established vote trading as a First Amendment right.

Former Republican Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush both refused to support Trump’s candidacy in the general election.[45][46]

List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

Public officials[edit]

Former Presidents[edit]

Former President George H. W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush

Former 2016 Republican presidential primary candidates[edit]

All candidates signed a pledge to eventually support the party nominee. The following have refused to honor it.

Former federal cabinet-level officials[edit]

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice



Ohio Governor John Kasich


Former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 nominee for President Mitt Romney

U.S. Senators[edit]

Arizona Senator and 2008 nominee for President John McCain


U.S. Representatives[edit]

Nevada U.S. Representative and 2016 nominee for U.S. Senate Joe Heck

Sitting at the time of the Trump campaign

Host of Morning Joe on MSNBC and former U.S. Representative from Florida Joe Scarborough


Former State Department officials[edit]

Former Defense Department officials[edit]

Former National Security officials[edit]

Other former federal government officials[edit]

Former Chief of Staff to the Vice President and founder of The Weekly Standard Bill Kristol

Statewide officials[edit]


State legislators[edit]


Municipal officials[edit]

Other notable individuals[edit]

Republican Party figures[edit]

Ben Shapiro, conservative commentator

George Will, conservative commentator

Conservative academics, journalists and commentators[edit]

Business leaders[edit]

Meg Whitman, current HP and former eBay CEO

Republican groups[edit]

General election opposition[edit]

Portrait of rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
Portrait of rival presidential candidate Gary Johnson
Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson were considered the main alternatives to Trump in the general election.

Trump was widely described as the presumptive Republican nominee after the May 3 Indiana primary,[6] notwithstanding the continued opposition of groups such as Our Principles PAC.[47] Many GOP leaders endorsed Trump after he became the presumptive nominee, but other Republicans looked for ways to defeat him in the general election.[48]Stop Trump members such as Mitt Romney, Eric Erickson, William Kristol, Mike Murphy, Stuart Stevens, and Rick Wilson pursued the possibility of an independent candidacy by a non-Trump Republican.[48]Potential candidates included Senator Ben Sasse, Governor John Kasich, Senator Tom Coburn, Congressman Justin Amash, Senator Rand Paul, retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, retired Army General Stanley McChrystal, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, businessman Mark Cuban, and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney.[48][49] However, many of these candidates rejected the possibility of an independent run, pointing to difficulties such as ballot access and the potential to help the Democratic candidate win the presidency.[48] One potential strategy would involve an independent candidate gaining enough electoral votes to deny a majority to either of the major party candidates, sending the three presidential candidates with the most electoral votes to the U.S. House of Representatives under procedures established by the Twelfth Amendment.[50][51] Some anti-Trump Republicans stated that they would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election.[52]

On May 3, 2016, one of the biggest anti-Trump groups, the “Never Trump PAC”, circulated a petition to collect the signatures of conservatives opposed to voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.[53][54] As of August 19, 2016, over 54,000 people had signed the petition.[55] Gary Johnson‘s campaign in the Libertarian Party attracted attention as a possible vehicle for the Stop Trump movement’s votes in the general election after Trump became the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee.[56][57][58] In late May, Craig Snyder, a former Republican staffer, launched the “Republicans For Hillary PAC”, “aimed at convincing Republicans to choose Hillary Clinton over […] Donald Trump in November.”[59] Also, the grassroots effort, called “Republicans for Clinton in 2016”, or R4C16, joined the effort in defeating Trump.[60]

William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, promoted National Review staff writer David A. French of Tennessee as a prospective candidate.[61][62][63] French opted not to run.[64][65] On August 8, Evan McMullin, a conservative Republican, announced that he would mount an independent bid for president, with support of the Never Trump movement.[66] McMullin was backed by Better for America, a Never Trump group,[67] and was supported by former Americans Elect CEO Kahlil Byrd and Republican campaign-finance lawyer Chris Ashby.[66]


Reactions to the Stop Trump movement were mixed, with other prominent Republicans making statements in support of preventing Trump from receiving the Republican nomination. Following his withdrawal as a candidate for President, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio expressed hope that Trump’s nomination could be stopped, adding that his nomination “would fracture the party and be damaging to the conservative movement.”[68]

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus dismissed the potential impact of Mitt Romney’s efforts to block Trump at the convention.[36] Sam Clovis, a national co-chairman for Trump’s campaign, said that he would leave the Republican Party if it “comes into that convention and jimmies with the rules and takes away the will of the people”.[41] Ned Ryun, founder of conservative group American Majority, expressed concern about a contested convention, should Trump have the most delegates, but fail to reach the 1,237 necessary to be assured the nomination. Ryun speculated that a contested convention would result in Trump running as a third-party candidate, making it unlikely that Republicans would win the presidency in the November general election, adding that it would “blow up the party, at least in the short term”.[69][70]

New Jersey governor Chris Christie expressed his opinion that the efforts to stop Trump will ultimately fail. Relatively shortly after his endorsement of Trump, he criticized the people who condemned his endorsement, including the Stop Trump movement, stating that his critics had yet to support any of the remaining GOP candidates. He said, “I think if you’re a public figure, you have the obligation to speak out, and be ‘for’ something, not just ‘against’ something. … When those folks in the ‘Stop Trump’ movement actually decide to be for something, then people can make an evaluation … if they want to be for one of the remaining candidates, do what I did: Be for one of the remaining candidates.”[71]

Trump said that if he were deprived of the nomination because of falling just short of the 1,237 delegates required, that there could be “problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen” and “I think you’d have riots.”[5][72][73] Trump made prior comments suggesting that he might run as an independent candidate if he were not to get the Republican nomination.[36]

Roger Stone, a political consultant who served as an advisor for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and who remains a “confidant” to Trump,[74][75] put together a group called “Stop the Steal” and threatened “Days of Rage” if Republican party leaders try to deny the nomination to Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.[76][77]Stone also threatened to disclose to the public the hotel room numbers of delegates who oppose Trump.[77]

Developments following the election[edit]

After Trump won the election, two Electoral College electors launched an effort to convince fellow electors who are allocated to Trump not to vote for him.[78]

On December 11, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) wrote on Twitter that the Electoral College should not elect Trump. “We’re 5 wks from Inauguration & the President Elect is completely unhinged. The Electoral College must do what it was designed for.”[79]On December 12, in an interview on CNN‘s New Day, Himes said that he was troubled by several actions by the president-elect. The issue that “pushed me over the edge” was Trump’s criticism of the CIA and the intelligence community. The Congressman did admit that Trump won “fair and square,” but he said that Trump proved himself unfit for public office. He cited the intentions behind the creation of the electoral college and he argued that it was created for an instance such as the election of Trump.[80]

Efforts to persuade more electors to vote against Trump ultimately failed, and Trump won 304 electors on December 19. Trump’s electoral lead over Clinton even grew because a larger number of electors defected from her: Trump received 304 of his 306 pledged electors, Clinton 227 of her 232.

January 2017

Protests during Trump’s presidency

  • January 20 – Fifty women from El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, demonstrated against the proposed wall and the Trump Administration immigration policies by standing on the US/Mexico border, linked by hands and braiding scarves or hair together between 7am and 9am.[290][291] The women were part of an organization called Boundless Across Borders.

Inauguration protests

Several thousands of people, many of them dressed in purple (the symbolic color of anti-bullying) formed a human chain on the sidewalk across the Golden Gate Bridge to peacefully oppose the inauguration of Donald Trump

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Protesters at the inauguration of Donald Trump

A large number of protests were planned in connection with the inauguration of Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America on January 20, 2017.[56] Security preparation for Trump’s inauguration gathered a total of nearly 28,000 security personnel to participate in Washington, D.C.[57] Anti-Trump protesters, mostly dressed in black, attempted to disrupt the inauguration and clashed with police in various parts of downtown Washington D.C.

On the eve of the inauguration, January 19, protestors gathered outside the National Press Building in Washington D.C. where the DeploraBall was held. Although the protest was mostly peaceful, several members threw debris at attendees, hitting one man in the head.[58] Police responded with teargas and pepper spray,[59] scattering the crowd.

On the day of the Inauguration, January 20, a group of around 100 protesters smashed windows of businesses in downtown Washington and tipped over garbage cans.[60] The protesters also blocked entryways to the event and chained themselves to barricades, attempting with little success to prevent Trump supporters from gathering near the inaugural parade route.[57] Along the parade route, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at designated protest sites, waved signs and chanted anti-Trump slogans. Occasional clashes between police and demonstrators occurred,[61] with masked protesters throwing rocks and chunks of concrete at police.[62] Rioting continued late into the afternoon near Pennsylvania Avenue.[63] A limousine was tagged with graffiti, its windows were shattered, and it was later set on fire.[64] The limo was owned by a Muslim immigrant, and its driver was hospitalized.[65] The fire spread to a Fox News crew SUV which was parked behind the limo.[66] 230 people were arrested, and of those, 217 were charged at the federal level with felony rioting, which, if convicted, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.[67] Six officers suffered minor injuries.

Washington, D.C.[edit]

On the eve of the inauguration, January 19, protestors gathered outside the National Press Building in Washington D.C. where the DeploraBall was held. Several protesters threw debris at attendees, hitting one man in the head.[82] Police responded with teargas and pepper spray,[83] scattering the crowd.

Limo smashed in Washington DC

On the day of the Inauguration, January 20, a group of around 100 protesters smashed windows of businesses in downtown Washington and tipped over garbage cans.[84] The protesters also blocked entryways to the event and chained themselves to barricades, attempting with little success to prevent Trump supporters from gathering near the inaugural parade route.[80] Along the parade route, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at designated protest sites, waved signs and chanted anti-Trump slogans. Occasional clashes between police and demonstrators occurred,[85] with masked protesters throwing rocks and chunks of concrete at police.[86] Rioting continued late into the afternoon near Pennsylvania Avenue.[87] A limousine was tagged with graffiti, its windows were shattered, and it was later set on fire.[88] The limo was owned by a Muslim immigrant, and its driver was hospitalized.[89] The fire spread to a Fox News crew SUV which was parked behind the limo.[90] 230 people were arrested, and of those, 217 were charged at the federal level with felony rioting, which, if convicted, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.[91] Six officers suffered minor injuries.[92]


On Friday January 20, 2017, in the morning, anti-Trump protesters blocked the headquarters of Uber in San Francisco because the CEO of the company is seen as a “collaborator” with Trump.[93] Around 16 people were arrested in the demonstration which created human chains to block the offices.[93] Other companies blocked Friday morning in San Francisco were the Wells Fargo headquarters and Caltrain tracks.[93]

In Los Angeles, thousands turned out for a peaceful protest on Friday, despite the rain.[94] Demonstrators rallied outside of Los Angeles City Hall.[95]

LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner[edit]

Artists LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner started live-streaming a planned four-year protest, titled HEWILLNOTDIVIDE.US, at 9 a.m. on the morning of the inauguration on January 20.[96] Participants were invited to deliver the words “He will not divide us” into a camera mounted to a wall “as many times, and for as long as they wish”, in what the artists described as “a show of resistance or insistence, opposition or optimism, guided by the spirit of each individual participant and the community.”[97]The footage was broadcast on a 24/7 feed, which the artists announced would run for four years, or the duration of Trump’s presidency.[96] The initial host of the artwork, the Museum of Moving Images in New York, abandoned their involvement with the project after three weeks, citing public safety concerns.[98] The installation became especially contentious after white supremacists started yelling “1488” to the camera and because of increased “loitering” in the area around the museum,[99]with the museum receiving threats of violence.[96] The artists, meanwhile claimed that the museum had “bowed to political pressure” in ceasing their involvement with the project, adding that there had been no incidents of violence that they were aware of. More than a million people viewed the live-stream before it was shut down.[99] The exhibit relocated on February 18, 2017, to a wall outside the El Rey Theater in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[100]

