Why Do Our Media Support Palestinian Terrorists?


Why Do Our Media Support Palestinian Terrorists?


What on Earth is so wrong with the mainstream media in the United States that it can somehow find “equivalency” between the terroristic assaults Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip have ordered against Israel and what that beleaguered country is doing to defend itself?

And in many cases, the hand-wringing, condescending blowhards in our media don’t just blame both sides equally. No, they’ve somehow decided that Israel is the real culprit in the case.

But it is not Israel that is using its civilians, including children, as a human shield for waging war. It is not Israel that has hidden its rockets and mortars in schools, hospitals and civilian homes — and then ordered civilians not to leave the area.

It is not Israel that uses ambulances to disguise its armed combatants, as it moves them from place to place.

It is not Israel that has built dozens of tunnels under the border between the two areas and that uses them to transport weapons of war. Israeli forces have even captured Hamas infiltrators emerging from a tunnel carrying tranquilizers and handcuffs. Apparently, they were hoping to kidnap some Israeli civilians or soldiers, so they could demand another prisoner exchange. (Back in 2011, Israel agreed to trade 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier who had been kidnapped by Hamas.)

On Sunday, Hamas said it would extend a temporary cease-fire that both sides agreed to on Saturday for another 24 hours. But later that afternoon, it resumed firing rockets into Israel, claiming that Israel demonstrated “a lack of commitment” to the cease-fire.

I think you’ll agree that it’s hard to show a commitment to peace when rockets are raining down on you. The Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement: “Following Hamas’ incessant rocket fire throughout the humanitarian window, which was agreed upon for the welfare of the civilian population in Gaza, the IDF will now resume its aerial, naval and ground activity in the Gaza Strip.”

Thus far, Israeli authorities say that Hamas has launched more than 2,200 rocket attacks against them. Happily, most of them have been stopped by Israel’s very sophisticated Iron Dome defense system. Still, rocket attacks are a constant danger in the country.

The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting Sunday night and passed a resolution calling for “an immediate and unconditional cease-fire in Gaza.” The resolution also called for both sides to agree to “a comprehensive peace based on the vision of a region where two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace with secure and recognized borders.”

Lots of luck getting the leaders of Hamas to agree to that. The group was founded to promote the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Heck, even the U.S. State Department recognizes that it is a terrorist organization. It is not about to change its objectives or its methods of operation because the U.N. Security Council has issued another meaningless piece of paper.

Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, said it was remarkable that the Security Council could pass a resolution that “miraculously managed not to mention Hamas, or rockets, or Israel’s right to defend its citizens.” And he added, “The equation is simple. When it is quiet in Israel, it will be quiet in Gaza.”

And so the fighting and bloodshed continue.

There is a lot about this situation that is absolutely appalling. But one thing I have to admire is Israel’s determination to protect its own citizens. I have often wished that our own government would demonstrate a fraction of Israel’s fortitude and resolve.

Wouldn’t you be a lot prouder of your country if it did?

Until next time, keep some powder dry.



Hamas Co-Founder’s Son: Israel ‘Fighting on Behalf of…
Hamas Co-Founder’s Son: Israel ‘Fighting on Behalf of the Free World’

Israel Grants Oil Rights Inside Illegally Occupied Golan Heights Syria: To Rupert Murdoch And Jacob Rothschild.

By :http://politicalvelcraft.org

Constructing A Palestine, Israeli False Flag Campaign!

The Rothschild zionists along with their coconspirators, The British government, and British royalty confiscated Palestine for Rothschild, and the Georgian Khazars who are no more Hebrew Jewish than the man in the moon.
  1. Israel Has Lots Of Oil ~ Washington Times!
  2. Israel Richest Oil Country In The World ~ Omega Letter
  3. Israel’s Giant Off-Shore Oil and Gas Field Israel National News!
  4. USGS identifies potential giant oil and gas fields in Israel/Palestine

Levant_Fig1_Press release


  1. The Cyprus Bailout Pits East vs. West: European Union Is All About World War III.
  2. U.S. Can Learn From Cyprus Environment Commissioner: National Launching Of GMO-Free Zone Campaign
  3. Rothschilds Attacks Russian Cyprus Holdings: Russia Launches Surprise Large-Scale, 36 Warship Military Exercise In The Black Sea

They have no religious, or other background to make claim on the land, but Rothschild and the British knew about the oil and made sure they supported Rothschild in his claim for Israel.

They never do anything for just one reason, so add to the fact that International Khazar Jewrys’ influence in America was great and Britain needed America in the war as its [bulldog]…. THE LIED TO CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES DO THE BIDDING OF THE RICH AND SHAMELESS!

Richard Henry Lee


Roman Catholic opposition to Rothschild’s Israel contributed to the Rothschilds violent hatred of America’s, China’s, & Russia’s large Catholic Christian populations.  Catholic Church vs New World Order

Hubert Herring in his book “And So To War” sums up the price the U.S. had to pay so that the Rothschild Zionists & Britain might have Palestine:

  1. “We paid for the war. We paid with the lives of 126,000 dead, of 234,300 mutilated and wounded. 
  2. We paid with the dislocated lives of hundreds of thousands whom the war wrenched from their accustomed places in a peaceful world. 
  3. We paid in the imponderable damage to our national morale through the lashings of war hysteria. 
  4. We paid with a period of economic confusion from which we have not yet escaped. The direct bill for the war reached the figure of fifty-five billions of dollars. The indirect bill can never be reckoned.”

The Roman Catholic Pope was against this entire mess [Letting Rothschild Create An Israel]. He knew full well, the Rothschild Khazars hated Christians and that was proven out in the 1917 Rothschild/Lenin Russian Revolution where Christians were slaughtered by the millions by the khazar barbarians.


The International khazar Jewry cut a deal and the Balfour Declaration was the result. What Balfour left out was that nothing the British did or said could obscure the fact that Palestine was not theirs to give, nor did the British Government have the slightest right to secure a mandate for Palestine.

But Balfour, backed by Nathan Rothschild, pressed ahead anyway, as if the two men had an inherent right to act in the arbitrary manner which they saw fit.

Vatic Project


palestine land

Rothschild’s Black Gold Empire: Shut Down America’s Oil Production And Buy From Rothschild.

The victims of Gaza: A list of Palestinians killed in Rothschild Israel’s ongoing assault

By: Chloé Benoist
As Israeli forces began their assault on the Gaza Strip, Israel’s leaders and media ramped up a rhetoric offensive, using dehumanizing discourse to garner support for deadly military action in the besieged Palestinian territory.

Operation “Protective Edge” – Israel’s latest military offensive to be given a name with nurturing undertones after “My Brother’s Keeper” and “Pillar of Defense” – has already killed at least 43 Palestinians and bombarded more than 400 locations in the Gaza Strip in less than 48 hours.


Netanyahu: I Won’t Be Silenced On Rothschild’s Security.

Despite the intensity of the Israeli assault on Gaza, Israel’s politicians are framing the military operation as one they entered against their will. An estimated 200 [NWO Hamas] rockets have been fired from Gaza [To Foment Destruction Of Palestine For Rothschild Control] since Tuesday, but there have been no recorded Israeli casualties.

Despite the intensity of the [Rothschild] Israeli assault on Gaza, Israel’s politicians are framing the military operation as one they entered against their will.

“We are not eager for battle, but the security of our citizens and children takes precedence over all else,” NWO Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

An Israeli official quoted by The Jerusalem Post lamented that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas could not “influence his [NWO Muslim Brotherhood] Hamas partners to exercise restraint and stop kidnapping and murdering Israeli teenagers and sending rocket barrages into Israel.”

“That sort of restraint would have prevented the current crisis,” he added. *Yawn*

Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

  1. Out Of Chaos: Comes Dead Conspirators!
  2. The New World Order is “Communism”: Also Known As Rothschildism Or More Bluntly Robbery!

The implication of these statements are that [Rothschild’s NWO] Hamas has forced Israel into launching a full-scale military operation against them, conveniently ignoring the recent crackdown on the West Bank after the disappearance of three Israeli youths, which Israel blamed on Hamas without providing evidence to back its claims.

In an op-ed titled ‘Send Gaza to the Stone Age’ published on Wednesday, Israel Hayom’s Editor-in-Chief Amos Regev praised the Israeli government for “the levelheadedness, restraint and sound judgment it exhibited before ordering the Israel Defense Forces [sic] to launch Operation Protective Edge,” calling for a ground operation in Gaza to be “carried out with determination and clenched lips, with the knowledge that this is a war of no choice.”

Israel, its leaders would have you believe, is reluctantly entering an open conflict out of a sense of duty, once again indulging in the self-victimizing rhetoric that all Israeli military actions are defensive or retaliatory.

Israel’s enemy, once again, is Hamas, and Zionist political figures have stepped up their eliminationist discourse.

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon called for the destruction of Hamas.

“We are continuing to carry out attacks that are exacting a heavy price from Hamas,” Yaalon said. “We are destroying its arms, terrorist infrastructure, command and control systems, institutions, government buildings, terrorists’ homes, and we are killing terrorists in the organizational high command.”

Other politicians echoed the sentiment.

“A sovereign state cannot allow for a bunch of terrorists to run its life; we must cut off the head of the snake and for every Hamas man to know that his blood is upon his head,” Shas party leader Aryeh Deri tweeted on Wednesday.

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon took it one step further, calling on Israel Wednesday to cut off fuel and electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip.

Neither Yaalon, Deri or Danon have acknowledged the human cost of such actions on Gaza, an enclave already suffering because of the crushing Israeli siege and already struggling with fuel and electricity shortages.“It is inconceivable that on the one hand we fight Hamas and on the other we provide fuel and electricity that are used to transport missiles that are fired at us,” Danon said. “We are in a campaign against Hamas, which is firing missiles at Israel’s citizens.”

Neither Yaalon, Deri or Danon have acknowledged the human cost of such actions on Gaza, an enclave already suffering because of the crushing Israeli siege and already struggling with fuel and electricity shortages. Nor did they mention the loss of civilian life which is the inevitable consequence of wide military actions in such a densely populated territory.

Israeli leadership, however, has repeatedly emphasized the plight of Israeli civilians. Israeli news outlets have dutifully reported every siren sounded in Israeli towns since the beginning of Operation “Protective Edge” and lamented the closure of some Israeli summer camps.

Cara Lebenzon, a blogger for The Times of Israel penned a post berating those who have spoken out against Israel’s attacks, saying “I would actually argue we are TOO nice to Hamas and the people of Gaza. I’ve never heard of a single country on earth that supplies their mortal enemies with water, goods and electricity on a daily basis, have you?” For these folk, Palestinians are not people entitled to basic human rights, and an assault on Gaza is not only warranted, but long overdue.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have bombarded Twitter with stylized graphics trying to garner sympathy for the fearful Israeli population who must run to bomb shelters — conveniently ignoring Palestinians’ lack of shelters during its deadly air raids.

The IOF has also shared an image which it claims is representative of Hamas’ own visual campaign to convince civilians stand in as human shields. The graphic, available only on IOF social media platforms, could have been created by the IOF’s own design team, purportedly standing as “proof” of Hamas’ treachery instead of showing actual existing Hamas posters.
The argument about Hamas forcing people to stand as human shields is one Israel regularly trots out, despite the fact that such claims have been dismantled in the past, and that the IOF is itself guilty of using such tactics repeatedly.


Last Lap Dance Of Obama, Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, And The 5-Year Plans Of Banksters!

But the “human shield” argument is a convenient excuse for Israeli forces to continue with tactics that they know full well will lead to many civilian casualties while rejecting any responsibility for these deaths. Palestinians living in Gaza are not granted the luxury of being considered innocent civilians in Israeli rhetoric; dead Palestinian men, women and children are all guilty of standing in the way of Israeli weapons, despite the fact that there is nowhere to run in the open-air prison that is Gaza.

Dehumanization of Palestinians and demonization of the Palestinian struggle are essential tools of the Israeli military machine in order to continue justifying expansive military action while maintaining its discourse of victimization.

Follow all the latest updates on Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.

English Al-Akhbar

Israel Grants Oil Rights Inside Syria To Murdoch And Rothschild

Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild. This from a 2010 Genie Energy press release:

Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”

Rothschild Mafia Family

“I am grateful to Howard Jonas and IDT for the opportunity to invest in this important initiative,” Lord Rothschild said. “Rupert Murdoch’s extraordinary achievements speak for themselves and we are very pleased he has agreed to be our partner. Genie Energy is making good technological progress to tap the world’s substantial oil shale deposits which could transform the future prospects of Israel, the Middle East and our allies around the world.”

For Israel to seek to exploit mineral reserves in the occupied Golan Heights is plainly illegal in international law.

Japan was succesfully sued by Singapore before the International Court of Justice for exploitation of Singapore’s oil resources during the second world war.

The argument has been made in international law that an occupying power is entitled to opeate oil wells which were previously functioning and operated by the sovereign power, in whose position the occupying power now stands. But there is absolutely no disagreement in the authorities and case law that the drilling of new wells – let alone fracking – by an occupying power is illegal.

Rothschild Standing Kissinger Sitting Far Right. Antitrust their currency hoarding.

Middle East Rothschild Banking Puppet Regimes Are Collapsing: Kissinger’s Petrodollar Going Down!

Israel tried to make the same move twenty years ago but was forced to back down after a strong reaction from the Syrian government, which gained diplomatic support from the United States. Israel is now seeking to take advantage of the weakened Syrian state; this move perhaps casts a new light on recent Israeli bombings in Syria.

In a rational world, the involvement of Rothschild and Murdoch in this international criminal activity would show them not to be fit and proper persons to hold major commercial interests elsewhere, and action should be taken.

Craig Murray – Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist – http://www.craigmurray.org.uk


  1. The Syrian Golan
  2. Why Rothschild Hates Syria ~ Oil In Syria’s Golan Heights ~ Which Was Illegally Annexed By Rothschild’s Israel Forces.
  3. January 22, 2014 “Information Clearing House – Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothschild.
  4. President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Army Crushes Rothschild’s NWO Terrorists In Aleppo; More Areas Liberated.

British Petroleum Orchestrated Oil Chaos!

Related Articles:

Gaza conflict July 14th to the 29th

IRELAND: Israeli Embassy outrages Muslims and Leftist sympathizers with campaign that warns “You’ll be next!”

The Israeli Embassy in Dublin has posted a factual but highly controversial series of posters on its Facebook page, warning Western European cities that they are fast becoming increasingly Islamic, while extolling Israel as ‘the last frontier of the free world.’


UK Telegraph  The extraordinarily creative images, which the Irish media was quick to condemn as “grotesque,” included Michelangelo’s statue of David wearing an Arab headrag and with an explosive belt wrapped round his torso. Accompanying the slogan were the words “Israel now, Italy next”.

Another, addressed to Ireland, showed Dublin’s famous Molly Malone statue covered by a full-length black burqa, while a fourth featured what appears to be an armed militant perched on a seaside rock and bearing the words: “Israel now, Denmark next”.

Similar posters were used for different cities, with the same warning going to Paris, accompanied by an image of the Mona Lisa wearing the Muslim garment.

Egypt destroys 13 more Gaza smuggling tunnels…that’s in addition to the more than 1,600 they’ve already demolished since Mohamed Morsi’s ouster


Border guards of the Second Field Army demolished 13 tunnels under the Rafah Border Crossing between Egypt and Gaza, bringing the total number of tunnels ruined to 1,639, military spokesperson Mohamed Samir announced on the Egyptian Armed Forces’ Facebook page. They also seized a truck carrying 68 packs of carcinogens agricultural pesticides.

The Cairo Post  Border guards of the Third Field Army also seized three trucks carrying 187 kilograms of the drug bangoplant and 60 kilograms of raw opium. Tunnel trade is almost worth $10 billion a year, including smuggling of all kinds of goods and commodities, former director of the Armed Forces Center for Research and Strategic Studies Hossam Sweilem told The Cairo Post Sunday.


Sweilem said the Islamist Palestinian movement Hamas formed a committee to follow up on the affairs of the tunnels as well as determine the appropriate tax on each smuggled goods and collecting these taxes from the owners of these tunnels. This committee is responsible for granting licenses required to open new tunnels. “The tunnel trade became the major source of income and wealth for Gaza’s government treasury,” Sweilem said.

Hamas is using their tunneling to smuggle weapons, goods, funds, natural gas, diesel, cigarettes, and cement, Youm7 reported Wednesday. Economists anticipated that over 15 percent of Hamas’ budget came from the tunnel trade, in addition to the taxes imposed on goods and funds received by Hamas from Iran and Syria.


Many of alleged Hamas militants have been arrested, including ousted President Mohamed Morsi, in trials for organizing jailbreaks and storming police stations during the January 25 Reovlution in 2011 that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak.

As a part of his effort to protect Egypt from all those who harm its security, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi issued a presidential decree to toughen up punishment against anyone involved in digging tunnels or constructing roads and routes on the border to be used for purposes that are against the law, Presidential Spokesman Ehab Badawy said on July 3. “Rigorous imprisonment is the penalty for those digging tunnels around border areas,” the new decree stated.


Since the ousting Morsi in July, Egypt-Hamas ties have been strained since armed forces have destroyed smuggling tunnels at the Gaza-Egypt border. Cairo has accused Hamas of ties with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in carrying out terror attacks in the past few years but Hamas has repeatedly denied all accusations.

On March 4, the Cairo Court for Urgent Matters banned any activities of Hamas within Egyptian territories. “Hamas has no existence in Egypt,” Hamas leader and deputy head of foreign affairs Ghazi Hamad told The Cairo Post via telephone in March.

Below video is from Hamas-supporting Iranian Press TV


told-ya-so-egypt-is-publicly-supporting-israel-and-hoping-they-will-destroy-hamas-once-and-for-all woo-hoo-with-the-muslim-brotherhood-now-crushed-egypt-puts-hamas-in-its-crosshairs egypts-newly-elected-president-abdel-fattah-al-sisi-disses-barack-hussein-obama-by-declining-his-invitation-to-a-summit-in-washington-dc egypt-plans-to-attack-gaza-if-hamas-continues-to-back-sinai-terrorist-insurgents while-the-world-is-focused-on-syria-the-egyptian-army-continues-to-cleanse-sinai-of-hamas-and-other-islamic-terrorists algeria-hamas-supporting-islamists-condemn-egyptian-president-al-sisi-for-being-an-enemy-of-allah egyptian-news-anchors-epic-shoe-rant-against-hamas-qatar-and-turkey courageous-egyptian-declares-that-he-stands-with-israel egyptian-media-applaud-israels-gaza-offensive egypt-several-egyptian-tv-hosts-mock-and-malign-hamas-leaders

‘PALLYWOOD’ films an alleged Israeli “atrocity” that got picked up by many in the Mainstream Media


The far leftist pro-Hamas International Solidarity Movement took part in the making of this ‘Pallywood’ Israeli atrocity in Gaza. Be sure to watch what follows the filming of the ‘atrocity’ to see it totally discredited.

THE STORY that accompanied  the fake video as reported by several in the MSM went something like this:

A young Palestinian has allegedly been killed by an Israeli sniper as he searched through rubble for his family after heavy shelling. The man had been rescuing casualties and was hunting for his own relatives when he was shot twice in Gaza City, according to a TV crew from activists the pro-Palestine International Solidarity Movement.

Member Muhammad Abdellah said: “Israeli soldier sniper hit him in his hip, so he laid down. And I started to ask him ‘can you move?’ But he said ‘no, I cannot move, my blood is going everywhere’.’’ Moments later, with the activists unable to reach him for fear of being shot themselves, the man was seen taking a second bullet. Mr Abdellah said: “I guess it was in his heart, because he was dying in front of our eyes.”

SHOCKER! Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid defends the state of Israel against Hamas

I guess this would be considered throwing Obama under the bus?

By BareNakedIslam Posted in Say WHAT

HAMAS Spokesterrorist: ” Israel Has reached only a fraction of the tunnels”

All the more reason for Israel to level Gaza.

MEDIA FAIL! Blaming Israel for bombing Gaza hospital and refugee camp when it was Hamas-launched rockets that fell short and hit Gaza

The Gaza Strip’s main hospital and the third largest Palestinian refugee camp were both struck by failed rocket attacks launched by Gaza terrorists, the Israel Defense Forces said today.


WND Aaron Klein  (h/t Frederic F) The rockets were aimed at Israeli residential neighborhoods near the Gaza Strip but fell short and hit Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital and the Al-Shati refugee camp instead, a senior IDF spokesperson said.

Several major media outlets immediately reported Israel was behind the strikes just outside the Al-Shifa hospital, based solely on Palestinian claims and before any official IDF reaction.


NBC News was the first English-language media outlet to run with the story reporting from Gaza that “Israeli strikes hit within yards of Gaza’s main hospital as well as at a refugee camp on Monday, leaving at least 30 dead and wounded.”

The lead sentence stated as fact that Israel was behind the strikes.


NBC News added in the second sentence the attack near the Al-Shifa Hospital “caused some damage to the outpatient clinic, according to witnesses including an NBC News crew on the ground in the area.”

Canada’s CBC News reported: “Israeli airstrikes hit the compound of Gaza City’s main hospital and a nearby park Monday, causing casualties, according to the Gaza police operations room and a Palestinian health official.”


The CBC did not report that the Gaza police force and the territory’s main health ministry are run by Hamas.

Israel in the 1980s refurbished the hospital as part of an outreach effort to improve relations with Palestinians. Part of the Israeli reconstruction included a large underground cement basement with room for offices.

Muslim Cleric says: “Egypt should annex Gaza and lead Arab armies in the extermination of the Jews”

Uhhh…I guess he hasn’t been paying attention to Egypt’s public support for Israel in its current conflict with Hamas. (See links below)


told-ya-so-egypt-is-publicly-supporting-israel-and-hoping-they-will-destroy-hamas-once-and-for-all woo-hoo-with-the-muslim-brotherhood-now-crushed-egypt-puts-hamas-in-its-crosshairs egypts-newly-elected-president-abdel-fattah-al-sisi-disses-barack-hussein-obama-by-declining-his-invitation-to-a-summit-in-washington-dc egypt-plans-to-attack-gaza-if-hamas-continues-to-back-sinai-terrorist-insurgents while-the-world-is-focused-on-syria-the-egyptian-army-continues-to-cleanse-sinai-of-hamas-and-other-islamic-terrorists algeria-hamas-supporting-islamists-condemn-egyptian-president-al-sisi-for-being-an-enemy-of-allah egyptian-news-anchors-epic-shoe-rant-against-hamas-qatar-and-turkey courageous-egyptian-declares-that-he-stands-with-israel egyptian-media-applaud-israels-gaza-offensive egypt-several-egyptian-tv-hosts-mock-and-malign-hamas-leaders

Courageous Egyptian declares that he stands with Israel

He may be a lone voice, but there are a lot of Egyptians standing with Israel now, including the President of Egypt. The Western media refuse to report this.



egyptian-news-anchors-epic-shoe-rant-against-hamas-qatar-and-turkey egypts-newly-elected-president-abdel-fattah-al-sisi-disses-barack-hussein-obama-by-declining-his-invitation-to-a-summit-in-washington-dc algeria-hamas-supporting-islamists-condemn-egyptian-president-al-sisi-for-being-an-enemy-of-allah egyptian-media-applaud-israels-gaza-offensive egypt-several-egyptian-tv-hosts-mock-and-malign-hamas-leaders told-ya-so-egypt-is-publicly-supporting-israel-and-hoping-they-will-destroy-hamas-once-and-for-all woo-hoo-with-the-muslim-brotherhood-now-crushed-egypt-puts-hamas-in-its-crosshairs egypt-plans-to-attack-gaza-if-hamas-continues-to-back-sinai-terrorist-insurgents while-the-world-is-focused-on-syria-the-egyptian-army-continues-to-cleanse-sinai-of-hamas-and-other-islamic-terrorists

Did you know that the United Nations has been supplying Hamas terrorists with food and other dry goods?