2017 Women’s March

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the movement as a whole. For an individual listing of protests, see List of 2017 Women’s March locations.
2017 Women’s March
Women’s March on Washington
Part of the women’s rights movement and protests against Donald Trump
Women's March Washington, DC USA 33.jpg

Demonstrators at the Women’s March on Washington in Washington, D.C.
Date January 21–22, 2017
Location Worldwide, with flagship march in Washington, D.C.
Goals “Protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country”[3]

Methods Protest march
Lead figures
Estimated 500,000 people (Washington, D.C., marches)[7]
Estimated 3,300,000 – 4,600,000 in the United States [8]Estimated up to 4.8 million worldwide[9][10][11]
Official websites:

The Women’s March[10][12][13][a] was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, to protect legislation and policies regarding human rights and other issues, including women’s rights, immigration reform, healthcare reform, the natural environment, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, freedom of religion,[17] and workers’ rights. While the march was billed as pro-woman, the rallies were also aimed at Donald Trump, immediately following his inauguration as President of the United States, largely due to statements and positions attributed to him regarded by many as misogynistic or otherwise reprehensible.[10][18] It is the largest single-day demonstration in U.S. history.[19][20] The march drew at least 500,000 people in Washington, and some estimates put worldwide participation at 4.8 million.[9][10][11][21] At least 408 marches were planned in the U.S. and 168 in 81[9] other countries.[22]

The first protest was planned in Washington, D.C., and is known as the Women’s March on Washington.[23] It was organized as a grassroots movement to “send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights“.[24] The Washington March was streamed live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.[25]

Officials who organized the marches later reported that 673 marches took place worldwide, on all seven continents, including 29 in Canada, 20 in Mexico,[10] and one in Antarctica.[26] In Washington D.C. alone, the protests were the largest political demonstrations since the anti–Vietnam War protests in the 1960s and 1970s, with both protests drawing in similar numbers.[27][28] The Women’s March crowds were peaceful, and no arrests were made in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles,[b] New York City, and Seattle, where an estimated combined total of 2 million people marched.[30]

Following the march, the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington posted the “10 Actions for the first 100 Days” campaign for joint activism to keep up the momentum from the march.[31][32]



On November 9, 2016, the day after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States,[33] in reaction to Trump’s election and political views,[c][35] Teresa Shook of Hawaii created a Facebook event and invited friends to march on Washington in protest. Similar Facebook pages created by Evvie Harmon, Fontaine Pearson, Bob Bland (a New York fashion designer), Breanne Butler, and others quickly led to thousands of women signing up to march.[36][37][38][39] Harmon, Pearson, and Butler decided to unite their efforts and consolidate their pages, beginning the official Women’s March on Washington.[36] To ensure that the march was led by women of differing races and backgrounds, Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and Head of Campaign Operations, brought on Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour to serve as National Co-Chairs alongside Bland.[36][40] Former Miss New Jersey USA Janaye Ingram served as Head of Logistics.[41] Organizers stated that they were “not targeting Trump specifically” and that the event was “more about being proactive about women’s rights”. Sarsour called it “a stand on social justice and human rights issues ranging from race, ethnicity, gender, religion, immigration and healthcare”.[4][42] Still, opposition to and defiance of Trump infused the protests,[43] which were sometimes directly called anti-Trump protests.[44]

National co-chairs[edit]

The four co-chairs were Linda Sarsour, the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York; Tamika Mallory, a political organizer and former executive director of the National Action Network; Carmen Perez, an executive director of the political action group The Gathering for Justice; and Bob Bland, a fashion designer who focuses on ethical manufacturing.[4][5] Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and co-president of Okayafrica, serves as Head of Campaign Operations.[40] Gloria Steinem, Harry Belafonte, LaDonna Harris, Angela Davis and Dolores Huerta served as honorary co-chairs.[6][45]

Planned Parenthood partnered with the march by providing staff and offering knowledge related to planning a large-scale event.[46] Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards asserted that the march would “send a strong message to the incoming administration that millions of people across this country are prepared to fight attacks on reproductive healthcare, abortion services and access to Planned Parenthood, [which] hopes that [in the future] many of the protesters will mobilize in its defense when Trump and congressional Republicans make their attempt to strip the organization of millions in federal funding”. The national organizing director stressed the importance of continuing action at a local level and remaining active after the event.[4]

Policy platform[edit]

On January 12, the march organizers released a policy platform addressing reproductive rights, immigration reform, religious discrimination,[47] LGBTQ rights, gender and racial inequities, workers’ rights, and other issues.[1][2] “Build bridges, not walls” (a reference to Trump’s proposals for a border wall) became popular worldwide after the Trump’s inaugural address,[48][49] and was a common refrain throughout the march.[50]

The organizers also addressed environmental issues: “We believe that every person and every community in our nation has the right to clean water, clean air, and access to and enjoyment of public lands. We believe that our environment and our climate must be protected, and that our land and natural resources cannot be exploited for corporate gain or greed—especially at the risk of public safety and health.”[2]


While organizers had originally expected over 200,000 people,[51] the march ended up drawing between 440,000[52] to 500,000 in Washington D.C.[7] The Washington Metro system had its second-busiest day ever with over a million trips taken, second only to the first inauguration of Barack Obama.[53] The New York Times reported that crowd scientists estimate that the Women’s March was three times the size of the Trump inauguration, which they estimate at 160,000 attendees.[51] However, The Washington Post and The New York Times have stated that it is difficult to accurately calculate crowd size[54][55] and other estimates of the Trump inauguration range from 250,000 to 600,000 people.[56][57]

An estimated 3,300,000 – 4,600,000 people participated in the United States[58] and up to 4.8 million did worldwide.[10][9][11][21]

Washington, D.C.[edit]

Name origin[edit]

Logo for the Women’s March on Washington

Originally billed as the “Million Women March”,[59] the organizers eventually chose to call the event the Women’s March on Washington after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a historic civil rights rally on the Mall where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.[60] The rally also paid tribute to the 1997 Million Woman March in Philadelphia, in which hundreds of thousands of African American women are said to have participated.[61]

Logistics planning[edit]

Because of scheduling conflicts at the Lincoln Memorial,[62] a permit was secured on December 9 to start the march on Independence Avenue at the southwest corner of the Capitol building and continue along the National Mall.[63]

By January 20, 2017, 222,000 people had RSVP’d as going to the Washington, D.C., march and 251,000 had indicated interest.[64][65] On January 16, 2017, Fox News reported that authorities were expecting “a crowd of almost 500,000 people”,[66] and the permit for the march issued by the National Park Service was revised by the head of D.C.’s Homeland Security department to half a million people[67]—significantly more than the estimated attendance at President Donald Trump‘s inauguration ceremony the previous day.[68][69]


In late December, organizers announced that over 100 organizations would provide assistance during the march and support the event across their social media platforms.[70] By January 18, more than 400 organizations were listed as “partners” on the March’s official website.[71][72]

Planned Parenthood (which has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act) and the Natural Resources Defense Council were listed as the two “premier partners”.[71] Other organizations listed as partners included the AFL–CIO, Amnesty International USA, the Mothers of the Movement, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the National Organization for Women,, Human Rights Watch, Code Pink, Black Girls Rock!, the NAACP, the American Indian Movement, Emily’s List, Oxfam, Greenpeace USA, and the League of Women Voters.

On January 13, New Wave Feminists, an anti-abortion feminist group, was granted partnership status by the event’s organizers. However, after the organization’s involvement was publicized in a piece in The Atlantic, New Wave Feminists was removed from the partners page on the march’s website.[76] Other anti-abortion groups that had been granted partnership status, including Abby Johnson‘s And Then There Were None (ATTWN) and Stanton Healthcare, were subsequently unlisted as partners as well. Although no longer partners, New Wave Feminists still took part in the official march, alongside other anti-abortion groups such as ATTWN, Students for Life of America, and Life Matters Journal.[d]


The official list of speakers included Gloria Steinem, America Ferrera and Scarlett Johansson. Others speakers were Sophie Cruz, Angela Davis, and Michael Moore, as well as Cecile Richards, Ilyasah Shabazz, Janet Mock, LaDonna Harris, Janelle Monáe, Maryum Ali, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Sister Simone Campbell, Ashley Judd, Melissa Harris-Perry, Randi Weingarten, Van Jones, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Roslyn Brock, Muriel Bowser, Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris, Donna Hylton and Ai-jen Poo.

File:Activist Gloria Steinem Tells Women's March Protesters 'Put Our Bodies Where Our Beliefs Are'.webm

Gloria Steinem addressing crowds at the Women’s March on Washington

Speaking at the march, Steinem commented: “Our constitution does not begin with ‘I, the President.’ It begins with, ‘We, the People.’ I am proud to be one of thousands who have come to Washington to make clear that we will keep working for a democracy in which we are linked as human beings, not ranked by race or gender or class or any other label.”[4]

Ferrera stated, “If we – the millions of Americans who believe in common decency, in the greater good, in justice for all – if we fall into the trap by separating ourselves by our causes and our labels, then we will weaken our fight and we will lose. But if we commit to what aligns us, if we stand together steadfast and determined, then we stand a chance of saving the soul of our country.”[82]

Johansson called for long-term change: “Once the heaviness [of the election] began to subside, an opportunity has presented itself to make real long-term change, not just for future Americans, but in the way we view our responsibility to get involved with and stay active in our communities. Let this weight not drag you down, but help to get your heels stuck in.”[82]

The youngest presenter at the Washington D.C. march, 6-year-old Sophie Cruz, said, “Let us fight with love, faith and courage so that our families will not be destroyed,” and ended her speech saying, “I also want to tell the children not to be afraid, because we are not alone. There are still many people that have their hearts filled with love. Let’s keep together and fight for the rights. God is with us.” Cruz repeated her speech in Spanish.[83]

Alicia Keys performed at the rally saying, “We are mothers. We are caregivers. We are artists. We are activists. We are entrepreneurs, doctors, leaders of industry and technology. Our potential is unlimited. We rise.” Angela Davis said, “We recognize that we are collective agents of history and that history cannot be deleted like web pages.” Maryum Ali also spoke, saying, “Don’t get frustrated, get involved. Don’t complain, organize.”[82]

Calling for participation following the march to maintain the momentum, Michael Moore urged marchers to engage in “100 days of protest” of the Trump administration.[84] He established The First 100 Days of Resistance, a website that offers a plan to implement the marchers’ goals, and asked that people join the coalition “to stop Trump’s hate-filled agenda and continue to advance the cause of racial, social, environmental and economic justice”. Saying the Democratic Party needs new leadership, Moore also urged marchers to run for office.[85]

Pussyhat Project[edit]

Sewn and knit pussyhats being worn on a plane to Washington D.C.