IDF troops discovered large bags of UNRWA supplies in a massive Hamas terror tunnel underneath Gaza, that was dug 25 meters deep to withstand airstrikes.

Elder of Ziyon  In these bunkers they found large bags of UNRWA aid. Clearly UNRWA doesn’t hand out these large sacks of rice and other goods directly to Gazans, these sacks could only be obtained from UNRWA employees themselves – who are clearly part of the Hamas tunnel digging teams.

Can everyone say bunker buster?

unrwatun1 unrwatun2

ISRAEL: Arab Muslim ‘Hit and Run’ Jihad at Israeli bus stop

Palestinian Arab driver intentionally drives into a crowd of Jews in Gush Etzion, then speeds away.

BCF (h/t SusanK)   As you can see in the video, the Arab driver swerved into a group of people, mostly women and girls standing at a Gush Etzion Junction bus stop. One woman, 20, was injured in the attack, and was taken to Hadassah Ein Karen hospital. The driver drove off and was captured south of Gush Etzion. The footage was captured by the security camera overlooking the bus stop.

Al-Jazeera Analysis of Gaza casualties in Operation Protective Edge – as of July 25th


Here is the latest based on the 627 names listed at Al Jazeera, and taken from the Gaza Health Ministry.

IsraellyCool  Note that this analysis eliminates duplicated names found, and delineates those whose age or gender was not identified, in order to make the analysis as accurate as possible.


What this analysis indicates even more clearly than the previous two is how even those numbers provided by the Gaza Health Ministry do not support claims that Israel is targeting civilians or indiscriminately killing them, and do support IDF claims that we are trying to pinpoint the terrorists. How else do you explain:

  • The highest demographic category of those killed being young males of fighting age (18-28) – 32% (73% x 44%)
  • Over 42% of those killed have been males of age 18-38 (i.e including others who could very well be combatants)
  • When compared to the overall population of Gaza, a disproportionately high percentage of young to middle age males have been killed
  • Despite comprising approximately 50% of the population, the percentage of women killed is 21%.
  • Despite comprising  approximately 50% of the population, the percentage of children under 14 killed is 15%.





Bear in mind also that some of these casualties were likely not killed by Israeli strikes (e.g. killed by Hamas’ rockets landing in their own territory, or killed as “collaborators”).


The trashing of Paris by Muslim savages continues

Where are the police? Where is the military? Muslims are invading your country. Lock and load.

ISRAEL WILL WIN…if only Obama can restrain himself from helping Hamas terrorists

netanyahuobamaphone-viBut we know the chances of that are slim to none. Slandered, despised, insulted, degraded, Israel is nonetheless winning its war against Hamas. The number of rocket attacks launched by the terror group each day has been halved. The IDF is uprooting the underground tunnels Hamas uses to smuggle weapons, contraband, and terrorists in and out of the Gaza Strip.

Free Beacon  On Wednesday evening, Israel’s Channel Two newscast carried footage of Hamas terrorists surrendering to the IDF. The jihadists carried white flags. They stripped to their shorts, proving they were not wearing suicide belts. These are facts Hamas does not want you to know, images Hamas does not want you to see.


And you probably won’t see them (except at BNI). Since the evening of July 17, when Israel launched its ground offensive, Western media has been filled with Hamas propaganda. In the United States, the debate over the conflict is invariably couched in terms favorable to Hamas: Are civilian casualties too high? Is it safe to fly into Ben-Gurion airport? Has the IDF targeted schools and hospitals? One MSNBC anchor calls Israel, which abandoned Gaza in 2005, the“occupying authority.” Another praises a “gutsy” Israeli, who refuses to serve in her nation’s military.

On CNN, the Islamist Turkish prime minister says Israel has “surpassed what Hitler did.” A CNN reporter calls Israelis “scum”; a NBC reporter tweets a scurrilous article calling U.S. Jews who join the IDF “America’s Israeli jihadists”; and a writer for Gawker says it’s time to send the Jews back to Germany. Reporters once embedded with military forces. Now the talking points of a military force—the talking points of Hamas—are embedded in the U.S. media.


And yet the immediate danger to the success of this necessary war does not come from the electronic intifada. It does not come from resurgent anti-Semitism, or the United Nations Human Rights Council, or the failure of so many Western elites to recognize the causes of this war, their inability to distinguish between a democratic country struggling to protect its people and a terror state using children as hostages. Hate, law-fare, decadence—they are all challenges for Israel. But Israel can endure them for now. Israel is used to it.


What Israel should not endure is the premature conclusion of hostilities. Disarming Hamas—seizing its rocket caches, collapsing its tunnels, killing and capturing its forces—is vital to Israeli security. And an artificial ceasefire imposed by outside powers, a ceasefire written in terms favorable to Hamas, would undermine the security gains Israel has made to date. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have given no sign that they recognize this fact. Or maybe they understand it all too well: The Obama administration’s top priority is imposing a ceasefire at exactly the moment when Israel’s military success is becoming clear.


Secretary Kerry arrived in Cairo earlier this week. No one wanted him there. Egypt’s ruler, General Sisi, has no interest in saving Hamas through international diplomacy: The Muslim Brotherhood is his mortal enemy. Kerry then went from Cairo to Jerusalem, where he met with U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon, who flew to the meeting on a plane chartered by Qatar, Hamas’ primary source of cash. Kerry also met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is too gracious to tell the secretary to go back to Boston. (Israel’s former ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, has said publicly what the Israeli government will not: Kerry is an unwelcome guest.) Next up was Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, who honored Kerry’s presence by endorsing Hamas’s call for a “Day of Rage” in the West Bank. Kerry “will soon decide if Hamas and Israel are willing to agree on a Gaza ceasefire,” Reuters says.

Kerry will decide? Who died and made him king?

There is no ceasefire in Gaza because a ceasefire is in no one’s interest. Israel’s objective is clear: degrade Hamas’ capability to fire rockets at Israeli civilians and attack Israeli communities from underground. As for Hamas, its interest is irrational, macabre, and deranged, but no less obvious: Promote itself as the leader of the worldwide struggle against Zionism and Judaism, while ensuring collateral damage that will foment outrage at Israel. That is why Hamas stores weapons in schools, why its military headquarters is in the basement of a hospital. Hamas is not interested in minimizing pain. Hamas wants to maximize it.


Who wants a ceasefire? Obama and Kerry. They need the diplomatic victory after the failure of their misguided and poorly executed bid to reconcile the irreconcilable. The president’s approval rating on foreign policy is abysmal. A ceasefire might help the American people forget, just for a moment, that their president has failed to influence events in Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq, let alone advance American interests overseas. Since he became president, Israel is the one country in the world in whose affairs President Obama has seemed at all interested in intervening. It is the one country whose politics and actions Obama has had no trouble judging harshly. Next to golf, it’s his favorite pastime.


Who wants a ceasefire? Qatar. The sheikhs who bankroll the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Jazeera, and Hamas would see their status rise. A ceasefire would lend credence to the theory that the traditional Sunni powers—Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia—have been eclipsed both by Shiite Iran and by Brotherhood-friendly Sunnis in the Gulf and Turkey. Having lost Egypt and possibly Gaza, the Brotherhood finds itself on the precipice. A Qatari-backed ceasefire that does not include disarmament of Hamas would pull the movement back from the abyss.


“One of the results, one would hope, of a cease-fire would be some form of demilitarization, so that again, this doesn’t continue, doesn’t repeat itself,” said Tony Blinken, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, to NPR. Onewould hope so. Indeed, actual demilitarization—not hoped for, not partial—is exactly what the IDF is doing now, block by block, tunnel by tunnel. Why is the administration trying to stop it? Is a ceasefire that leaves Hamas with its arsenal really more desirable to them than another week of war?


This is not the time for President Obama and John Kerry to play to type, to promote bad agreements for self-satisfaction, for political gain. If they won’t stand behind Israel, they should at least get out of the way. And let the IDF finish the job.

IDF reports: Hamas morale collapsing as fighters flee their positions

An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier in the field told the Jerusalem Post that while Hamas fighters offered fierce resistance when the ground operation began, now Hamas operatives are fleeing, abandoning their positions, leaving behind weapons that the IDF is using to expand its assault on the terror group.

IDF soldiers rolling into Gaza

Breitbart  The source added that in recent days, a recognizable wave of demoralization has washed over Hamas’s combat battalions. “They simply escape, leaving behind weapons and suicide bomb vests that were laid out for battle. This morning we stormed a position, and they just weren’t there. I don’t see a determined enemy. We have encountered stronger pockets of fighting in the past. But now, I would not give them a high grade for fighting spirit.”

Using further eyewitness reports, the article describes how Hamas has integrated the tunnel network into the civilian infrastructure of Gaza, constructing entrances in homes and even mosques. “I have not entered one civilian home that did not have weapons, suicide belts, or booby traps in it,” the source told the Post, stressing the lengths to which the IDF goes to protect innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, regardless.


The reports of a collapse in Hamas fighters’ morale lends credence to other reports that Hamas leaders were considering a temporary truce suggested by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. The organization has insisted in the past on making a ceasefire conditional on the removal of the international blockade of Gaza, which exists to prevent Hamas from importing weapons and materials to build its terror network even further than it has.


Update: As Israel’s political leaders debated a ceasefire well into Friday evening, a top military leader took the unusual step of discouraging a ceasefire, the Times of Israel reports, confirming the Jerusalem Post‘s report about Hamas retreat:

“The spirit of Hamas terrorists is weakening,” Southern Region Commander Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman says. “I see terrorists in distress, abandoned by their commanders who deserted them at the front and stayed behind…and facing them, our reserve and standing army units led by commanders leading the force.”




CARTOONISTS in the Muslim world are attacking Arab leaders for their virtually unanimous non-support for Hamas in the latest conflict with Israel

HINT: It’s no secret that most of the Arab world has always disliked the Palestinians which is why so many Arab countries will not grant them citizenship or allow them to buy land in their countries.


MEMRI  As the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip continues, there is evidence of a sense of disappointment in the Arab and Muslim world at the Arab countries’ failure to act to aid the Gaza residents, and at the Arab League’s indifference to events there. This disappointment has been expressed pointedly in cartoons in newspapers, on websites, and on social networks; cartoonists went so far as to accuse the Arabs of betraying Gaza and of collaborating with Israel in the latter’s operations there.

It should be noted that alongside the criticism of the Arab position vis-à-vis the Gaza events, the Arab press has published numerous articles criticizing Hamas’ actions and terming them endangerment of the lives of Gaza residents. The following are cartoons on the Gaza situation from Arab and Iranian sources:

The Arab  Silence Constitutes Betrayal Of Gaza And Feeds Israeli Aggression

The Arab silence (left) and the Israeli knife (right) together slit Gaza's throat Israel uses the knife of "Arab silence" and the American fork to consume Gaza children. The "Arab silence" fuels the Israeli tanks that shell Gaza. The Israeli killing of "Gaza" ("zoom") (right) takes place atop the head of the Arab who closes his eyes Falling Israeli missile to Arab leaders: "Thanks, kids, your silence and cooperation are unbelievable!"

Arab Disconnection, Indifference Vis-à-vis The Situation Of Gaza Residents

The Arab League snoozes as Israeli missiles land on Gaza Right to left: 'I'm an Arab... I want Germany to win"; "I'm an Arab... I want Brazil to win"; "I'm an Arab... I want the Arabs to wake up" Man on right: "Gaza... Gaza... Gaza" Man on left: "No, by my life, I don't know it... Did anyone tell you where it is?" Arab (right) to resident of Gaza knee-deep in blood: "Oh my brother, I fear that this red water will make me impure"

Arab Solidarity With And Support For Israel’s Position In The Conflict

"Gaza is bombed [by Israeli planes] fueled by Arab petroleum" The Arabs offer Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu tissues to wipe the Gaza blood from his lips "The theory of evolution of the official Arab position" – right to left, from Arab fighter to the Jew in anti-Semitic caricature

Ridiculing The Arab Aid To Gaza: Empty Words, Support On Internet, Crocodile Tears

"The Arab mobilization" for "Gaza": Social media support only "Arab activism" for Gaza: A few tears, "likes" on Facebook "The Arab aid to Gaza" "Arab aid to Gaza" – words, words, words

ISRAEL: Bomb Shelter ‘Selfies’

Leave it to the Israelis to make the best of a bad situation. A new trend of ‘bomb shelter selfies’ takes off as under-siege Tel Aviv residents vow to ‘keep on smiling.’

UK Daily Mail  (h/t MZ) When the air-raid sirens ring out across Israel, hundreds of thousands of people scramble to the safety of shelters. (You can see by their come-as-you-are attire, or lack thereof, that there was no time to change into more ‘appropriate’ bomb shelter fashion)


Taking cover in safe rooms, bomb shelters, and stairwells can be a terrifying experience for many Israeli citizens, but dozens of teenagers and adults have posted smiling selfies on Facebook to document their experiences.  Sara Eisen, a resident of Beit Shemesh in central Israel, set up one of the group’s called ‘Bomb Shelter Selfies.’

In one snap a young woman is shown standing next to an elderly man in his towel with the caption ‘Meet other neighbours in the shelter.’


Another image shows a group of teenage girls smiling, waving and sticking their tongues out for the camera.


A family pose for another jovial photo next to the wording ‘Lovin this ceasefire.’


One image shows a pair of teenagers who were forced to go to the air raid shelter in the middle of a pamper session – one of them is wearing a face-mask while the other is dressed in just a towel.


Lots of the photos in the group show Israeli’s with their pets which they have taken into the shelter.

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As well as posting photos users have shared tips on how to keep children entertained during the long hours in the shelters as well as Jewish people from across the the world posting messages of support.

One user wrote: ‘Love how you are keeping safe and finding the wonderful positive attitude and smiling. The Jewish community in the Washington DC area had a rally to support Israel. Be well!!’


But the group has been criticised by internet users who feel it makes a mockery of the rising Palestinian death toll.

One user wrote: ‘Guess who has no shelters or any safe spot to be in? Children of Gaza. The little charged phones are saved for emergencies rather than taking selfies… Because guess who controls electricity? Israel.’ Another wrote: ‘Meanwhile, Palestinian women and children don’t have the luxury of running to bomb shelters when Israeli bombs fall from the sky.this is not war.this is ethnic cleansing.’


But Ms Eisen wrote on the group: ‘There are those who allege that the fact that we are smiling / not dead proves that Israelis are not suffering. I will not apologize for being alive, protecting my children.’


The 16-day conflict has claimed the lives of 718 Palestinians, most of them civilians, Palestinian health officials say.

Israel has lost 32 soldiers, all since July 17, when it widened its air campaign into a full-scale ground operation aimed at halting rocket fire from Gaza and destroying a sophisticated network of cross-border tunnels.


JORDANIAN TV Host burns Israeli flag, demands Israeli and U.S. Embassies there be shut down

Apparently, he doesn’t know or care that Jordan likely will be calling on Israel and the U.S. to protect the kingdom should ISIS stage an attack on it.

Israel and Jordan prepared to help Jordan fight ISIS if they are attacked

Calls for “Intifada” “Intifada” as West Bank riots over Gaza turn deadly

Five Palestinians killed as Muslims riot in the West Bank as Hamas calls for a 3rd Intifada (mass killing of Jews). Palestinian Authority officials called for a “Day of Rage” across the West Bank after Friday’s prayers, in protest of the war on Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Times of Israel  Five Palestinians were killed in the West Bank Friday, in a series of clashes and demonstrations hours after Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip and abroad urged Palestinians to launch a Third Intifada against Israel.


In the Hawara area, south of the West Bank city of Nablus, a settler fired his weapon in self-defense at a crowd of Palestinians who stoned his car and attacked him and stoned him when he got out, according to Channel 2. An 18-year-old Palestinian, identified later as Khaled Oudeh, was killed in the shooting, according to Palestinian sources.

Following the incident, hundreds of Palestinians rioted in the area and clashed with IDF troops, who responded with tear gas and live bullets. A second Palestinian, 22-year-old Tayyib Oudeh, was reported killed in the rioting, while several others were reported injured, according to AFP.


In the West Bank village of Beit Ummar, near Hebron, three Palestinian men, including 46-year-old Hashem Abu Marieh and 30-year-old Sultan Yusef, were reportedly shot and killed by IDF troops during violent clashes, according to Palestinians.


Later, a Palestinian man turned himself in to Israeli police after swerving his car into a group of Israelis, hitting and lightly injuring a 17-year-old Israeli girl, at the Etzion Bloc junction in the West Bank, Channel 2 reported.

In Friday’s early morning hours, Qatar-based Hamas spokesman Husham Badran, responding to reports of clashes Thursday between thousands of Palestinian protesters and police at the Qalandiya checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah, said the time was now ripe for the Palestinians to rise up, Israel Radio reported. “This is your opportunity,” Badran stated.


Following the demonstration, Hamas official Izat a-Rishk posted a call on Twitter for a revolution against the Israeli people, adding that the blood of Gazans ignites the West Bank. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri later added that the events in Qalandiya prove that the Palestinians are one people and that Gaza cannot be isolated.


UK Daily Mail  Israeli undercover police were involved in street conflicts with Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem today as officers were put on high alert for flare-ups at the city’s most important mosque during Friday prayers for the final stretch of the Ramadan Muslim holy month. Hundreds of Palestinians protested in the traditionally Arab east of the city after Muslim noon prayers today. A dozen protesters threw rocks and fireworks at Israeli police, who fired stun grenades and water cannons, Associated Press reported.


The night before, thousands of Palestinians protesting the Gaza fighting clashed with Israeli security forces in the West Bank and in east Jerusalem in one of the biggest protests in the territory in years.

Israeli aircraft have struck 30 houses in the Gaza Strip today, killing a leader of the militant Islamic Jihad group and two of his sons, as Palestinians called for a ‘Day of Rage’ after two people were killed when at least 10,000 protesters clashed with Israeli security forces late yesterday.


Last night’s violence came after a UN school in Gaza, crowded with hundreds of Palestinians seeking refuge from fierce fighting, came under fire yesterday, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 200.

Palestinian officials blamed Israel for the shelling of the school, which came on the deadliest day so far of the current round of fighting.  However, the Israeli military said the school ‘was not a target in any way’ and raised the possibility the compound was hit by Hamas rockets.

The Israeli military today said it hit 45 sites in Gaza, including what it said was a Hamas military command post, while Gaza militants continued to fire rockets at Israel, with one hitting an empty house.


HAMAS SpokesTerrorist declares that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is worse than Hitler

And who better qualified to talk about Nazis than a die-hard IslamoNazi himself?

islamic-jew-hatred-in-the-quran   AlohaSnackbar01

HAMAS savagely beats Gaza civilians who heed IDF calls to leave targeted areas

Israeli news website, Kooker posted undated German footage, shot in Gaza, of what it said were Hamas enforcers violently beating and coercing residents to remain in their homes, despite their pleading that the IDF called on them to evacuate the area.

Algemeiner (h/t Liz)  In the video, armed enforcers, some wielding batons, are seen beating and punching recalcitrant residents, and, at several points turn on the camera crew, and try to cover the lens. Some of the dialogue in the video is also telling:


(00:41) Man: “Camera out! Turn the camera off!”, (00:51) Man: “Stop the film!”, (00:53) Man: “You’ve filmed enough!”, (1:26) Woman to enforcers: “This is a crime – I’ve already paid for this!”. (1:29) Interviewer to man in black shirt: “Are you afraid? Man: “I’m more than 90 percent sure that this is not a real event. Normally, I don’t have a lot of fear about this, but when they tell us to get out, then we’ll do it together.” Narrator: “Hamas police are pushing back against the protesters.” (Police seen trying to break up a prayer session)‏ Enforcer to protesters: “You’re always getting in our way!”‏ (2:18) Woman to security official: “You’re worse than the Jews!”‏ ‎Security official: “What are you saying? We’re not the Jews!”‏ Woman: “You can go beat the Jews more! We are not bad people; what have you done here?”

HAMAS used temporary ‘humanitarian’ cease-fire to kill 25 Palestinian civilians and blame it on the IDF

Hamas killed at least 25 Palestinian civilians it suspected of collaborating with Israel, according to sources close to Gazan jihadist organizations. The sources, close to both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad groups, said that most of the extra-judicial killings of suspected collaborators took place during a brief “humanitarian” cease-fire four days ago.


WND Aaron Klein – The so-called collaborators were accused of leading Israeli troops to smuggling tunnels and providing intelligence on Hamas’ infrastructure inside Gazan cities. The sources said Hamas publicly blamed the killings of the Palestinian suspects on Israel, claiming the civilians were murdered Sunday during an Israel Defense Forces “massacre” in the Shujaiyeh neighborhood of the Gaza Strip.

The sources further said the civilian suspects murdered by Hamas were publicly celebrated by Hamas as martyrs killed by the Jewish state.


After Sunday’s operation in Shujaiyeh, in which the IDF says it targeted Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, Israel agreed to a two-hour humanitarian cease-fire facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The stated purposed of the lull in fighting was to evacuate Palestinian casualties.

During the cease-fire, the IDF said Hamas violated the agreement by shooting at IDF soldiers. Nonetheless, Israel extended the cease-fire another hour. Israel lost 13 soldiers during the Shujaiyeh operation Sunday. Hamas claimed Israel killed at least 66 Palestinians, mostly civilians, in that operation.

Israel says most Palestinian casualties were gunmen.


150 Hamas operatives surrender to Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza

Dozens of Palestinian terror operatives, most of whom were said to be members of Hamas, surrendered Wednesday to IDF soldiers during raids in the southern Gaza Strip cities of Rafah and Khan Yunis and were transferred to Israeli facilities for interrogation.

51178Times of Israel  The operatives, who came out of hiding spots with their hands raised above their heads, were taken into Israeli custody for further questioning.

In total, 150 Palestinians were arrested, but only 70 of them who were suspected of carrying out terror attacks were transferred under tight security to IDF Intelligence and Shin Bet facilities for interrogation, an IDF spokeswoman told The Times of Israel, adding to 28 operatives already captured. The remaining detainees were later released, Army Radio reported.

A picture of the Gazans posted on Facebook by Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz showed two rows of captives wearing only underwear and shoes, on their knees in the sand. They were stripped of their clothes in order to ensure they were not carrying weapons.


GOTCHA! BBC reporter caught pimping for Hamas


Red faces at the BBC after reporter tweets ‘heartbreaking photo of child hurt by Israeli rocket’ which is actually a girl in Syria.

OOPS! SORRY, just realized this story is 2 years old. But there are many more just like it here: hooray-for-pallywood-hamas-to-social-media-anyone-killedmartyred-must-be-called-an-innocent-civilian

UK Daily Mail  A BBC war reporter made a shocking blunder by tweeting a photograph of an injured child from Syria but indicating she was from Gaza. Gaza correspondent Jon Donnison added ‘Heartbreaking’ to the front of a message he retweeted from a Palestinian ‘journalist and social activist’ named Hazem Balousha. Balousha had posted a picture of a young girl lying on a hospital bed with bloodied clothes, along with the words ‘Pain in #Gaza.’


Donnison’s tweet went out to his 7,971 followers on the social networking site and he was soon hit with a barrage of outraged responses highlighting the mistake. The website bbcwatch.org highlighted the error and wrote: ‘Up to now, it may have been possible to put down Jon Donnison’s frequently problematic reporting to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the region.