The Pussyhat Project was a nationwide effort initiated by Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman of Los Angeles to create pink hats to be worn at the march for visual impact. In response to this call, crafters all over the US began making these hats using patterns provided on the project website for using either a knitting method, crocheting and even sewing patterns.[86][87] The project’s goal was to have one million hats handed out at the Washington March.[87] The hats are made using pink yarns or fabrics and were originally designed to be a positive form of protest for Trump’s inauguration by Krista Suh. Suh, from Los Angeles, wanted a hat for the cooler climate in Washington, D. C. and made herself a hat for the protest, realizing the potential: “we could all wear them, make a unified statement”.[88] One of the project founders, Jayna Zweiman, stated “I think it’s resonating a lot because we’re really saying that no matter who you are or where you are, you can be politically active.”[87] Suh and Zwieman worked with the owner of a local knitting supply shop called The Little Knittery to come up with the original design. The project launched in November 2016 and quickly became popular on social media with over 100,000 downloads of the pattern to make the hat.[89]

The name refers to the resemblance of the top corners of the hats to cat ears and attempts to reclaim the derogatory term “pussy“, a play on Trump’s widely reported 2005 remarks that women would let him “grab them by the pussy”.[90][91] Many of the hats worn by marchers in Washington, D.C., were created by crafters who were unable to attend and wished them to be worn by those who could, to represent their presence. Those hats optionally contained notes from the crafters to the wearers, expressing support. They were distributed by the crafters themselves, by yarn stores at the points of origin, carried to the event by marchers, and also distributed at the destination.[92] The production of the hats caused a shortage of pink wool knitting yarn.[93] On the day of the march, NPR compared the hats to the “Make America Great Again” hats worn by Trump supporters, in that both represented groups that had at one point been politically marginalized; both sent “simultaneously unifying and antagonistic” messages; and both were simplistic in their conveyances.[94]

Other U.S. locations[edit]

Across the United States, there were a total of 408 planned marches.

United States[edit]

Listed below are 676 marches in the U.S. in support of the 2017 Women’s March.