‘However, his decision to promote deliberate misinformation – either knowingly or as a result of a complete failure to check facts – indicates that he is not merely naive.  ‘Donnison has rendered himself no longer fit for the purpose of accurate and impartial reporting from the Middle East in accordance with the BBC’s legal obligations.’


BREAKING! FAA lifts ban on U.S. flights in and out of Israel

The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its ban on flights to Israel after reviewing Israeli measures to keep flights safe from Hamas rockets.


JTA “Before making this decision, the FAA worked with its U.S. government counterparts to assess the security situation in Israel and carefully reviewed both significant new information and measures the Government of Israel is taking to mitigate potential risks to civil aviation,” the agency said in a statement just before midnight on Wednesday, saying the ban was lifted effective immediately.

The agency had come under fire from the Israeli government, pro-Israel groups and a leading Republican senator for the ban, instituted Tuesday at noon after a Hamas rocket landed in a town about a mile from Ben Gurion International Airport. Its statement appeared to allude to claims that the ban was a means of pressuring Israel into a ceasefire.

Calling the ban “harsh and excessive,” AIPAC said, “For the past two weeks, Israel has endured hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas terrorists from Gaza. Yet, air travel to Israel has been safe and unhindered.”


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Wednesday suggested the ban was politically motivated and a means to pressure Israel to accept the terms of a cease-fire being sought by Secretary of State John Kerry. Cruz pledged to block State Department nominees until the Obama administration answered his questions about the ban.

Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, called Cruz’s allegation “offensive and ridiculous.” In response, Cruz said, “The only thing ‘offensive’ about this situation is how the Obama Administration is spurning our allies to embolden our enemies; the only thing ‘ridiculous’ is the administration’s response to basic questions.”

The potentially catastrophic (to Israel) strategy of the Hamas Terror Tunnels


The IDF has not yet located and destroyed all of Hamas’ terror tunnels, but the consensus about the intent behind them is quite clear. On Monday IDF forces thwarted another terror attack after two groups of Hamas operatives  infiltrated from Gaza to Israel through a tunnel, apparently on their way to carry out a mass casualty attack at Kibbutz Erez and/or Nir Am.

Israel Matzav  Since Operation Protective Edge began, IDF forces have foiled several other attempted attacks by Hamas near Kibbutz Sufa and Kibbutz Nirim that also made use of attack tunnels, while uncovering and blowing up dozens of tunnels in Gaza along its border with Israel. These tunnels penetrate deep into Israeli territory, sometimes reaching a length of 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles).


The attack tunnels create a new equation in the power balance between Israel and Hamas. They give Hamas an ability to infiltrate Israel and carry out strategic attacks involving mass killing, along with an ability to launch missiles from locations concealed within civilian population centers that serve, in effect, as human shields. Should Hamas retain in the future 20 tunnels, and dispatch 50 operatives in each, they could deploy 1,000 men behind Israeli lines. The tunnels would allow Hamas to wreak havoc if they are left in place.

Terror tunnel between Gaza and Israel with statistics

Hizbullah’s tactics, learned from Iran, have been replicated in Gaza, particularly the use of the tunnels to provide “breathing space” in waging the military campaign. The Hamas-Hizbullah-Iranian aim is to cause as much harm as possible to the civilian population and weaken Israel by damaging its economy. Like Hizbullah, Hamas in the current round has tried to strike strategic targets in Israel and inflict mass casualties, including the nuclear reactor in Dimona, the chemical plants in Haifa, and Ben-Gurion International Airport.


Despite the reconciliation agreement with Fatah and the establishment of the unity government, one of Hamas’s objectives in the war is to ignite another intifada on the West Bank aimed ultimately at the toppling of Palestinian Authority rule and instituting a Hamas takeover of the Palestinian national movement. This current round of fighting highlights the importance of continued Israeli security control of key areas of the West Bank to prevent a Hamas takeover of the Palestinian Authority, and the maintenance of minimal defensible borders should a Palestinian state be established.


Then there’s this assessment from Times of Israel’s David Horovitz.

The prime danger, the second half of the terror strategy that has required us to send our troops into Gaza, has turned out to be Hamas’s cross-border tunneling, the scale of which was not publicly known until the last few days. Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog spoke Tuesday of the “unimaginable” mega-terror attack Hamas is believed to have been planning — sending hundreds of terrorists swarming through those tunnels to massacre Israelis in the Gaza-envelope kibbutzim and moshavim. Netanyahu said Sunday that the intended Hamas attacks on kibbutz kindergartens, homes and dining halls would have been “catastrophic.”


The real battle is taking place in those Gaza border neighborhoods — Shejaiya, Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun and others — where thousands of Israeli solders are searching, house to house, for the tunnel entrances. Dozens of openings have been found — multiple entrances to the underground passages that also have multiple exits on the Israeli side. Time after time, Hamas gunmen have sought to surprise the Israeli soldiers by rising out of the earth from these openings, and firing. They’ve been largely unsuccessful.

But the most terrifying detail is being uncovered that Hamas had a plan to attack all the settlements and kibbutzim in the area this year on Rosh Hashanah with an invasion of over 200 terrorists into almost all the settlements in the area. The tunnels went under the kibbutzim under the kindergartens and dining rooms and other areas within the kibbutz perimeters. They planned to occupy the whole area and kill as many Israeli as possible.


This could have been the worst terror attack in the history of terrorism. Thousands of people, including women and children would have been slaughtered in this planned attack.

10516671_10152167840676561_5807866469633893688_n מנהרות-בעזה

STATE DEPARTMENT calls Ted Cruz’ criticism of Obama for using the FAA to launch an economic boycott of Israel as “ridiculous and offensive”

MARIE HARF State Dept Spokesbimbo

The FAA announcement drew immediate criticism from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who said, “President Obama has just used a federal regulatory agency to launch an economic boycott on Israel, in order to try to force our ally to comply with his foreign-policy demands.”


RollCall  The FAA imposed its ban after a rocket landed about a mile from the airport Tuesday as intense fighting continued between Israel and Hamas. Cruz said “no one wants to place civilian travelers in harm’s way,” especially in light of last week’s downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine. But he asked whether the FAA’s announcement was in fact “a political decision driven by the White House.”

The Texas Republican, a potential contender for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, said that tourism is an $11 billion industry for Israel. “This FAA flight ban may well represent a crippling blow to a key economic sector [in Israel] through both security concerns and worries that additional bans will down more flights and strand more passengers,” Cruz said. “It hardly matters if or when the ban is lifted. At this point, the damage may already be done.”

He asked, “If the FAA’s decision was based on airline safety, why was Israel singled out, when flights are still permitted into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen?”


IDF OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE daily update from Israel – Tuesday, July 22nd


Tuesday, July 22

10:50 AM: A vehicle carrying seven soldiers was attacked on July 20. Six of their bodies have been identified and efforts to identify the 7th soldier are ongoing. 10:02 AM: Rocket sirens in Tel Aviv. 9:25 AM: The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted 7 rockets above Ashdod. 6:00 AM: The IDF confirms that yesterday, Sgt. First Class Oded Ben Sira was killed on the battlefield defending the citizens of Israel. May his memory be blessed. 3:28 AM: Four rockets were fired from Gaza towards Be’er Sheva. One was intercepted by Iron Dome and three hit open areas. 1:48 AM: A rocket fired from Gaza hit an open area near Kafr Qasim in central Israel, nearly 100 km from Gaza. 1:35 AM: A Palestinian terrorist shot and severely injured an Israeli civilian in Judea and Samaria. IDF Forces are searching the area.

Hamas has turned Wafa Hospital into a command center and a rocket-launching site. Hamas has fired at Israel and at IDF forces from the hospital. As a result, the IDF repeatedly conveyed warnings to the hospital staff and urged civilians to leave the area. Hamas continued firing from the hospital. In response, the IDF targeted specific sites and terrorists within the hospital grounds. Secondary explosions can be seen, confirming IDF intellgience about the site.

On July 21, Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel via a tunnel from Gaza. The terrorists were wearing full IDF uniforms, including boots and vests, and had explosives strapped to their bodies. They were engaged and killed by IDF forces.

Despite ongoing terror attacks and constant rocket fire, the IDF goes beyond its legal obligation and supplies medical equipment, food, gas and hygiene products to Gaza.


Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg takes El Al flight to Israel despite FAA ban on flights in and out of Tel Aviv

“This evening I will be flying on EL AL אל על to Tel Aviv, Israel to show solidarity with the Israeli people and to demonstrate that it is safe to fly in and out of Israel. To do otherwise is to give a victory to Hamas.”

Bloomberg usually travels by his own plane. “Ben Gurion is the best protected airport in the world and El Al flights have been regularly flying in and out of it safely. The flight restrictions are a mistake that hands Hamas an undeserved victory and should be lifted immediately.” “I strongly urge the Federal Aviation Administration to reverse course and permit US airlines to fly to Israel.”

HEE HEE! Secretary of State John Kerry and staff were forced to go through metal detector upon arrival in Egypt

Gotta love President al-Sisi!


IB Times  US Secretary of State John Kerry and his top aides were checked by Egyptian security officers using metal detectors at the Egyptian presidential palace in an unconventional diplomatic move. Foreign officials normally trust US officials enough not to check them with such stringent security measures. Diplomatic immunity usually means that top officials are exempt from such checks because of their potential to be viewed a sign of distrust.

In footage obtained by Reuters, an Egyptian official raises a handheld metal-detecting implement to Kerry’s jacket before waving him through for the high-level meeting with newly-elected president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

ISRAEL: Muslim Brotherhood spokesterrorist says the “David of Gaza” will rub the Goliath that is Israel’s nose in the mud

Is it the inbreeding or just normal Muslim delusion that sees Israel, a country of 7 million, as the Goliath in the midst of hundreds of millions of Arab Muslims wanting to wipe it from the face of the earth?

IRAQ: ISIS tells shopkeepers in Mosul that mannequin faces must be covered with Islamic headbags

First, all the Christians fled Mosul because of ISIS threats to kill them if they didn’t convert to Islam. Now, the sharia patrols are making life miserable for the remaining Muslim population.


Breitbart (h/t Jim Y)  The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) told shopkeepers in Mosul the mannequins must wear veils. The veil is in accordance with Sharia law since “the human form is not depicted in statues or artwork.” Both gender of mannequins are to wear the veil.


ISIS expelled all Christians from the historic city over the weekend after the people were told to convert to Islam, pay a tax, or die. The majority of Christians left with only the clothes on their back, and ISIS marked homes with an “N” for Nazarene. ISIS is also cutting off water supplies to Christian and Kurd communities they do not control.

“This is ethnic cleansing, but nobody is speaking up,” said Yonadam Kanna, Iraq’s most prominent Christian politician. “It is the first time in our history that something like this has happened. Muslims and Christians used to live together.”


THE BAD NEWS: U.S. Airlines suspend all flights into Israel

THE GOOD NEWS: Israel isn’t prematurely ceasing their justified offensive against Hamas. BETTER NEWS: Perhaps it will keep John Kerry out, too.

Take a look at life in the “open air prison” (as Muslims and Leftists like to call it) that is Gaza today

Shattering the myths that Israel has made life for Gazans a living hell with a blockade that doesn’t allow in food, medical supplies, and building materials.

A Picture of Life in Gaza Today

 Following the unilateral withdrawal of Israeli security forces in 2005, no one can claim that the Gaza Strip is “occupied territory.”  This still hasn’t stopped the usual critics from making other accusations about the misery of the people there, such as charging that the Palestinians are “under siege” from Israel and starving as a consequence.

In fact, the only siege that the people of Gaza are under is what they bring on themselves.  Their government uses donated humanitarian aid to smuggle rockets which are then fired into Israeli population centers.  When this fails to provoke Israel into conflict, Palestinian terrorists cross the border and attempt to kidnap or kill Israelis in their own land.