State Cities Photo Approximate attendance Notes
Womens March on Washington.jpg
500,000[2][3] Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced that he would attend the march instead of the inaugural parade. McAuliffe said he would be marching in Washington with his wife Dorothy, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam and Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.[4]
 Alabama Birmingham 5,000–10,000[5] The march started at Kelly Ingram Park.[6]
Huntsville 100 Protesters assembled on a street corner.[7]
Mentone[8] 70+[9] Protestors assembled at the intersection of Alabama Highway 89 and 117. About 50 people of the total population of 360 showed up.[10]
Mobile 900–1,000[11] Protesters assembled in Public Safety Memorial Park and the march lasted approximately 30 minutes.[11]
 Alaska Adak 10[12] Ten people demonstrated at the westernmost city in the Aleutian Islands.[12]
Anchorage 3,500[12][13] Thousands protested at the Delaney Park Strip.[12]
Bethel 40–80[12][14] Participants had signs in both English and Yup’ik.[14]
Craig 25 “Dozens of people came out for the Women’s March in Craig, Saturday Jan. 21, 2017.” (pics 11, 58, 62-65 of 65)[15]
Cordova[16] 100+[17]
Fairbanks 2,000[18] People rallied in subzero temperatures.[12]
Gustavus[16] 100s (hundreds) [19] The march began at the “Welcome to Gustavus” sign by the airport and ended at the Sunnyside at 4 Corners[20]Approximately 100 of the town’s 400 residents showed up. Photos and video of Gustavus march.[21][22]
Haines[16] 150[13] The march took place in cold and windy conditions.[15][23]
Homer[12] 900[13][24]
Juneau[16] 1,000 Protesters gathered at the Alaska State Capitol.[25][26]
Ketchikan 220[13][27]
Kodiak 330[13][28] Protesters began in the high school parking lot, looped around downtown and ended at the library.[29]
Kotzebue[16] 35–36[citation needed] Photos at blog of march, but number of participants not stated (photos show roughly 35 people). Conditions were extremely cold.[30][31]
Moose Pass 15[15]
Nome 100[13][32]
Palmer[16] 900–1,000[33]
Seldovia[16] 45 [24]
Seward 54–70[citation needed]
Sitka[16] 700[13]
Skagway[23] 112 Organizer Annie Kidd Matsov stated that turnout was much higher than expected.[23]
Soldotna[16] 200–322 Participants started at the library and marched along part of the Kenai Spur Highway that looped back to the library. The march was followed by a community gathering in the library.[34]
Talkeetna[16] 80[13]
Unalakleet 38[12] Demonstrators marched in the village.[12] The temperature in Unalakleet was −40 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill factor.[12]
Utqiagvik (Barrow) Dozens[13]
Valdez[16] 100–140[35]
 Arizona Flagstaff 1,200–2,000[36] Despite nearly two feet of snow, a biting wind and initial guesses that Flagstaff’s ‘March for Love’ would only attract 200 people, the Flagstaff Police Department estimated that up to 2,000 people attended.
Green Valley 400[37] Possibly “the largest rally in Green Valley history”, the rally occupied all four corners and medians at intersection of Esperanza Boulevard and La Canada Drive.[37]
Protestor at Women's March, Phoenix AZ, USA Jan 21, 2017.jpg
20,000[36] The march progressed from the Capitol south to Jefferson, east to 15th Avenue, north to Monroe Street, west to 17th Avenue and back to the Capitol. Speakers at rallies before and after the march included State Rep. Athena Salman (Tempe), U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, disability-rights activist Jennifer Longdon, who noted that moments after Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the White House website was overhauled to remove pages dedicated to disabilities, civil rights, and LGBT issues, Jodi Liggett, Planned Parenthood‘s vice president of public affairs, and Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes.[36]
Prescott 1,200[38] Protesters marched around the Courthouse.[39]
Tucson Tucson Rally Panoramic .JPG.jpg 15,000[36][40][41] The demonstration was peaceful,[36] whith no incidents or arrests reported.[42]
Yuma Scheduled[43] March to be held on February 5 to give time for more local organization.
Other Arizona towns Marches were also held in Ajo, Sedona, Jerome, Gold Canyon, and Bisbee.[36]
 Arkansas Bentonville 500+ Participants gathered in the Bentonville square.[44]
Fayetteville 100+ Hundreds rallied outside of the Washington County Courthouse.[45]
Little Rock 7,000[46][47] Protesters marched to the Arkansas State Capitol Building.
 California Albany 500[48]
Avalon 44[49]
Berkeley 200–1,000[50]
Beverly Hills[51] 250–300[citation needed]
Bishop 580[52]
Borrego Springs 140–150[citation needed]
Burbank 300[53]
Chico 100s (hundreds) “Hundreds” marched through Downtown Chico.[54]
Compton A rally was held in Compton.[55]
El Centro 100 A rally was held at Cardenas Market.[56]
Encinitas 50[57]
Eureka 2017 Women's March.jpg
5,000–8,000[58][59] Thousands Flood Eureka’s Streets in Solidarity With Women’s March on Washington[58] Thousands Gather for Women’s March on Eureka[59]
Fairfax 25–60[citation needed]
Fort Bragg 2,500–2,800[60]
Fresno 2,000[61] Protesters gathered at an intersection in North Fresno.[61]
Gualala[62] 300[63]
Hemet 100+[64]
Kings Beach[65] 500–800[66]
Laguna Beach 100s (hundreds)[67][68]
Long Beach 200[71]
Lompoc 300[72][73]
Los Angeles
Demonstrators fill streets, sidewalks, and plazas on a sunny day. A tall, white building stands in the background.
750,000 The Los Angeles Police Department stated that “well past” 100,000 people attended the march, but did not attempt to make a more specific estimate. Officials stated that the march was the largest in Los Angeles since a 2006 immigration march attended by 500,000 people.[74]The Los Angeles Daily News reported that 750,000 people were in the crowd.[75] Organizers also said that 750,000 people had participated in the march.[76]
Modesto 1,000[77] The march was planned less than a week in advance, and drew a crowd of nearly 1,000 people.[78]
Monterey Bay 1,500[79]
Mt. Shasta 400[80]
Napa 3,000+[81] Protesters lined up roads in downtown Napa.
Nevada City 100[82]
Oakhurst 200[61] Protesters lined the road to Yosemite National Park from Oakhurst, near Madera, California.
Oakland Women's March, 1-21-17 (32328542731).jpg
Ontario 200[84]
Palm Desert < 1,000[85] Merged with the Palm Springs Women’s March.[86]
Palmdale 24[87]
Pasadena 500+[88]
Redding 300[89]
Redondo Beach 1,800[90]
Redwood City 5,000 The rally was “inspired by and held in solidarity with” Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington, organizers said. Joan Baez performed and Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, and state Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo spoke.[91]
Ridgecrest 180–200[92]
Riverside 4,000 Thousands marched along the Downtown Main Street Mall.[93][94]
Sacramento Women's March - Jim Heaphy - 08.jpg
20,000[95] 20,000 Marched from Southside Park to the California State Capitol.
San Bernardino 80[96]
San Clemente 100s (hundreds)[97] One organizer said that 652 had attended.[97]
San Diego
Marchers with signs walk down a street from right to left. Buildings and palm trees stand in the background.
40,000–50,000 Two marches were held. One march in downtown San Diego had an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 attend, and another in neighboring San Marcos, California had an estimated 10,000 attend.[98][99] A march with 50 senior citizens took place at the Seacrest Village retirement center.[100]
San Francisco
Women's March Civic Center.jpg
100,000–150,000[101][102] The rally was held at Civic Center Plaza, where San Francisco City Hall was lit pink in observance of the protest.[103]Performer and activist Joan Baez serenaded the crowd with “We Shall Overcome” in Spanish.[104]
San Jose
San Jose Women's March (32412917466).jpg
San Luis Obispo 7,000–10,000[107] Protesters marched through downtown.[108]
San Marcos 3,000–10,000[109][99]
Santa Ana 20,000–25,000[110][68]
Santa Barbara 6,000 More than 6,000 protestors rallied in De La Guerra Plaza. Both women and men participated.[111][112]
Santa Cruz
15,000+[113] Several people commented that it was the largest march in Santa Cruz history.[114]
Santa Rosa 5,000 People marched through downtown Santa Rosa. Former representative Lynn Woolsey and Representative Jared Huffman spoke.[115]
Seaside 1,500–2,000[79]
2017 Women's March in Sonoma, California - Stierch.jpg
3,000 Marchers proceeded around the historic Sonoma Plaza, blocking traffic for over an hour.[116]
South Lake Tahoe 500–700 Marched from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Stateline, Nevada to South Lake Tahoe Senior Center.[117][118]
Women's March, Ukiah, California.jpg
2,000 Attendees gathered at Alex R. Thomas Jr. Plaza. Joelle Schultz, director of Ukiah’s Planned Parenthood, address the crowd along with local activists.[119]
Vallejo 40 Protesters marched from the Vallejo Ferry Building to City Hall.[120]
Ventura 2,500[121][122]
Visalia 500[123] A demonstration occurred at Blain Park.[61]
Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek Women's March (32092413170).jpg
10,000[124] Streets were closed as thousands marched in downtown Walnut Creek. Speakers included Nancy Skinner, Eric Swalwell, Steve Glazer and Mark DeSaulnier.[124]
Watsonville 300–500[citation needed]
Willits 60[69]
Yucca Valley 100[125]
 Colorado Alamosa[126] 350[citation needed]
Aspen 500[127]–1,000[128] Protesters marched to Wagner Park.[129]
Carbondale 200–300[130]
Colorado Springs 7,000[131] People marched through downtown Colorado Springs.[131]
Cortez 400–504[132]
Crested Butte[133] 350–400[134]
Democracy in Action (32072236320).jpg
100,000–200,000[135] A protest occurred at the Civic Center.[135]
Durango 100s (hundreds)[136]
Glenwood Springs[137] 100[citation needed] “In Colorado, thousands attended a march in Denver, including at least two busloads of women from the Roaring Fork Valley; 200-300 men and women marched in Carbondale; others marched in Glenwood Springs.”[138]
Grand Junction 1,000[139]
Lafayette 66–112[citation needed]
Ridgway 50[citation needed]
Silverton 33[citation needed]
Steamboat Springs 1,000 Protesters started marching at Bud Werner Memorial Library and ended at Third Street. A rally was then held at the Routt County Courthouse.[140]
Telluride[141] 200–1,000[49] Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy noted that half the residents of the town participated.[49]
 Connecticut East Haddam 100–500 Hundreds rallied in East Haddam, near New London, Connecticut.[142]
Hartford 10,000 The march had the support of Governor Dannel Malloy.[143][144]
New Haven 200[145]
Old Saybrook[146] 1,000 Participants marched down Main Street and gathered in front of Town Hall.[147][148]
Salisbury 500[149]
Stamford 5,000 People marched peacefully in Stamford, Connecticut, after a rally in the Mill River Park.[150]The protesters marched around the city blocks surrounding the Trump Parc Stamford building, a building owned by the Trump Organization,[151] in a display of resistance to President Donald Trump’s policies. The number of demonstrators was reportedly four times larger than organizers expected.[150]
 Delaware Lewes 250+ People walked along Lewes Beach in Cape Henlopen State Park in solidarity.[152]
Newark 1,000 People participated in a 2.4-mile march.[153]
Boca Raton 120 A “Stand up for American Values” rally organized by the local Democratic club was held at the corner of Glades Road and St. Andrews Boulevard.[154]
Daytona Beach 100s (hundreds) A few hundred protesters assembled at a bandstand in town and sang Give Peace a Chance.[155]
Fernandina Beach 1,000–1,300[156] The local newspaper gave a “rough estimate” of 1,000 attendees at the downtown march, while the Fernandina Beach police chief estimated 1,300.[156][157] The Fernandina Beach News-Leader wrote that the rally “may have been the largest number of people to participate in a march on Amelia Island since federal troops invaded in March 1862.”[156]
Gainesville 1,500 People rallied along Newberry Road.[158]
Jacksonville 2,000–3,000[159] Thousands marched through the streets to the Jacksonville Landing.[160]
Key West 3,200 Crowds marched down Duval Street to Mallory Square. Marion County Commissioner Heather Carruthers spoke at the event and organizer Jamie Mattingly led the crowds in a rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine.[161][162]
Melbourne 500 A demonstration was held on the Eau Gallie Causeway[163]
Miami Beach[citation needed]
Miami 10,000+ The demonstration at Bayfront Park in Miami, Florida reached capacity of more than 10,000 and demonstrators began flooding the streets.[164][165]
Naples 2,500 Protesters gathered at Cambier Park and then marched through the streets.[166]
New Smyrna Beach 1,000 Protesters marched across the North Causeway.[155]
Ocala 300[167] Rally at the downtown square
Orlando Lake Eola Women's March.jpg 1,000s (thousands)[168] The demonstration was held at Lake Eola Park, in Downtown.[168]
Panama City 500[169] A rally was held at McKenzie Park, followed by a protest march down Harrison Avenue.
Pensacola 2,000[170] A demonstration was held at the Plaza de Luna.
Sarasota 10,000 Author Stephen King participated in the march.[171]
St. Augustine 2,000+[172] Marchers walked across Bridge of Lions and a rally was held in the Plaza de la Constitucion.[173]
St. Petersburg 20,000+ Over 20,000 people marched in downtown St. Petersburg, making it the largest demonstration in the city’s history.[174][175]
Tallahassee 14,000+[176] Over 14,000 people of the capital’s communities showed up to protest. Despite forecasts for heavy rain, the crowd poured into the Railroad Square Arts location before marching up the road to the Florida A&M University Recreation center. Most of the protesters turned out for the march, and due to the small indoor venue, less than a tenth of those attending were able to view the speakers rally. This may be the largest protest in Florida’s capitol history.
West Palm Beach 5,000–7,000[177][178] The event was at the Meyer Amphitheatre.[154]
Georgia (U.S. state) Georgia Athens 700[179] A rally was held at the Classic Center venue near the Athena statue.
Womens-march-07881 (32298946482).jpg
60,000[180] John Lewis attended the Atlanta rally, which saw more than 60,000 march to the Georgia State Capitol.[180]
Augusta 600[181]
Savannah 1,000+ Hundreds of protesters converged upon Johnson and Wright Squares.[182]