Likewise, there is absolutely no starvation in Gaza.  The Palestinians receive enormous amounts of free assistance from the rest of the world and are so well-fed that the territories are actually the eighth most obese “country” in the world according to the World Health Organization:

When it comes to Gaza and the life of Palestinian “refugees”, the gap between myth and fact is so dramatic that perception almost stands reality on its head. Health and quality of life in the territories vastly exceed the average in most parts of the world – and not just where people are in more obvious need, such as Africa, but even in developed countries like China and areas of South America.

The poverty rate in Gaza is 16% – roughly equal to Spain, Germany and California. The rate of poverty is actually higher in Greece, most of the EU, and even parts of the United States, such as Washington D.C. As researcher Daniel Greenfield has pointed out, at 24%, even the poverty rate in Israel is actually 50% higher than in Gaza!

Gazans receive more free food aid per month per capita than anyone else in the world, including those living in famine-stricken regions. The average Somali, for example, receives seven times less in aid. The average Zimbabwean, with a life expectancy of 46, also receives about seven times less in food aid than the average resident of Gaza – who has a life expectancy of 73 (even higher than in Russia, Malaysia and neighboring Egypt).

It seems that while Palestinians shows one side to gullible visitors and the international media, Western taxpayers are actually subsidizing something entirely different.

The Myth:


The Reality:

Hard to keep up the facade of Gazans living in squalor when you see the facades of luxury condos, hotels, resorts, office buildings, shopping malls, etc. like these.

The Myth:


The Reality:

Not enough parking spaces at the luxury malls?


The Myth:


The Reality:

See any starving Palestinians in these photos?




The Myth:

Israeli Oppression

The Reality:

4-Star Restaurants and Private Clubs are the norm, not the exception in Gaza

gaza81 gaza2 gaza059 gaza061 gaza066

The Myth:


The Reality:

Recreational facilities abound in this ‘open air prison,’ like the Olympic sized swimming pool and water parks that Gazans use when desperation sets in

The Myth:


The Reality:

Horseback riding and sailing lessons are expensive but not for a lot of Gazans

090613155705xfsj 0906131557051lp3

 Beachside in Gaza: Waiting wistfully for the next humanitarian aid flotilla from Turkey.

Don’t you wish you could be a Palestinian refugee too?

The Religion of Peace


Suspected Islamofascist militiamen have beheaded a Philippine worker in Libya because he wasn’t a Muslim

A militia in Benghazi, Libya, has beheaded a Filipino construction worker, allegedly after singling him out for being a non-Muslim, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs said.


IB Times (h/t Lord K)  Meanwhile, the Philippine government announced Sunday that it had instituted Alert Level 4 in Libya — the highest alert level to be placed on countries experiencing armed conflict — and that it would evacuate 13,000 Filipinos from the country.

The beheading marks the first Filipino death in Libya since the 2011 revolution, according to the department. It is also the first reported beheading in the country since 2011. The construction worker was kidnapped July 15 at a checkpoint in the Gwarsha district of Benghazi. The report comes just two weeks after three Europeans working for an Italian construction company were kidnapped in the western city of Zuwara.


According to Libyan media, the man’s name was Antonio Espares, an employee at Kibra construction company. A department spokesperson told media Monday that the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $160,000. According to Philippine media, the construction company negotiated with the kidnappers for four days. The employee’s remains were found at a hospital on Saturday.

The department said in a statement that all Filipinos in Libya should return home “as soon as possible.” “These events indicate that it is no longer safe for our OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers ) to remain in Libya. For their own safety, the DFA urges them to immediately contact the Philippine Embassy in Tripoli to register for repatriation,” the statement said.

Libyan protesters hold a demonstration demanding the departure of militias on July 7, 2013, in Tripoli. The protesters thronged Algiers Square in the capital from mid-morning to demand the implementation of a General National Congress order for militias to withdraw from the city.AFP

It is unclear which militia in Libya was responsible for the beheading. There are currently dozens of militias operating in the country. The most intense rivalries exist in the northern part of the country where fighting broke out between rival militias at the Tripoli airport last week. Recent violence at the airport killed more than 47 people.

“Beheading is a form of humiliation and intimidation,” Max Abrahms, an expert on terrorism at Northeastern University, said. “It is usually used in sectarian warfare.”

The fighting at Tripoli’s airport is between Islamist-led militias and their more liberal rivals. Renegade general Khalifa Hifter launched an offensive in the eastern part of the country near Benghazi in May and vowed to crush the Islamists.

 47 people had been killed in fighting between militias from Zintan which control the airport and rivals from Misrata for control of the international airport in the capital Tripoli.



IDF Operation Protective Edge Daily Update from Israel – Monday, July 21st

Hamas uses the residential neighborhood of Shuja’iya as a fortress for its weapons, rockets, tunnels and command centers. Hamas exploits the neighborhood’s residents as human shields for its terrorist activity. 


IDF  This residential neighborhood in Gaza City lies just over the border fence from Israel. Since Hamas’ ruthless takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, the organization has developed extensive terrorist infrastructure throughout the neighborhood. In just 13 days, Hamas has fired over 140 rockets from Shuja’iya into Israel.

Since the beginning of the ground phase of Operation Protective Edge, IDF soldiers have found 10 openings to terror tunnels in Shuja’iya. These tunnels are used for infiltrating Israel, smuggling weapons, and launching rockets at Israeli civilians.


The IDF warned civilians in Shuja’iya to evacuate the area many days before striking the terror infrastructure within it. Dropping leaflets, making phone calls and sending text messages are just some of the many actions the IDF has been taking to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza.

Hamas knows that Israel is reluctant to attack areas with many civilians. The terrorist organization fights from within the civilian population and uses them as human shields.


Shuja’iya is a densely populated neighborhood, close to the Karni Crossing and just over the border fence from the Israeli community of Kibbutz Nahal Oz. Since Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, it has become a stronghold for Hamas terrorist activity. Shuja’iya is saturated with Hamas observations points and is home to a vast network of tunnels used for attacking Israel. Hamas exploits many of the neighborhood’s mosques as weapons caches as well as launching pits which are used to fire rockets at Israel.


Monday, July 21

7:49 PM: In the past 24 hours, 7 IDF soldiers were killed while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza. 7:25 PM: IDF field hospital at Gaza border opened today. We are working with the Red Crescent to treat wounded Palestinians from Gaza. 3:41 PM: Hamas terrorists opened fire moments after IDF forces found the tunnel in Shuja’iya. Our soldiers killed 2 of the attackers. 3:40 PM: IDF forces exposed access points to a Hamas tunnel in Shuja’iya. Terrorists planned to use the tunnel to commit an attack in Israel. 1:58 PM: Iron Dome intercepted five rockets above Ashdod and three rockets above Ashkelon. 12:06 PM: A rocket fired from Gaza hit the Tel Aviv area. 11:41 AM: The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted two rockets above the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. 11:40 AM: Hamas terrorists fired a barrage of rockets from Gaza into southern Israel. 8:55 AM: 2 terrorist squads infiltrated Israel through a tunnel from northern Gaza. An IDF aircraft struck 1 squad and other IDF forces killed 10 terrorists. 12:15 AM: Last night, 13 soldiers from the Golani Infantry Brigade fell protecting the people of Israel. Among them: Maj.Tzafrir Baror, 32, Cpt.Tsvi Kaplan, 28, Sgt.Gilad Rozenthal Yacoby, 21, Sgt.Oz Mendelovich, 21, Sgt.Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21.

Hamas terrorists infiltrate Israel from tunnel in Gaza, IDF blows them away

IDF Paratroopers discover tunnel under house in Gaza

IDF Paratroopers blow up tunnel in Gaza

Evidence of Hamas shooting out of homes

IDF Pinpoint strike on terrorists in a residential building in Gaza

FACTS on the ground from al-Jazeera in Gaza dispute the claim that Israel is ‘targeting women and children’

Some of the claims online include how the vast majority of Gazans killed are civilians, and how Israel is deliberately targeting them.

Of course, it has been the publicly stated Hamas MO from the start to claim that anyone killed by Israel is an “innocent civilian:” hooray-for-pallywood-hamas-to-social-media-anyone-killedmartyred-must-be-called-an-innocent-civilian


IsraellyCool  Regarding the latter, we all know this is nonsense – if Israel wanted to kill civilians it would carpet bomb Gaza. It is precisely because we want to avoid civilian casualties, that we opt for pinpoint strikes and ground operations, at risk to our soldiers’ lives.

But what about the first claim? Are the vast majority civilians? Without having all of the terrorist obituaries or intel to prove who was a terrorist, this is hard to analyze. But what we do have is a list of the names and ages of those killed so far, which does provide us with some insights.

An anonymous Israellycool reader and her family spent countless hours going over this list from Al Jazeera – a media outlet that can’t be accused of slanting things Israel’s way. The reader’s main findings regarding the casualties to date are as follows:

israellycoolgraph1 israellycoolgraph-3 israellycoolgraph4 israellycoolgraph2

As you can see, over 80% of Gazans killed so far have been male, with almost half of these males being in the 18-28 age group. One can imagine many of these being “combatants.” A further 20% of these males are between 29 and 48, an age group one could envisage may also contain many Hamas members.

In other words, these figures bring into question how many of those killed were really innocent civilians.

What these figures also indicate is if Israel was indiscriminately killing Gazans, the representation in terms of gender and age would be broader, with relatively more children killed than the approx 18%, considering nearly 50% of Gazans are under the age of 14).

GAZA JUL2014 01

Palestinians dancing in the streets over “news” that Hamas has kidnapped an Israeli soldier

Uh…NOT SO FAST!  Israel is denying reports that the military wing of Hamas, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, has captured the Israeli in Shejaiya.

Palestinians dance while flying a Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement flag reading in Arabic "there is only one God and Muhammad is his prophet," during celebrations in the West Bank city of Ramallah

Times of Israel  During a press conference, the group gave a name for the ostensible prisoner and even presented a military ID number. The name given by Hamas was very similar to the name of one of the soldiers confirmed killed in the fighting in Shejaiya early Sunday morning.

Israel’s UN ambassador denied on Sunday that an Israeli soldier had been abducted by Hamas. “There is no kidnapped Israeli soldier and those rumors are untrue,” said Ron Prosor.

Regardless, the Hamas announcement led to elation across the West Bank, and fireworks and celebratory gunfire in the Gaza Strip.

GAZA: UN Agency finds 20 Hamas missiles in one of its schools. Hands them back to Hamas.


UNRWA last week found 20 rockets in a Gaza school operating under its auspices has handed that weaponry over to Hamas, Israeli officials said Sunday, accusing the organization of actively helping the terrorist organization attack Israeli civilians.

Times of Israel (h/t Jim Y)  “The rockets were passed on to the government authorities in Gaza, which is Hamas. In other words, UNRWA handed to Hamas rockets that could well be shot at Israel,” a senior Israeli official told The Times of Israel.


A different senior official said UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, charged with overseeing humanitarian efforts in Gaza, has been suffering from “battered-wife syndrome” for years and currently “attempts to ingratiate itself with Hamas.”

A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. UNRWA pledged to fully investigate the incident once the fighting stops and keep all relevant parties informed, but refused to release any photos of the weapons.

Gee, I wonder what other weapons Hamas is storing in Gaza schools?

“According to longstanding UN practice in UN humanitarian operations worldwide, incidents involving unexploded ordnance that could endanger beneficiaries and staff are referred to the local authorities,” UNRWA’s director of advocacy and strategic communications, Christopher Gunness, told The Times of Israel Sunday.

“Immediately after the discovery of the rockets, UNRWA proactively informed the relevant parties and successfully took all necessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school. Local authorities fall under the government of national consensus in Ramallah. They pledged to pass a message to all parties not to violate UNRWA neutrality.”

On Wednesday, UNRWA officials found some 20 missiles in a vacant school. A day later it released a statement strongly condemning “the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations. This is a flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law,” the statement read.


Hindus in India support Israel’s offensive against Hamas

On one hand Israel has always supported India, on the other hand Muslims all over the country are staging anti-Israel protests. But, yesterday the Bhagat Singh Kranti sena marched for Israel on India Gate.