Statesboro 200 A march on at Georgia Southern University drew around 200 participants, who marched from Sweetheart Circle to the Rotunda, where they then held a rally.[183]
Zebulon 35 “The 35 folks who braved a storm in Zebulon, Georgia.”[184]
 Guam Hagåtña 100+ Participants marched in the Fanohge Famalao’an: Guåhan March in solidarity.[185]
 Hawaii Hilo 1,500–2,000[186]
Honolulu (Oahu) 3,000–8,000[187][188] Thousands of people marched.[189]
People stand and sit on a green lawn before a sunny sky.
1,500–2,000[190][191] The march was assembled at University of Hawaii Maui College.[192]
Kawaihae 50[193]
Kona 3,000–3,500[194]
Lihue (Kauai) 1,500[195][196]
 Idaho Boise 5,000[197] The march took place in initially heavy snow that turned to rain.
Driggs 1,000+[198][199]
Idaho Falls 500[200]
Ketchum 1,150+[201]
Moscow 2,500+ Titled “Women’s March on the Palouse“, the event was centered in Moscow, ID near Washington State University and University of Idaho. The march started at Moscow City Hall and ended at East City Park.[202]
Pocatello 1,000–1,200[203][204]
Sandpoint 800–1,000[205]
Stanley 30[206]
 Illinois Carbondale 800–1,000[207][208]
Champaign-Urbana 5,000[209] 5,000 people gathered at West Side Park in downtown Champaign.
Women's March Chicago January 21, 2017 (32405023806).jpg
250,000[210] Organizers for the sister march in Chicago, Illinois, initially prepared for a crowd of 22,000.[211] An estimated 250,000 protesters[212] gathered in Grant Park for an initial rally to be followed by a march, with attendance far more than expected.[213] As a result, the official march was cancelled, although marchers then flooded the streets of the Chicago Loop.[214] Liz Radford, an organizer, informed the crowd, “We called, and you came. We have flooded the march route. We have flooded Chicago.”[213]
Elgin 200–1,000
Galesburg 100–500[215]
Maryville 40–50[citation needed]
Peoria 1,500–2,000[216][217][218] The rally was held from 10 am to noon at the Gateway Building.[219] Among the speakers were state representative Jehan Gordon-Booth. A follow-up Facebook group was formed to maintain organization for future rallies.[217]
Rockford 1,000[220] Rally in Downtown.
Springfield 1,000+[221] Dick Durbin spoke to the rally at the Old State Capitol.
 Indiana Evansville 200+ Hundreds gathered at the Four Freedoms Monument along the downtown waterfront on January 20.[222][223]
Fort Wayne 1,000 An estimated 1,000 people rallied in the Allen County Courthouse Square Saturday afternoon to support women’s rights, celebrate diversity and send a message to the White House.[224]
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4,500–5,000[225] The protest at the Indiana State Capitol[226] is the largest rally in recent memory.[227]
Lafayette 800[228] An estimated 800 people rallied at the Tippecanoe County Courthouse.[229]
Paoli 67 Photo showing 67 participants, but no number stated.[230]
South Bend 1,000+[231][232]
St. Mary of the Woods[233] 200 “More than 200 people from Terre Haute and beyond attended the one-hour event.”[234]
Terre Haute 200 Around 200 people protested, first at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, then at the Vigo County Courthouse, and then by a march through Downtown Terre Haute.[235]
Valparaiso 260–500[236]
 Iowa Bettendorf 100s (hundreds) Several hundred people from around the Quad Cities region participated.[237] The crowd overflowed onto the lawn of the United Steelworkers local where the rally was held.[238]
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800–1,000[239] Protesters marched to the Winneshiek County Courthouse.
Des Moines
Des Moines Womens March, January 21 2017.jpg
26,000[240] The march near the Iowa State Capitol included women, men and children supporting women’s rights and healthcare, environmental issues, and immigration[240]
Dubuque 400[241]
Iowa City
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1,000[242] Over a thousand people marched a half-mile to the Old Capitol Building, where State Rep. Mary Mascher, D-Iowa City addressed the crowd.
 Kansas Topeka
Women's March Topeka, KS 2017 (32072046960).jpg
Wichita 3,000 Protesters marched to City Hall.[245]
 Kentucky Lexington 5,000[246]
Louisville 5,000[247] People showed up at Louisville’s Metro Hall for The Rally To Move Forward in Louisville, Kentucky.[247] Congressman John Yarmuth from Louisville was scheduled to speak.[248]
Murray 700[249]
Pikeville 100[250]
 Louisiana Monroe A march was held through downtown Monroe.[251]
New Orleans 10,000–15,000[252]
Shreveport 100s (hundreds) Hundreds of people marched around the Caddo Parish Courthouse in Shreveport to demonstrate their solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington.[253]
 Maine Augusta 10,000+[254] There were 5,000 people registered to attend the rally in Augusta. In fact, 10,000 people attended, making this the largest Women’s March in the state. The crowd assembled for speeches at the State House.[255]
Brunswick 300[256]
Eastport[257] 111[258] “Over 100 people from 13 communities walked in the march in Eastport, which started in front of the schools at 10 a.m. and ended at the Fish Pier parking lot.”[258]
Ellsworth 60[citation needed]
Gouldsboro[259] 25–45[citation needed]
Fort Kent[259] “Another sister march in Portland drew 10,000 marchers, with smaller demonstrations taking place in Brunswick, Sanford, Tenants Harbor, Vinalhaven, Kennebunk, Ellsworth, Eastport, Lubec, Gouldsboro and Fort Kent.”[259]
Kennebunk[257] 100s (hundreds)[260]
Lubec[259] 100s (hundreds) [258]
Monhegan Island 22[citation needed]
Portland Portland Maine Women's March.jpg 10,000+ People marched in one of the largest protest marches ever held in Portland and drew far more people than expected. Portland police said the size of the orderly protest crowd was “of historic proportions”.[261]
Tenants Harbor[259] 50-60[263]
Vinalhaven[257] 76–100
 Maryland Accident 54[264]
Annapolis 1,600[265] People marched along Main Street to the Maryland State House in Maryland’s capital city.[266]
Baltimore 5,000[267] A sister women’s march took place outside of Johns Hopkins University in North Baltimore. Notable figures included former Maryland Senator Paul Sarbanes and State’s Attorney for Baltimore Marilyn Mosby.[268]Additional marchers en route to Washington, D.C., were lined up around the block at Pennsylvania Station waiting for MARC express trains to Union Station.
Frederick 1,000[269] Protestors began marching at Market and Patrick Streets to Carroll Creek Park in Downtown Frederick.[269]
Ocean City 100s (hundreds) Hundreds of protesters marched along the boardwalk to the Division Street Plaza.[270][271]
St. Mary’s City 10[citation needed]
 Massachusetts Boston
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150,000–175,000[272][273][274] A women’s march took place at the Boston Common in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey spoke to the crowd.[275] An estimated 150,000[274] to 175,000[276]people attended.
Falmouth 1,000
Greenfield 2,000+[277]
Martha’s Vineyard 100[278]
Nantucket 400[279]
Northampton 1,000+[280] Over a thousand people marched through downtown Northampton, ending with a peaceful demonstration at Pulaski Park where various local activists gave speeches.
Pittsfield 1,640[281] More than double the number of people that organizer’s expected came to the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield to protest and watch the coverage of the Washington, D.C., march. The event concluded with a staged reading of monologues responding to the election and cultural climate.
Provincetown 300+[282][283] Hundreds marched at the tip of Cape Cod to the MacMillan Pier in Provincetown Harbor.
Wellfleet 113[citation needed] Pictures of the march from participants’ Facebook pages, but number of marchers not stated.[284]
Worcester Low turnout[285]
 Michigan Adrian 130–150[286]
Ann Arbor
Debbie Dingell Ann Arbor Women's March IMG 6788.jpg
11,000 Protesters rallied in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and attended a speech afterwards by U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (pictured) on the University of Michigan campus.[287]
Brighton 300 300 rallied at Brighton Mill Pond.[288]
Clare[289] 24
Detroit 4,000 People protested at the campus of Wayne State University in Midtown Detroit.[290][291]
DouglasSaugatuck 1,200–2,500[292]
Grand Rapids 100s (hundreds) People gathered for a rally at the Fountain Street Church before marching through Downtown to the Rosa Parks Circle.[293]
Grosse Pointe 1,143–1,300
Houghton 500+ People participated in a march across the Portage Lake Lift Bridge between Houghton and Hancock in Michigan’s largely conservative Upper Peninsula.[294]
Kalamazoo 1,000+ The march proceeded from WMU’s campus along West Michigan Avenue to the Kalamazoo Mall downtown.[295]
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10,000 Thousands gathered at the Michigan State Capitol in solidarity of all groups who have been marginalized by the actions of the man now leading this country.
Marquette Michigan participants in the Women's March.jpg
Midland 400 A bus carrying a third of the Tri-Cities‘ Washington, D.C.-bound marchers experienced mechanical problems, which increased the attendance at the downtown Midland protest.[298]
Sault Ste Marie 40[299]
Tecumseh 35
Traverse City 3,000[300]
Ypsilanti[301] 1,500[302]
 Minnesota Bemidji 250–500[303]
Cambridge 22[citation needed]
Duluth 100s (hundreds) People marched through the Skywalk System in Downtown Duluth, filling it from one end to the other.[304]
Ely 50[305]
Grand Marais 100[citation needed]
Longville 67 [303]
Mankato 50[303]
Minneapolis 100s (hundreds)[306] January 20
Morris Women's March (31) (32295853342).jpg
250 A 30-minute march took place around downtown Morris, centralized around the Stevens County Courthouse.[307]
Rochester 600–1,000 A protest was held at Silver Lake.[308]
St. Cloud 40 A rally was held at Lake George on January 20, followed by a protest march down Minnesota Highway 23.[309]
St. Paul
People with flags and signs mill about in front of a statehouse on a butty day.
90,000–100,000[310] People marched to the Minnesota State Capitol from various parts of the city. A spokesman for the St. Paul Police stated it was the largest protest in the city since the 2008 Republican National Convention.[311]
 Mississippi Gulfport 300+ More than 300 people showed up at Cafe Climb on Saturday to take part in the Gulf Coast Sisters Solidarity Rally to support the Women’s March on Washington[312]
Jackson 1,000 People marched from the Mississippi State Capitol to the Governor’s Mansion.[314]
Oxford 450 On the Courthouse Square, attendees built an “action wall” of followup actions.[315]
 Missouri Columbia 2,000 Participants marched from Courthouse Plaza through downtown.
Kansas City 10,000[316] The demonstration was held at Washington Square Park in downtown Kansas City.[316]
Springfield 2,000+ People marched to Park Central Square in downtown Springfield. The parade made its way from the parking lot at Springfield’s municipal court building, across the Martin Luther King Jr. Bridge and over to Park Central Square where several speakers addressed the crowd. The rally touched on political issues in addition to women’s rights. One speaker, Bethany Johnson, a transgender woman, spoke and drew some of the loudest cheers. She also mentioned the 2015 vote that repealed the city’s ordinance banning LGBT discrimination in the workplace. Johnson banged the podium and called on the marchers to contact their politicians.[317]
St. Louis 13,000 People marched peacefully in downtown St. Louis from Union Station to a rally at Luther Ely Smith Square.[318]
 Montana Bozeman[citation needed] 13[citation needed]
Helena 10,000[319] People marched through the city and around the Montana State Capitol.[320][321]
Missoula 80–110[322]
 Nebraska Lincoln 2,000–3,000[323] Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 people gathered outside the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Union. 40 members of the fraternity Phi Gamma Delta held a counter protest by waving Trump flags off their balcony.
Loup City 125+[324] More than 125 people gathered in the town of Loup City, where the town has a total population of just over 1,000 residents.
Omaha 12,000–14,000[325]
 Nevada Las Vegas 5,000+[326] People marched from East Fremont Street, south on Las Vegas Boulevard to outside the Lloyd D. George Federal District Courthouse.[327]
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10,000[326] Protesters marched in Reno, Nevada.[328]
Stateline 500[329]
 New Hampshire Concord 1,000+[330] More than a thousand marches attended the New Hampshire Women’s Day of Action and Unity rally in front of the New Hampshire State House. U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen and others spoke.[330]
Francestown 134[331][332]
Jackson 300
Keene 300[333]
Lancaster 400[334]
Portsmouth 3,000–5,000[335]
Wilton 100–125[citation needed]
 New Jersey Asbury Park 6,000 Protesters marched in Asbury Park, New Jersey.[336]Singer/songwiter Patti Scialfa attended the march as did U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone.[337]
Leonia 250[338]
Mt. Laurel 20[339]
Pequannock Township/Pompton Plains 800–1,000[339][340][341]
Red Bank 200[342]
Sicklerville 200 About 200 people attended a local women’s march in Sicklerville, Camden County, on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017.[343]
South Orange 200[344]
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6,000–7,500 Protesters marched from an overflowing rally in and around the Trenton War Memorial auditorium to another rally outside the State House.[345][346][347]
Westfield 1000s (thousands) Protesters marched in Westfield.[348]
Wyckoff 300–500[338][339]
 New Mexico Albuquerque 10,000 Protesters rallied at the Civic Plaza.[349][350]
Deming 45–50[351]
Las Cruces 1,500 More than 20 groups were involved in the march, which brought out 1,500[352] concerned residents.[353]
Santa Fe 10,000–15,000[354] Thousands of Santa Feans and other northern New Mexicans marched and held signs in a rally that surrounded the Roundhouse.[355]
 New York Albany 7,000+ A crowd of 7,000 exceeded the initial prediction of 2,000.[356]
Binghamton 3,000 The march was held downtown and exceeded initial estimates for the event.[357]
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2,500–3,000 A march in Niagara Square drew demonstrators and local politicians.[358]
Canton 135[359]
Cobleskill 350 Participants gathered on Main Street, then moved to Centre Park.[360]