Hindus United for Israel 10410754_240513872826267_4624740559802026346_n PHOTO CAPTION: “Israel has always stood up for India on every International issue without conditions. Because 1800years earlier when Jews came to India, they were never persecuted here. People of India and jews have a very old and beautiful relationship. Israel always stood with India on the Kashmir issue whereas Palestine always supports Pakistan on the matter….Hamas has always backed the terrorist organisations active against India. This time too it was the Palestine which attacked Israel first and when facing the consequences they are shouting torture.”

Egyptian media applaud Israel’s Gaza offensive

Since the beginning of Israel’s offensive in Gaza, much of the Egyptian media has laid the blame squarely on the Islamist terror group Hamas.


France24 (h/t Maria J) Some journalists have even said that all Palestinians are to blame for their current plight. Israel’s escalating attack on the Gaza Strip has triggered worldwide debate. Egypt is no exception. But there is little of the traditional Arab solidarity towards Palestinians to be found in the Egyptian media.

Adel Nehaman, a columnist for the Egyptian daily El-Watan, said bluntly: “Sorry Gazans, I cannot support you until you rid yourselves of Hamas.” Azza Sami, a writer for government daily Al-Ahram, went so far as to congratulate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Twitter: “Thank you Netanyahu, and God give us more men like you to destroy Hamas!”

Star presenter of the Al-Faraeen TV channel, Tawfik Okasha, an ardent supporter of Egypt’s military regime and known for his firm stance against the ousted Muslim Brotherhood, attacked the entire Palestinian population live on air.

“Gazans are not men,” he declared. “If they were men they would revolt against Hamas.” His broadcast was even picked up by Israeli TV to demonstrate Egyptian support for Israel.


Why the hatred of Hamas? The hostility of these journalists is part and parcel of the movement that saw democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi removed from power in a military coup in 2013. They are now applying the same logic behind the ouster of Morsi, who was the favored candidate of the now-censured Muslim Brotherhood, to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

In 2013, a significant chunk of the Egyptian media called for the Muslim Brotherhood’s “liquidation”. That same sentiment is now applauding Israel’s efforts to disarm Hamas, originally the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. These Egyptian journalists link Hamas to ongoing violence in the Sinai Peninsula where in the last 12 months, armed Islamist groups have attacked Egyptian security forces on an almost daily basis.

Egypt’s current rulers insist that the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are behind these attacks. Much of Egypt’s media toes the government line. They see the neutralisation of Hamas as crucial to winning Egypt’s undeclared war in the Sinai Peninsula. They don’t hesitate to criticise Hamas and Palestinians generally, who they hold in contempt for failing to revolt against their Islamist leaders as Egyptians did in 2013.

Not all Egyptians are hostile to their besieged Arab neighbors. There have been demonstrations against Israel’s attack on Gaza in Cairo and Alexandria in recent days, but these only attracted a few thousand people at the most. Beyond this very small minority of pro-Palestinian militants, Egyptians are broadly unsympathetic to the plight of their Gazan neighbors.



egypt-several-egyptian-tv-hosts-mock-and-malign-hamas-leaders told-ya-so-egypt-is-publicly-supporting-israel-and-hoping-they-will-destroy-hamas-once-and-for-all woo-hoo-with-the-muslim-brotherhood-now-crushed-egypt-puts-hamas-in-its-crosshairs egypt-plans-to-attack-gaza-if-hamas-continues-to-back-sinai-terrorist-insurgents while-the-world-is-focused-on-syria-the-egyptian-army-continues-to-cleanse-sinai-of-hamas-and-other-islamic-terrorists

IDF Operation Protective Edge Daily Update from Israel – Sunday, July 20th


Sadly, 13 Israeli soldiers were killed overnight fighting Hamas. Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge more than 1,790 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel.

Sunday, July 20 IDF

6:35 PM: Since last night, 13 soldiers from the IDF’s Golani Brigade were killed while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

3:41 PM: Despite Hamas’ continuous fire, the IDF has agreed to hold fire in Shuja’iya for an additional hour.


2:13 PM: Despite the IDF’s agreement to the Red Cross’ request for a cease fire in Shuja’iya until 15:30, Hamas has not stopped shooting from Shuja’iya.

1:30 PM: IDF agreed to the Red Cross’ request for a humanitarian window in Shuja’iya. We will hold our fire there from 13:30-15:30.

1:16 PM: Reports received that Hamas is preventing journalists in Gaza from leaving through the Erez crossing.


1:00 PM: This morning the IDF operated in Shuja’iya, Hamas’ terror fortress in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas uses Shuja’iya as a fortress for its weapons, rockets, tunnels and command centers. Hamas uses the neighborhood’s residents as human shields. 


This civilian neighborhood in Gaza is home to extensive Hamas infrastructure. In only 13 days, Hamas has fired over 140 rockets from this neighborhood into Israel. IDF soldiers have found 10 openings to terror tunnels in Shuja’iya. These tunnels are used for infiltrating Israel, smuggling weapons, and launching rockets at Israeli civilians.


The IDF warned civilians in Shuja’iya to evacuate the area many days before striking the terror infrastructure within it. Dropping leaflets, making phone calls and sending text messages are just some of the many actions the IDF has been taking to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza.

Hamas ordered the residents of Shuja’iya to ignore the IDF’s warning and stay in the neighborhood. By doing so, Hamas put them in the line of fire.

After we fired a warning shot at this target, Hamas ordered civilians to form a human shield on the roof.

Despite the fact that many of the residents ignored warnings and didn’t leave the neighborhood, the IDF continued to operate in the most precise and surgical way possible, targeting only terrorists and their infrastructure.

The IDF agreed to the Red Cross’ request for a two-hour humanitarian window in Shuja’iya. This humanitarian window was opened despite the threats emanating from the neighborhood, including continuous Hamas rocket fire at Israel. Hamas broke the humanitarian window when firing at Israel during the two-hour period. Still, the IDF agreed to the Red Cross appeal to extend the Humanitarian widow by another hour.


11:40 AM: We are building a field hospital for Palestinians in Gaza. It will open tonight on Israel’s side of the Erez crossing.

10:00 AM: The Iron Dome intercepted a rocket above Ashkelon.

4:00 AM: Yesterday, we facilitated the transfer of approx. 20 tons of medical supplies into Gaza through Kerem Shalom Crossing. Watch here.


3:20 AM: 2nd Lt. Bar Rahav, 21, and Sgt. Bnaya Rubel, 20, were killed yesterday while fighting Hamas terrorists.

2:30 AM: We are currently expanding our ground operation against Hamas in Gaza.


IDF Paratroopers Discover Terror Tunnel Under a House in Gaza

IDF Paratroopers Blow Up Tunnel in Gaza

Targeting the Enemy: The IDF’s Anti-Terror Strategy in Gaza

IDF Daily Update from Israel – Saturday, July 19th

Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge more than 1,637 rockets have been fired at Israel. 


IDF  Saturday, July 19

6:15 PM: 2 Hamas terrorists fired at IDF soldiers in Southern Gaza. We returned fire and killed the attackers. No harm to our forces. 1:12 PM: Israeli civilian killed by Hamas rocket fire on southern Israel. Several others wounded. 12:50 PM: Hamas terrorists attempted to infiltrate Israel through an underground tunnel and massacre civilians in an Israeli community. IDF forces opened fire at the infiltrators. One terrorist was killed; the others escaped to Gaza. 2 of our soldiers were wounded. The attack against Israeli civilians was thwarted. 10:16 AM: Hamas attacks Israeli soldiers with explosive donkey.  7:50 AM: Two IDF soldiers were lightly injured and one was severely injured overnight in a confrontation with Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza. 3:41 AM: A short time ago, five rockets were fired at southern Israel. Four were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, and one struck a residential area in Ashdod.

While searching a house in Gaza, IDF combat engineers found several rooms rigged with explosives.

IDF Soldiers uncovering terror tunnels in Gaza.

IDF blows up one of the many terror tunnels that cross under the Israel-Gaza border and enable terrorists to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks.

IDF calls off airstrike on Palestinian terrorist in Gaza after watching him enter an ambulance.

Hamas hides weapons and missile launchers in densely populated areas, then tell civilians not to evacuate their houses, putting men, women and children directly into the line of fire to be used as human shields.

HAMAS is using donkey bombs against the IDF

images-1On the evening of July 18, Israeli Defense Forces operating in the Rafah area spotted an explosives-laden donkey approaching their position. The soldiers opened fire, causing the explosives to detonate. This is just one of the many ways Muslims are known to abuse animals.

IDF  Sending an animal to its death to serve terrorist purposes may seem shocking, but last night certainly wasn’t the first time Palestinian terrorists adopted this despicable tactic.

Up-to-date ISA intelligence alerted the IDF that terror organizations in the Gaza Strip intend to strap explosives to animals and send them in the direction of ground forces. On the night of July 18, there was at least one such attempt, in which a donkey suspiciously began to approach forces. The forces approached the donkey and it exploded at a safe distance, whereas no injuries were sustained by the IDF as a result.


This cruel incident is the most recent attempt by Gaza terror organizations to make such an abominable use of animals as explosives couriers. The IDF first encountered an animal-borne terrorist attack in June 1995, when a Palestinian terrorist rode an explosives-laden donkey cart toward an IDF position west of Khan Yunis and detonated the explosives. The terrorist and the donkey were killed, but the soldiers were left unscathed. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

During the Second Intifada, Hamas and other terrorist organizations stepped up their exploitation of animals for the purposes of terror. In 2001, a terrorist rode a bomb-laden donkey cart toward an IDF position in the southern Gaza Strip and set detonated the charge. In 2003, a Palestinian terrorist strapped a bomb to a donkey and then exploded it remotely on the road between Jerusalem and Gush Etzion. No humans were injured in the attack.


In June 2009, Palestinian terrorists approached the Karni crossing, located between Gaza and Israel, with several horses carrying mines and explosives. In May 2010, terrorists in Gaza detonated a donkey cart loaded with explosives near the border fence.

Most of these attacks involved donkeys and horses carrying carts loaded with explosives. However, IDF soldiers in the field reported multiple incidents where Hamas terrorists had strapped explosive belts to dogs.


ALGERIA: Young Muslim men entertain themselves by setting a little donkey on fire.

SYRIA: Donkey beheadings.

SYRIA: Muslims killing donkeys and horses for fun.

MUSLIM & LEFTIST OUTRAGE as France becomes first country in the world to ban pro-Palestinian demonstrations

Amazingly, it is France’s Socialist government  that has banned protests against Israeli action in Palestine. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said mass demonstrations planned for the weekend should be halted, because they are a ‘threat to public order’, while opponents said he was ‘criminalizing’ popular support of the Palestinian people.


UK Daily Mail (h/t Susan K)  Thousands were set to march against the ongoing slaughter in Gaza, calling for an immediate end to hostilities in which civilians including many children have been killed.

France Israel Palestinians

But Mr Cazeneuve fears there might be a repeat of the fights between ‘ultra’ Jewish vigilantes and pro-Palestinians which happened after a demonstration last Sunday. Referring to the main Paris march, Mr Cazeneuve said: ‘I consider that the conditions are not right to guarantee security.’

He welcomed a legal procedure instigated by the Paris police prefecture to ban the march, despite it already being widely advertised. Anyone who turns up to an illegal demonstration now faces up to a year in prison, and a 15,000 euro fine. If they hide their faces to avoid being identified, this sentence can be increased to three years, and a 45,000 fine.

Pro-Palestinian protest in Paris turns ugly

Even those who publish details of an illegal rally on social media face up to a year in prison, and a 15,000 euro fine. This can be increased to seven years and a 100,000 fine if the postings lead to violence. Mr Cazeneuve also advised other prefects across France to examine planned marches on a ‘case by case’ basis, and to ban ‘if appropriate’.