Cooperstown 200[361]
Delhi 50–120[citation needed]
Fredonia 70[362]
Glens Falls 1,500[363]
Hudson 2,000–3,000[364]
Women's March in Ithaca, New York.jpg
10,000 The demonstration began and ended on the Ithaca Commons.[365]
Lewis County 147–325[citation needed]
New York City
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400,000 In Manhattan, hundreds of thousands marched. The rally began at Trump World Tower and One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (near the Headquarters of the United Nations) and the march proceeded to Trump Tower, Trump’s home.[366][367]The Office of the Mayor of New York City announced that the number of attendees was over 400,000.[368][369]
Oneonta 500[361]
Plattsburgh 200[370]
Port Jefferson 2,000[371]
Port Jervis 350–500[372]
Poughkeepsie 5,000 The march took place on the Walkway over the Hudson.[373]
Rochester 1,000–2,000 The protests were mostly peaceful, but 7 people were arrested for punching a photographer covering the event, and for disrupting the peaceful protests.[374]
Sag Harbor 250[375]
Seneca Falls 10,000 The event started at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park, the Seneca Falls Convention, an early convention on women’s rights in 1848.[376]
Syracuse 2,000 Over 2,000 people gathered at the James Hanley Federal Building.[377]
Utica 100+ Over 100 people gathered in front of Mohawk Valley Community College and the Utica State Office Building to join in the march.[378][379][380]
Watertown 250[381]
Woodstock 1,000 The march ran from the Andy Lee Field parking lot down Rock City Road to Mill Hill Road.[382]
 North Carolina Asheville
Women's March 2017 Asheville.jpg
7,000–10,000[383] A women’s march took place in downtown Asheville, North Carolina. The march began at Park Square and then moved throughout downtown Asheville. Estimated attendance is between 7,000 and 10,000 people making it the largest assembly in Asheville since 2013.[384]
Black Mountain 100s (hundreds)[385] The group marched downtown, from the town square to St. James Episcopal Church.[385]
Charlotte 25,000[386] Lasting from 10 a.m. to noon, attendance was ten times what had been expected, according to event organizers.[387] Some participants came from surrounding communities, including Concord, Rock Hill and Indian Trail. Attendees included Mayor Jennifer Roberts, U.S. Rep. Alma Adams (D-Charlotte) and state Senator Jeff Jackson (D-Mecklenburg). According to the CMPD, the march was peaceful, with no arrests or disturbances reported.[388]
Greensboro 3,000–6,000 Downtown Greensboro[389]
Hillsborough There was a rally in Hillsborough.[390]
Mooresville 70[391]
Morganton 500 People marched down Union Street to the Burke County Courthouse.[392]
New Bern 600[393]
Raleigh 17,000 People demonstrated peacefully at the Raleigh Women’s March. U.S. Representative David Price also attended.[394]
Wilmington 3,000[395] A Women’s March on Washington sister event was held in Wilmington, NC. Taking place at the intersection of Third and Princess streets, the rally began at 10 am and was attended by between 1,000 and 1,500 participants.[396]
Winston-Salem A march was planned from the Parkway United Church of Christ.[397]
  North Dakota Bismarck 500[398]
Fargo < 3,000[399]
Grand Forks 304[400]
 Ohio Chillicothe 1,000 Protesters gathered at the Ross County Courthouse and then marched to Yoctangee Park.[401]
Cincinnati Washington Park Cincinnati.jpg 7,000+[402] The Women’s March started at noon at Washington Park, and after representatives from several civic groups spoke, the march started towards City Hall, and back to Washington Park.[403]
Women’s March in Cleveland (31631117593).jpg
15,000 Protesters gathered at Public Square and then marched through Downtown.[404]
Columbus 3,000 Protesters gathered at the Ohio State House.[405]
Dayton 3,000 Protesters rallied at the Courthouse Square.[406]
Kent 100[citation needed]
Lakeside 300[407]
Mount Vernon 20–30[citation needed]
Toledo 100s (hundreds) “Several hundred” marched across the Martin Luther King Bridge.[408]
Troy 150–200[409]
Wooster 500–1,000[410]
Yellow Springs 250[411]
 Oklahoma Oklahoma City 12,000+ Demonstrations were held in front of the Oklahoma State Capitol.[412]
Tulsa 1,000 A rally was held at the John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park.[413]
 Oregon Ashland 8,000[414] Ashland police estimated 8,000 participants in the Ashland Women’s March.[414][415]
Astoria 100–1,000[416]
Bandon 65[417] Women’s Peace March held Friday, January 20, 2017.[417]
Bend 5,000[418] A rally was held at Drake Park followed by a rally through Downtown.[419]
Brookings[414] 275[420]
Burns[414] 20[citation needed]
Coos Bay 200[421]
Corvallis[422] 100s (hundreds)[422]
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7,000+ 7,000 participate in women’s March in Eugene.[423]
Florence[414] 250–350[424]
Halfway 31[citation needed]
Hood River 200[425]
Joseph[414] 300[426]
Klamath Falls 200[427][428]
La Grande[414] 400[429]
McMinnville 700[430] Photos of march.[431]
Newport[414] 1,500[432]
Pendleton[414] 425[433]
Port Orford 280–300[434][420]
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100,000 People attended the Women’s March on Portland.[435]
Salem 2,000 Governor Kate Brown participated in the march.[436]
Tillamook[414] 300[437]
 Pennsylvania Beaver 100–130[citation needed]
Bethlehem 500[438]
Bloomsburg 40–60
Doylestown 2,000[439] Organizers began planning 6 days before originally anticipating 300 or less attendees.
Erie 2,500[440] A demonstration was held in Penn Square.
Harrisburg 1,100[441] Protesters marched from Kunkle Plaza to the Pennsylvania State Capitol.
Indiana 100–200[442]
Lancaster 100s (hundreds)[443] Crowd gathered in Penn Square
Lewisburg 150–200[citation needed]
Philadelphia 50,000[444][445] The event included an actual march from Logan Square to Eakins Oval, and a rally at Eakins Oval.[446]
Pittsburgh 25,000[447] Marched through the city to Market Square.
Reading 100s (hundreds)[448] Demonstration in City Park
Riegelsville 170[449]
Selinsgrove 120[450] Demonstration at the Selinsgrove Post Office for the Central Susquehanna Valley Region.
Sharon 700[451]
State College 300–500 “The rally (at the Allen Street gates) attracted a couple hundred people.”[452]
West Chester 150–200[453]
 Puerto Rico[454] Mayaguez[citation needed]
San Juan[citation needed]
Santurce[citation needed]
Vieques 200[455]
 Rhode Island Providence 5,000 The R.I. Women’s Solidarity Rally was held on the Rhode Island State House lawn. Governor Gina Raimondo participated.[456][457] Young people from Classical High School spoke to the crowd.
 South Carolina Beaufort An impromptu meeting dubbed “Cookies and Concerns” occurred at a pavilion in the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park where participants had unstructured discussions on current events and issues and were asked to bring cookies to donate to local charities.[458]
CHS women's march brittlebank pano.jpg
2,000+ The Charleston Women’s March began as a convey from nine parking garages downtown and converged at Brittlebank Park at noon. More than 2,000 attended this peaceful rally.[459]
Clemson 500 The marchers followed a route from the Littlejohn Community Center down State 93 to the Strom Thurmond theater on the Clemson University campus.[460]
Columbia 2,000–3,000 “Stand Up” rally for women’s rights and social issues attended by 2,000–3,000 was held in Columbia, South Carolina. The participants gathered at the South Carolina State House grounds and marched to the Music Farm.[461]
Greenville 2,000 A peaceful rally was held at the Falls Park amphitheater in Greenville from noon until 2 pm. Attendance was estimated at 2,000.[460]
 South Dakota Pierre 130[462] Rally in state capital[463]
Rapid City 1,000[464]
Sioux Falls 3,300[465]
Vermillion 500+ Participants marched along Main Street to the Courthouse.[466]
 Tennessee Chattanooga 3,000[467]
Jonesborough 1,000 The Tri-Cities’ rally was held at the Washington County Courthouse.[468]
Knoxville Women's March 01.jpg
2,000 An assembly was held in Market Square.[469]
Memphis 9,000+[470] Marchers gathered at the Judge D’Army Bailey Courthouse and marched 1.2 miles to the National Civil Rights Museum.
Murfreesboro[citation needed]
Signs at Nashville Women's March.jpg
15,000+[471] Participants marched about one mile (1.6 km) through downtown Nashville. The march started at Cumberland Park near Nissan Stadium, crossed the Cumberland River on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, and ended at Public Square.[471]
Oak Ridge 450–550[citation needed] Protests were hosted by the Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church.[472]
 Texas Abilene 200[473] Protesters rallied outside of the Abilene City Hall.
Alpine 96 [49]
Amarillo 500[474] Protesters marched from Ellwood Park to the Potter County Courthouse and back.
Hundreds of people in light clothes, many holding homemade signs, stand in front of several trees and a light stone building.
40,000–50,000[475] The crowd gathered at the Texas State Capitol and marched through the streets of downtown Austin for the Women’s March on Austin. The Austin Police Department estimated that the crowd was about 40,000 to 50,000, becoming the largest march in Texas history.[476][477][478][479]
Beaumont 200[480] Protesters from the Golden Triangle marched for an hour.
Brownsville 300[481]
College Station 50 Dozens marched through the campus of Texas A&M University.[482]
Corpus Christi 24+ Dozens rallied at the Corpus Christi Federal Courthouse.[483]
Dallas 3,000–7,000,[484]10,000[485] Marchers gathered at City Hall and marched through downtown, Deep Ellum and East Dallas.[484]
Denton 2,500[486] A United Denton organized the Women’s March to be held in Denton, Texas. The downtown square was packed by 12:30 pm.[485]
Eagle Pass 60[487]
El Paso 1,000[488] The march ran from Armijo Park in El Segundo Barrio to San Jacinto Plaza in Downtown.
Fort Worth
Hundreds of people stand before and on the front steps of a brown stone building. The sky is blue with light clouds.
5,000–9,000[489] The march began at the Tarrant County Courthouse and moved down Main and back up Houston Street. This was a Unity march that organizers say gives voice to people from “every cross-section of culture”.[490][491][492]
Houston 22,000[493] Starting at the Sabine Street Bridge, protesters marched through downtown to Houston City Hall.[493][494] Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner spoke out during the event.[495]
Lubbock 350 Protesters gathered on the southwest corner of 19th Street and University, at the Timothy Cole statue.[496]
Marfa 80[497]
Midland 50[498] The march was held near Midland Park Mall.[498][499]
Nacogdoches 200–300[500]
San Antonio 1,500 Protesters gathered at San Antonio’s City Hall.[501]
Wichita Falls 150–200 Protesters marched two miles through Wichita Falls.[502][503]
 Utah Bluff 48[citation needed]
Kanab 175[504]
Logan 50[505]
Moab 250–300[506]
Ogden 300[507]
Park City 8,000[508] Celebrities protested at the Sundance Film Festival against Trump and for women’s rights. One of the messages was “Love Trumps Hate”. Celebrities in attendance included Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, John Legend, Kevin Bacon, Chelsea Handler, and Benjamin Bratt. It was supported by Justice Party, Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, Equality Now, Sentry Financial, and other organizations.[509]
Saint George 1,400[510] Southern Utah is largely conservative and anything more than a token protest of a few hundred was not expected.[511]
Salt Lake City[512] 5,700[513]
 Vermont Brattleboro 250[514]
Killington 51–112[citation needed]
Montpelier 20,000[370] Bernie Sanders attended the event.[515]
 Virginia Alexandria 17
Arlington[citation needed]
Charlottesville 1,000s (thousands) “Thousands” rallied at the Ix Art Park.[516]
Floyd[517] 200[518]
Norfolk 2,000 Two groups marched separately with similar messages.[519] Both groups eventually joined up to complete the march together.[citation needed]
Onley 50–70[520][521]
Richmond 2,000[522]
Roanoke 4,000[523] Estimates from crowd higher.[524]
St. John[citation needed]
Staunton 100[525]
Williamsburg 700–1,000[526]
Winchester 700–1,300[527]
Woodstock 400[528]
 Washington Anacortes 1,200[529] Hundreds of men and women took to the sidewalks of downtown Anacortes for a Women’s March focused on equality and unity as night fell on Friday’s Inauguration Day.[529]
Bellingham 5,000 to 10,000[530]
Bainbridge Island 12
Chelan 450[531]
Eastsound 250[532]
Ephrata 250[533] The turnout was three times larger than expected.[533]
Forks 35[534]
Friday Harbor 1,500[535] 200 of the marchers were from the neighboring Shaw, Lopez and Orcas Islands.[535]
Issaquah 56[citation needed]
Kingston 40[536] Near Bremerton, Washington, dozens rallied alongside Washington State Route 104.
Langley 1,000–2,000[537]
Longview 200[538]
Mount Vernon 200[539]
Ocean Shores 150[540]
2017 Women's March at Olympia.jpg
Port Angeles 200[543]
Port Townsend 300[544]
Richland 1,000 Organizers had originally expected 200 participants.[545]
Marchers, most wearing jackets, walk along a street in front of a brick building, carrying signs.
175,000[546] The Women’s March on Seattle march took place from Judkins Park to the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington. Participants filled the entire length of the 3.6-mile (5.8 km) route.[547][548]Sound Transit and King County Metro rerouted many bus routes and added additional Link light rail service in anticipation of disruption to the city’s transportation grid.[549]
Sequim 100 “Organizers estimate more than 100 people attended.”[550]
Spokane 8,000[551]
Twisp 800[552]
Vancouver 150[553]
Vashon 250[554] “Risa Stahl…said one unofficial count was 253 people and 22 dogs, much higher than what she expected.”[554]
Walla Walla 2,000[545]
Wenatchee < 2,000[555]
Yakima 700–1,000 The marchers went from City Hall to a Unitarian Universalist church.[556]
 West Virginia Charleston 3,000[557]
Fairmont 100[558]
 Wisconsin Appleton 3 Two women in town to audition at Lawrence University joined with a solitary demonstrator at Houdini Plaza.[559]
Bayfield 400+[560]
Eau Claire 250[561][562]
Fort Atkinson 200[563][564]
Green Bay 200 Protesters marched over the Ray Nitschke Memorial Bridge.[565]
La Crosse 76–100[citation needed]
75,000–100,000[566] The protest occurred around the Wisconsin State Capitol and along State Street in Madison.[566]

Media related to Madison Women’s March at Wikimedia Commons

Marquette 1,000[567]
Menomonie 400[568]
Milwaukee Women's March - 09.jpg
1,000 Around 1,000 gathered for a march through Milwaukee that ended at a local brewery.[569]
Plymouth 200[570]
Sheboygan 300[570]
Wausau 200+ A supportive march was held in Wausau in rainy weather.[571][572]
 Wyoming Casper 300-1,000[573][574] Approximately 300–500 people marched through downtown Casper, significantly more than the organizers expectations.
Cheyenne 1,500–2,000[575]
Cody 500[576] Photos of march, but no crowd size stated.
Jackson Hole 1,000[198]
Lander 350[577][578]
Pinedale 150[577][578]
Rock Springs[579]


Marches occurred worldwide, with 168 in 81[9] other countries.[22] Officials behind the organization reported 673 marches worldwide, with 20 in Mexico and 29 in Canada.[10]

Country Locations Photo Approximate attendance Notes
 Antarctica McMurdo Station 95[580] About 95 of McMurdo Station’s 800 people marched to Hut Point, the site of the hut of the Discovery Expedition under Robert Falcon Scott. Marchers did not carry signs because nearly all poster materials at the station are U.S. Government property.[580]
Paradise Bay 30[581] People travelled to Paradise Bay for a “pro-peace, pro-environment” march, highlighting the environmental issues that affect the Antarctica climate they feel is threatened by Trump’s stated policies.[581][582]
 Argentina Buenos Aires[583]
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100 People gathered in front of the US embassy in Argentina. The protest was spontaneously organized by an American woman living in Buenos Aires, and joined by many American and Argentinean women and men. Other local political movements also joined, like Las Piqueteras.[584]
 Australia Sydney
Women's March on Sydney passing through Pitt Street Mall.jpg
8,000–10,000[585] Protesters gathered in Hyde Park.[585]Some Australian Trump supporters paid a skywriting company $4,000 to write “TRUMP” in the sky during the march.[586]
Canberra 1,000 Participants gathered in Garema Place.[587]
Melbourne 5,000[588] to 7,000[589] People marched in from the State Library of Victoria to Parliament House.[588]
 Austria Vienna 2,000[587]
 Belgium Brussels 2,000 People gathered at the “Muntplein” in central Brussels.
 Brazil Brasília[583]
 Canada Calgary
Women's March in Calgary (32453883945).jpg
4,000[590] More than thirty events were organized across Canada with at least twenty organized in British Columbia alone.[591]Other cities included: Balfour, Bowen Island, Calgary, Castlegar, Charlottetown, Courtenay, Edmonton, Fredericton, Gabriola Island, Grand Forks, Halifax, Hamilton, Kamloops, Kelowna, Kingston, Kootenay Bay, Lethbridge, London, Montreal, Nanaimo, North West River, Orangedale, Ottawa, Prince George, Revelstoke, Roberts Creek, St. Catharines, Saint John, Salmon Arm, Salt Spring Island, Saskatoon, St. John’s, Sutton, Sydney, Timmins,[592] Tofino, Victoria, Winnipeg, and Yellowknife.[593][594][595]Hundreds of Canadians are estimated to have travelled to Washington, D.C., to attend the rally.[596][597] A number of Canadians heading to the United States to attend other protests and rallies were turned away at the Canada–United States border.[598][599] In at least one case border agents went through the individual’s email and Facebook before denying him entry.[598]
Edmonton 2,000[600]-4,000[601]
Montreal 5,000[602]
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Women's march to denounce Donald Trump, in Toronto, 2017 01 21 -at (31614004284).jpg
Ya goof! (31605832784).jpg
Victoria 2,000[608]
 Chile Santiago[583]
 Colombia Bogotá[583] 150[609]
 Costa Rica San José[583]
 Czech Republic Prague 700[610] People gathered in Wenceslas Square in freezing weather, mockingly waving portraits of Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin, as well banners that read “Love Trumps Hate”.[611][612]
 Denmark Copenhagen 5,000[613] Protesters marched from the US-embassy to the parliament.[613]
 Finland Helsinki 100s (hundreds)[614] Gathered in Kamppi Square in solidarity to defend women’s rights and the environment. They emphasized that these issues concern all people, not only Americans or women. The organizers’ slogan was “When there’s nothing you can do, you can not just do nothing.” The rally included members of parliament Ozan Yanar, Ville Niinistö, Eva Biaudet, and Paavo Arhinmäki.[614]
 France Auvillar [615]
Bordeaux 300
Montpellier 1500[616]
Nice [615]
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7,000+[617] There were also protesters for women’s rights in Bordeaux, Marseille, Nice, and Toulouse.[582]
Strasbourg 500[618]
Toulouse 700
Marseille 200
 Georgia Tbilisi[583]
 Germany Berlin, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Heidelberg and Munich
Frankfurt Women's March 2017 - Altstadt.jpg
3,750+ 2,100 in Frankfurt, 600 in Munich, 500 in Berlin, and 800 in Heidelberg[619][620][621][622]
File:21 January 2017 - Hamburg - Democrats Abroad - We the People - A March for American Democracy - Women s March - Sister March.webm
Given as “Bad Homburg auf der Höhe” on the website, but actually at the U.S. Consolate General
 Ghana Accra[583]
 Greece Athens 100–1,000+ Protesters marched in the streets of Athens for human rights, women’s rights, and refugee rights. Large numbers of refugees and children joined the protests. Signs had Anti-fascism and pro-immigrant slogans and chants echoed those around the world in condemning far right agendas and the need for the equality of women. Crowds gathered first at Syntagma Square then marched to the U.S. Embassy in Athens.[582][623][624]
 Hungary Budapest[583]
 Hong Kong Hong Kong[583] 20+ Individual groups banded together in unofficial mini movements across Hong Kong.
 Iceland Reykjavik 200[625]
 India Over 20 cities including Bangalore, Kolkata, and New Delhi Marched in solidarity against the issue of rape, as well as following the Women’s March itself. The protests and marches also used the hashtag #IWillGoOut.[626][627][628]
 Indonesia Yogyakarta 100s (hundreds) Women gathered in the city of Yogyakarta to promote peace and women’s rights.[629]
 Iraq Erbil 100s (hundreds) A group of demonstrators in Iraqi Kurdistan, both locals and expats, met at the Erbil Main Square Citadel on Saturday night to show their support for women’s rights.[630]
 Ireland Galway 250–300 A crowd of around 250 to 300 people gathered in Eyre Square in Galway in the afternoon. Attendees heard calls for a united front to counter the impact of the new US administration.[631]
Dublin 1000s (thousands) Thousands gathered to march down O’Connell Street.[632] Though the march was originally planned to conclude with a rally at the General Post Office, crowds became so large it had to be moved to Parnell Square.[633] The march was organized by the Abortion Rights Campaign, Amnesty International Ireland, European Network Against Racism, ROSA,[634] and The Coalition to Repeal the 8th, and supported by groups such as the National Women’s Council of Ireland and the Union of Students in Ireland. Events also took place in Castlebar.[632]
 Israel Tel Aviv 400–500 Protestors gathered outside the U.S. Embassy. The local time accommodated the local Sabbath observance as well as the time zone difference. The majority in attendance were American Israelis, along with immigrants from other Anglophone countries and native Israelis. Chanting in Hebrew and English and holding signs, the protests aimed at Trump also included opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s policies, particularly the occupation of the Palestinian territories.[635]
 Italy Florence[583]
Rome 100s (hundreds) Protesters gathered outside the Pantheon in Rome. Their messages included “Women’s rights are human rights” and “Yes we must”.[582]
 Japan Tokyo 650 Protestors, mostly expats and women, marched in Tokyo’s Hibiya Park, far exceeding the 150 who registered. The event was organized by Erica Summers, a Los Angeles resident who was traveling abroad at the time of the March of Washington, with assistance from Democrats Abroad.[636]
 Jordan Amman 30+ Women held workshops in the city of Amman to promote women’s rights and tolerance.[629]
 Kenya Nairobi
Women's March (VOA) 23.jpg
700[637] Women, men and children from Kenya and around the world marched in Karura Forest[638] to support women’s rights, human rights and social justice, and in solidarity with the nearly 700 other Sister Marches around the world. Marchers mobilized to make demands of the Kenyan government, while also calling on the new US government and governments around the world to reject policies that limit women’s rights.[citation needed] The march was endorsed by a wide range of Kenyan and international civil society organizations including the Amnesty International Kenya, the Centre for Rights Awareness and Education (CREAW), the Coalition for Grassroots Human Rights Defenders, the Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW), the Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya, Her Voice Kenya, Human Rights Watch, the Kenya Human Rights Commission, Kenya Sex Worker Alliance (KESWA), Minority Women in Action, the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC), and the World March of Women – Kenya Chapter.[citation needed]
 Kosovo Pristina 100s (hundreds) In Pristina, capital of the largely Muslim former Yugoslav republic of Kosovo, a few hundred protestors, mostly women, joined a protest against the new Trump administration.[582][610]
 Latvia Riga 200[639] In Riga, the capital of Latvia, approximately 200 people gathered to march from the Polish Gate through the Old Town, ending at the Freedom Monument.[640]
 Lebanon Beirut 30+ A women-led event consisting of dialogue and action workshops was held in Lebanon in lieu of a public rally.[630]
 Lithuania Vilnius 120 Approximately 120 people attended Sister March Vilnius.[641]
 Macau Macau[583] 100 Groups of people gathering around Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança in Taipa, Macau.
 Malawi Lilongwe[582]
 Mexico Mexico City 100s (hundreds)[642] A demonstration was held at the United States Embassy, followed by a large march went from to the Angel of Independence by Mexicans and Americans, who protested against President Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who has only a 12% approval rating. They called for gender equality and women’s rights.[582][643]
 Myanmar(Burma) Yangon (Rangoon) Dozens Because political circumstances would not permit a march, dozens of people instead attended a “solidarity picnic”.[644]
 Netherlands Amsterdam
Amsterdam Women's March L1003135-Edit (32399726686).jpg
The Hague 100s (hundreds)[646] Protestors walked from Maliveld to the US Embassy.[646]
 New Zealand Auckland 2,000 Because of time differences, the first marches held were in New Zealand. Around 300 to 400 protesters reportedly also attended rallies in Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.[647][648]
Dunedin 400[649] Dunedin had 400 people eager to march in solidarity with their U.S. sisters.
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 Nigeria Jos Protesters gathered in Jos, Plateau State and marched to the state’s House of Assembly to demand the passage of a gender equality bill that has been stalled.[651]
 Norway Oslo 2,000 Likewise, hundreds of people marched in Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø.[652]
 Peru Lima[583]
 Philippines Manila 500+ Marched in front of the US Embassy in Manila. Protest was led by leftist feminist group GABRIELA Women’s Party. Aside from women’s rights issues, the march also protested American imperialist and neoliberal policies.[653][654][655]
 Poland Gdańsk[656]
Kraków 100 Participants gathered in front of the US Consulate.[657]
 Portugal Lisbon, Porto
Marcha das Mulheres no Porto DY5A0982 (32484930135).jpg
500+ Marched next to the embassy of the United States of America.[659] Likewise, marches happened in Porto, Coimbra, Braga and Faro.[660]
 Scotland Edinburgh 2,000[661] Leah Higgins and Calum Stewart, both 16, organized the Women’s March through social media, invited people to protest against the alleged sexism, racism and homophobia of the newly inaugurated US leader.[662]
 Serbia Belgrade[583]
 South Africa Cape Town 500[663] Women gathered at Company’s Garden for a solidarity march with the Washington protesters.[664] In addition to questioning Trump’s leadership, one of the messages was “Climate change is a women’s issue”.[582]
 South Korea Seoul 1,000 Protesters gathered and marched in the snow.[665]
 Spain Barcelona
Women's march Barcelona.jpg
700 Approximately 700 protesters gathered in Barcelona.[666]
Granada Dozens[667]
Madrid 50 Protesters gathered at the US Embassy to show international solidarity against Trump’s “homophobic, xenophobic, and racist” policies.[668]
 Sweden Stockholm 1000s (thousands) Gathered at Norrmalmstorg for a solidarity march.[669]
Åre 50–60[670] A protest on cross-country skis took place.[670]
  Switzerland Geneva 3,000 Marched across the Pont du Mont-Blanc bridge and along the Lake Geneva shoreline.[671]
 Tanzania Dar es Salaam 220 The march occurred on Msasani Road and promoted Women’s Health and Safety in Tanzania.[a]
 Thailand Bangkok[583] Dozens
 United Kingdom London[673]
Women's March London - Garry Knight.jpg
100,000 Protesters marched 2 miles (3.2 km) in London from Grosvenor Square in Mayfair, past the US embassy and onto Trafalgar Square.[673][582][674] Speakers included Sandi Toksvig and Yvette Cooper.[675]Issues included women’s, workers’, and LGBT rights, as well as Brexit.[582]
Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, York and Southampton 1000s (thousands)

Political figures

U.S. Senator Cory Booker and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry attended the Washington march.[95][96] Anne-Marie Slaughter, president of New America and former Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. State Department, attended the New York City march.[97] John Lewis attended the Atlanta rally, which saw more than 60,000 march to the Georgia State Capitol.[98]

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont delivered a speech at the march in Montpelier in front of the Vermont State House, as did other Vermont political figures, such as former Governor Madeleine Kunin and current Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman.[99]


Celebrities who participated in marches across the United States included:


In Richmond, Virginia, attendees of the March on Washington participated in an “Art of Activism” series of workshops at Studio Two Three, a printmaking studio for artists in Scott’s Addition.[128]

In Los Angeles, Amir Talai was carrying the sign “I’ll see you nice white ladies at the next #blacklivesmatter march right?” to express frustration at the lack of participation by Caucasians in the Black Lives Matter movement, and simultaneously hopeful of encouraging them to do so. The photo of Talai with the sign went viral over the internet.[129]