But Michele Sibony, of the (far left) Jewish Union for Peace, said: ‘By outlawing free speech by pro-Palestinian demonstrators, France puts itself in a unique position in the world and Europe.’ And Youssef Boussoumah, of the Party of the Indigenous of the Republic (PIR) said: ‘France is criminalising any show of solidarity with the Palestinian people.  ‘This is an absolute outrage, it is a continuation of attempts to muzzle the Palestinian people and to get them and their supporters in France to surrender absolutely to Israel’s oppression.’

Anti-Israel protesters trap hundreds of Jews in synagogue

Sylvie Perrot, another pro-Palestine activist from Paris, said: ‘Fascist states stop people demonstrating against wars – it is beyond belief that French Socialists are following their example.’ There were false claims made last week that synagogues in Paris had been targeted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

In fact videos showed armed vigilantes from a group called the Jewish Defence League (LDJ) baiting demonstrators into fights. There were no arrests among the LDJ, despite them fighting and smashing up property in full view of the police.  Six pro-Palestine protestors were arrested for a variety of public order offences, but none had been anywhere near Paris synagogues, which remained undamaged.

A judicial enquiry is set to be launched into the false allegations made about the synagogue attacks – ones which people claim were made up to demonise supporters of Palestine by associating them with anti-Semitism.  On Friday night lawyers for a number of groups hoping to campaign on behalf of Palestine on Saturday lodged an appeal against the ban in a Paris court.

Jews fight back against Muslim mobs in Paris



IDF  Following ten days of Hamas attacks against Israel and after repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation, the IDF has started a new phase of Operation Protective Edge A large IDF force entered the Gaza Strip. Their mission is to target Hamas’ tunnels that cross under the Israel-Gaza border and enable terrorists to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks. The IDF intends to impair Hamas’ capability to attack Israel.


Below are photos from the field: More tunnels that we uncovered today in the southern Gaza Strip


6:33 PM: IDF uncovers more tunnels used for terror in the Gaza strip.

6:10 PM: The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets over the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. Rocket sirens heard across southern Israel.

4:00 PM: An armored unit in Gaza saw two terrorists preparing to fire anti-tank missiles. IDF soldiers opened fire and identified hits.

4:00 PM: IDF uncovers tunnel used for terror in the Gaza Strip

Gaza Terror Tunnel Gaza Terror Tunnel

2:00 PM: Since last night in Gaza, we have engaged and killed 17 terrorists. Thirteen other terrorists surrendered to us and were taken for questioning. We have also targeted 21 rocket launchers and 4 tunnels.

11:20 AM: Footage from the first night and day of IDF ground operation in Gaza.

10:16 AM: 7 rockets were intercepted over Ashdod.

Sgt. Eitan Barak, 20, from Herzliya, was killed overnight fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

9:22 AM: Two rockets landed in open areas near Ashkelon and Netivot.

8:45 AM: IDF forces enter Gaza last night

8:13 AM: Watch: The IDF targets terror tunnel, rocket explodes. 

7:45 AM: Overnight, we neutralized 14 terrorists, destroyed 20 rocket launchers, carried out 9 strikes on tunnels and hit a total of 103 terror targets. Furthermore, since last night, about 50 rockets were fired from Gaza. Of them, 25 hit Israel and 20 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

מנהרות-בעזה tunnel-2f

7:35 AM: An IDF soldier was killed in action during the ground operation in Gaza last night. His family has been notified.

3:37 AM: Earlier, an anti-tank missile hit an IDF heavy bulldozer in the southern Gaza Strip, causing damage. No injuries reported.

12:19 AM: Following the approval of the government of Israel, the IDF will call up an additional 18,000 reservists.

12:10 AM: Our soldiers are preparing to enter Gaza.

From the Field: Our soldiers preparing to enter Gaza. The whole nation stands behind them.

UK Deputy Prime Minister says Israeli strikes on Gaza are “deliberately disproportionate”

Deputy PM Nick Clegg has accused Israel of “collective punishment” against the Palestinians and says, “Israel has proved its point. It’s time to stop.” 

What can you expect from a schmuck who has called  Israeli settlement construction is “vandalism.”

Haaretz  The U.K.’s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said Thursday that Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in response to Hamas rocket fire is “deliberately disproportionate.’” Speaking on his weekly phone-in to radio station LBC, the Liberal Democrats leader accused Israel of “collective punishment” against the Palestinians, The Guardian reported.

“I have to say though I really do think now the Israeli response appears to be deliberately disproportionate. It is amounting now to a disproportionate form of collective punishment. It is leading to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which is just unacceptable,” Clegg said.

He added that Israel has the right to defend itself, but that Jerusalem has made its point.

“I really would now call on the Israeli government to stop. They have proved their point. Israeli of course retains the right to react. But you cannot see the humanitarian suffering in Gaza now and the very great number of deaths in Gaza without concluding that there is not much more going to be served in Israel’s own interests … to see this festering humanitarian crisis get worse. It incubates the next generation of violent extremists who want to do harm to Israel,” he said.

guide to boys

IDF Daily Update from Israel


IDF forces identified approximately 13 terrorists attempting to infiltrate Israel through a terror tunnel constructed by Hamas. The tunnel led underground from the southern Gaza Strip towards the Israeli community of Sufa. ​IDF forces blew away the 13.

Tunnel and weapons used in attempted Hamas infiltration of Israel.

20 Missiles discovered in UN-run school in Gaza.

Times of Israel (h/t Susan K)  UNRWA apologizes to Israel, condemns a ‘flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises’ and promises investigation. The weapons were found in “the course of the regular inspection of its premises,” UNRWA said in a statement, adding that the school was vacant.

“UNRWA strongly condemns the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations. This is a flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law,” the statement read.

The discovery would seem to confirm Israel’s oft-repeated claim that Hamas and other Gazan terror groups use civilian infrastructure to hide weapons. “Yet again, Gaza terrorists abuse UN facilities to carry out their violent activities. Hamas and other terror groups are determined to put civilians in harm’s way and will respect nothing in their violent frenzy,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor told The Times of Israel.


IDF drops massive number of leaflets, makes phone calls to Northern Gaza warning people to evacuate temporarily before next attack on Hamas


  • Over 1261 rocket have been launched at Israel.

  • 984 of those rockets hit Israel

  • Approximately 228 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

  • The IDF has targeted over 1,752 terror targets, with both naval and aerial capabilities.

Israeli Defense Forces

Wednesday, July 16

Rocket launchers in Gaza explode after Israeli Air Force air strike.

So far today, Hamas has fired 61 rockets today. 37 of them hit Israel; 23 were intercepted by Iron Dome.

6:11 PM:

Hamas fired a rocket from Gaza today and severely damaged this house in Ashkelon

5:30 AM: Hamas aims for Israel, but its rockets have hit Gaza over 100 times in 9 days


5:00 PM: Today we struck 50 Hamas targets in Beit Lahiya, Shuja’iya, Zeitoun & other areas in N. Gaza from which we warned civilians to evacuate.

2:41 PM: 2 rockets fired from Gaza struck the Ashkelon area, and 5 rockets struck elsewhere in southern Israel.

2:15 PM: Watch: the IAF Distributes Evacuation Leaflets to Residents of Northern Gaza this morning.

1:15 PM: Hamas terrorists fired 10 rockets at Be’er Sheva moments ago. The Iron Dome intercepted 6 of them, and the remaining 4 fell in open areas.

10:13 AM


9:30 AM:  4 rockets fired from Gaza have been intercepted over Tel Aviv.

9:28 AM: Rocket sirens and blasts heard in Tel Aviv moments ago.

7:53 AM: Hamas terrorists fired 8 rockets at southern Israel. Of them, 6 were intercepted by Iron Dome & 2 landed in open area

7:00 AM: The Iron Dome intercepted a Hamas rocket over the area of Kiryat Malakhi. 4 others fell in open areas.

6:00 AM: IDF postpones strikes on Hamas targets after identifying civilians in the area.

4:09 AM: Yesterday, Hamas fired rockets towards the Kerem Shalom crossing. Even so, the IDF continued transferring goods into Gaza.


Tuesday, July 15

Summary of the day:

One civilian named Dror Hanin was killed by a mortar fired from Gaza on late Tuesday.

  • More than 155 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel.

  • At least 122 rockets struck Israel.

  • 26 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

  • The IDF hit 96 terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

BANGLADESH: Armed Muslims attack convent, attempt to rape nuns

A majority Muslim South Asian nation is reeling in outrage over an attack upon a convent where men attempted to rape the nuns. Armed men reportedly attacked the convent of PIME, or Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions nuns in Boldipuku, a village mission in Dinajpur diocese in northern Bangladesh.


Catholic  (h/t HPS) The attackers first tied the hands and legs of the mission’s two night watchmen and gagged them in the early morning hours. They then broke down the door of the room where the assistant pastor Father Anselmo Marandy was sleeping. They then raided the convent located in the mission campus. Twelve Muslims have been arrested in connection with the incident.

“It’s unprecedented because nuns are highly respected in Bangladesh,” Bishop Sebastian Tudu of Dinajpur said. The 47-year-old Santal prelate said the nuns were beaten and molested, ending when police arrived.

Three PIME nuns suffered attempted rape and were sent to their provincial house in Dhaka, the national capital where they are trying to overcome the shock and mental suffering.”It’s very sad that the sisters cannot continue to work for the people, but our sisters are no longer safe,” Rosaline Costa, a Catholic human rights activist lamented.

Local Christians are currently living in fear since the attack. Christians form only 0.8 percent of Dinajpur district’s three million people. Muslims account for nearly 77 percent, followed by Hindus 21 percent.


[UPDATED] Jewish physician kicked off Jet Blue flight after Palestinian Muslim bitch complains about her


A woman is claiming Islamic Jew hatred is to blame for her being thrown off a JetBlue flight leaving from Palm Beach International Airport this week.

WPBF Dr. Lisa Rosenberg had boarded a flight home to New York Monday night after her vacation in Palm Beach County. She said she was on the phone with a friend talking about the violence in Israel and her concern for her daughter, who will be studying there next year. She said the trouble on the plane began when she finished her call.


“A MUSLIM woman comes up to me and says to me ‘I’m a Palestinian,’ and she starts cursing at me. ‘Zionist pig. This is just the beginning,’” Rosenberg said. Rosenberg said she never said anything negative about Palestinians and was only complimenting Israel on how leaders there have handled this latest conflict.

The argument between the women got heated and a flight attendant had to intervene, Rosenberg said. A few minutes later, a supervisor told her she needed to leave the plane. “I can’t believe it. I said, ‘Why would you do that?’ I said, ‘Why don’t you have her leave the plane?’” she said.

Rosenberg said nobody from JetBlue would answer her questions. She said only the other woman had complained and said she was not comfortable flying with Rosenberg. “I said, ‘The passenger, the Palestinian (terrorist) passenger, didn’t feel comfortable with me, the Jewish doctor being on the plane?’” Rosenberg said she was humiliated but left the plane.

JetBlue confirmed Rosenberg was removed from the flight and added the story she tells “in no way reflects the report that we have.” JetBlue would not release that report and would not specify what’s in it.

(Hopefully, a big fat lawsuit will soon follow)


UPDATE FROM BNI: I just spoke to Lisa Rosenberg by phone and she told me the woman, who now is claiming she is not Palestinian but Jewish (doubtful), was seated behind her on the plane and overheard her phone call where she was talking about Israel. The woman got out of her seat and began verbally attacking Lisa and the argument got very heated. A flight attendant came over and said to both of them that “we cannot have political discussions on this plane,” after which they both sat down in their seats and said nothing more. A few minutes later, a supervisor came over and told Lisa she would have to leave but would not tell her why. Lisa has contacted a lawyer on this matter.

JORDAN is reluctant to allow Obama-led enhanced training program for Syrian jihadist rebels on their soil (WARNING: Graphic Images)


Jordan, where the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has been covertly training Syrian jihadist rebels for more than a year, is reluctant to host an expanded rebel instruction program, funded by Obama’s $500 million request to Congress, U.S