While the march aims to create a social movement, Marcia Chatelain of Georgetown University’s Center for Social Justice commented that its success will depend on the marchers’ ability to maintain momentum in the following weeks. “One of the goals of any type of march or any type of visible sign of solidarity is to get inspired, to inspire people to do more. And the question is, at the march, what kind of organizational structures or movements will also be present to help people know how to channel their energy for the next day and for the long haul?”[130] Historian Michael Kazin also commented on the importance of a long-term strategy: “All successful movements in American history have both inside and outside strategy. If you’re just protesting, and it just stops there, you’re not going to get anything done.”[130]

In the aftermath of the protest, museum curators around the world sought to gather signs and other cultural artifacts of the marches.[131]

Following a gag order placed on the Environmental Protection Agency, scientists began to plan their own march on Washington.[132][133][134]


On January 4, 2017, columnist Shikha Dalmia noted that “Feminists are confusing Trump’s threat with themselves”.[135]

The New York Post Editorial Board asked if the event might be “cursed”, writing, “The three white feminists who thought up the idea felt obliged to change that title after they faced charges of ‘cultural appropriation'”.[136]

Us Magazine noted social media posts and a petition criticizing the march for having left Hillary Clinton’s name off a list of 27 honorees who “paved the way” for equal rights.[137]

The organizers’ decision to make Angela Davis a featured speaker was criticized from the right by Humberto Fontova[138]and National Review.[139] Libertarian journalist Cathy Young wrote that Davis’s “long record of support for political violence in the United States and the worst of human rights abusers abroad” undermined the march.[140]

Time Magazine honored the Women’s March on the cover of their February 8th issue by featuring a single Pussyhat with the title, Resistance Rises: How a March Becomes a Movement. [141]


John Lewis at the Atlanta Women’s March

Many members of the U.S. House of Representatives announced that they would not attend Trump’s inauguration ceremony, with the numbers growing after he made disparaging remarks about veteran House member and civil rights leader John Lewis. Some of them said they would attend the Women’s March.[142]

Maine Representative Chellie Pingree said she would instead visit a Planned Parenthood center and a business owned by immigrants on Inauguration Day before going to Washington to appear on stage with other politicians who refused to attend. “We need to do everything we can to let the incoming administration know we are not happy about their agenda. I’ve had unprecedented numbers of my constituents calling me worried about healthcare, the environment, public education, and they feel disrespected,” she said.[143]

On January 22, 2017, Trump wrote on his Twitter personal account: “Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn’t these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.” Two hours later, he sent a more placatory tweet: “Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don’t always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.”[144][145] Meanwhile, the Trump administration criticized the March for not welcoming anti-abortion members, and criticized Madonna‘s comment that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House”.[146]

Senator Bernie Sanders, who attended the March in Montpelier, Vermont,[147] said Trump should listen to the protesters: “Listen to the needs of women. Listen to the needs of the immigrant community. Listen to the needs of workers. Listen to what’s going on with regards to climate change … Modify your positions. Let’s work together to try to save this planet and protect the middle class.”[148] Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, offered her support on Twitter, called the march “awe-inspiring” and stated, “[I] hope it brought joy to others as it did to me”.[149]

Following a tweet that offended other lawmakers and the public, Bill Kintner resigned from his position as Nebraska State Senator.[150]


Musician Bruce Springsteen, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and was a friend to Barack Obama, gave a speech during his concert in Australia, saying “The E Street Band is glad to be here in Western Australia. But we’re a long way from home, and our hearts and spirits are with the hundreds of thousands of women and men that marched yesterday in every city in America and in Melbourne who rallied against hate and division and in support of tolerance, inclusion, reproductive rights, civil rights, racial justice, LGBT rights, the environment, wage equality, gender equality, healthcare, and immigrant rights. We stand with you. We are the new American resistance.”[151][152]

Cindi Lauper commented on Madonna’s controversial speech at the Washington march saying, “Anger is not better than clarity and humanity, that is what opens people’s minds. When you want to change people’s mind, you have to share your real story.”[153]


Speaking on January 20, Naomi Klein said, “it is significant that it seems that [Donald Trump is] going after programs for violence against women.” She stated she believes that it is important for people to demonstrate their concern about the new administration’s “drive to denigrate women.” She also said that it was important that the women who organized the march included a large number of women of color.[154]


Following the march, the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington posted the “10 Actions for the first 100 Days” campaign to keep up the momentum from the march.[31] The first action includes contacting senators about concerns, with an option of using “Hear Our Voice” postcards.[155] A new action will be provided every 10 days.[156]

Filmmaker Michael Moore has called for 100 days of resistance, for Trump’s first 100 days of his presidency.[157]


The 2017 Women’s Marches took place in cities around the world since January 21, 2017, with the goal of promoting women’s rights, immigration reform, and health care reform; to counter Islamophobia, rape culture, and LGBTQ abuse; and to address racial inequities (e.g., Black Lives Matter), workers’ issues, and environmental issues.[1]

Not Just Ferguson: Protests Scheduled for 83 Cities, “Direct Action Trainings” Held for Protesters

Melissa Melton
The Daily Sheeple

 It doesn’t matter what the grand jury decides now. Fear and anger are very powerful weapons and everyone who has allowed the powers that (shouldn’t) be to steer their emotions on this one has taken the bait.

Everyone knows the government, with its lapdog mainstream media in lockstep, has whipped up the Ferguson situation into a total frenzy.fergusonnationalresponsenetwork

The cops have stocked up on nearly $200k worth of riot gear, less-lethal ammunition and the like. Ferguson residents have been advised to go get guns because the cops won’t be able to protect them all from what’s coming. Firearm sales in the area have skyrocketed. Everyone is on edge.

Missouri’s governor has now preemptively declared a 30-day state of emergency and called out the National Guard — and the grand jury hasn’t even made it’s decision yet!

Basically, it’s on.

Ferguson, however, is not the only city set to hold protests immediately following the Darren Wilson grand jury announcement.

Actually, they aren’t even being referred to as protests anymore. They are now being called “planned responses.”

A Tumblr page for something called the “Ferguson National Response Network” has posted a very organized list with graphics for each location (which must have taken a lot of time and effort) detailing these “planned responses” that have been scheduled for a total of 82 cities across the U.S. and one in Canada after the grand jury announces their decision (something which, if it’s as scripted as the rest of this situation has been and continues to be, will be expertly timed with the holidays coming up).

Organizers are also holding something called “direct action trainings.”


Here’s what that looks like:


The organizers have also released a list of 19 “Proposed Rules of Engagement.”

Wow. Just wow. This is not your average civil disobedience. Martha Stewart has thrown less organized birthday parties than this. There are White House functions with less planning and training involved.

Anyone else get the sense that this whole thing has been co-opted? Think about it.

When you’re mad about something that’s wrong with the system, what do you do if you want to protest it? You pull out a black marker, get a poster board, call up your friends, maybe send out a few Tweets or Facebook messages, then you find a corner and start protesting.

You don’t get so angry with the system that you first a) write a proposed rules of engagement list, b) start fundraising campaigns, c) set up highly coordinated protests in 83 cities, d) coordinate mass informational meetings and finally e) hold direct action trainings then get ready to protest.

What average, random person has the time and money to pull off all that off properly?

Sure people have been protesting this for months now, but still. What monster has Ferguson now mutated into? Who is ultimately behind it, driving the agenda?

Many of the people who showed up to protest in Ferguson from the beginning were coming from out of town. There were definite provocateurs among the crowds trying to incite violence.

At this point, people are apparently quitting their jobs and flocking to Ferguson to devote all their time and energy to this.

A little over a week ago, The Washington Post ran an article titled, “Ferguson protest organizers: ‘I sleep, eat and breathe this.’”


Here’s an excerpt:

But a common thread runs through some of the most influential organizers. They are black, relatively new to civil rights activism and technologically savvy, masters of social media. Using Twitter, Vine and Instagram, they mobilize their peers, document every twist and turn, and annotate history in real time.

New to activism, huh? And yet, wow, they just so happen to be influential, savvy tech masters of social media who know how to mobilize everyone? No, that doesn’t stink of George Soros-funded phony color revolution stuff at all… (That was sarcasm, of course.)

On the same day as the WP article came out, The Daily Sheeple published an article about the fact that cops kill an average of THREE PEOPLE EVERY DAY in this country.

Three people a day!

Where’s the outrage from all Americans on all sides, all races, colors and creeds, on the bigger police state growing all around all of us EVERY SINGLE DAY in America? Where are the organized protests for all those who have died at the hands of an ever-increasing, ratcheted up tyrannical system enslaving us all?

There is a highly organized, scripted, funded, targeted agenda playing out in Ferguson, and people are basically falling for it.

The list of cities set for these “planned responses” to the Darren Wilson grand jury decision is below. If you live near one of these things, heads up.

When this all goes down, it’s not going to be pretty…which is exactly the way the people ultimately engineering this situation want it. Can you say “martial law?”

  1. Albany, NY,
  2. Albuquerque, NM,
  3. Atlanta, GA,
  4. Austin, TX,
  5. Baltimore, MD,
  6. Bangor, ME,
  7. Beavercreek, OH,
  8. Blacksburg, VA,
  9. Boston, MA,
  10. Buffalo, NY,
  11. Carbondale, IL,
  12. Chapel Hill, NC,
  13. Chattanooga, TN,
  14. Chicago, IL,
  15. Cleveland, OH,
  16. Columbia, MO,
  17. Columbus, OH,
  18. Dallas, TX,
  19. Denver, CO,
  20. Des Moines, IA,
  21. Detroit, MI,
  22. Durham, NC,
  23. Ferguson, MO,
  24. Gainesville, FL,
  25. Grand Rapids, MI,
  26. Greensboro, NC,
  27. Greenville, NC,
  28. Grinnell, IA,
  29. Houston, TX,
  30. Indianapolis, IN,
  31. Iowa City, IA,
  32. Jackson, MI,
  33. Kansas City, MO,
  34. Kennesaw, GA,
  35. Lawrence, KS,
  36. Lexington, KY,
  37. Longview, TX,
  38. Los Angeles, CA,
  39. Louisville, KY,
  40. Meadville, PA,
  41. Memphis, TN,
  42. Milwaukee, WI,
  43. Minneapolis, MN,
  44. Mobile, AL,
  45. Monpelier, VT,
  46. Monroeville, OH,
  47. Nashville, TN,
  48. New London, CT,
  49. New Orleans, LA,
  50. Newark, NJ,
  51. Northampton, MA,
  52. NYC, NY,
  53. Oak Ridge, TN,
  54. Oakland, CA,
  55. Olympia, WA,
  56. Oshkosh, WI,
  57. Phoenix, AZ,
  58. Philadelphia, PA,
  59. Pittsburgh, PA,
  60. Portland, OR,
  61. Providence, RI,
  62. Raleigh, NC,
  63. Rochester, NY,
  64. Rocky Mount, NC,
  65. San Diego, CA,
  66. Santa Barbara, CA,
  67. Seattle, WA,
  68. South Hadley, MA,
  69. Spring Valley, NY,
  70. Springfield, MA,
  71. St. Paul, MN,
  72. St. Petersburg, FL,
  73. Stroudsberg, PA,
  74. Tallahassee, FL,
  75. Tampa, FL,
  76. Toledo, OH,
  77. Toronto, Canada,
  78. Tucson, AZ,
  79. Washington, D.C.,
  80. West Hartford, CT,
  81. West Palm Beach, FL,
  82. Williamsburg, VA,
  83. Worcester, MA,

UPDATE: Curiously, Obama has announced that he’s going to be in Las Vegas on Friday (when the media has hinted the grand jury decision might come) after he announces his amnesty decision. Las Vegas is, ever so coincidentally, not on this list…in fact, Nevada isn’t even on this list, period.

– See more at: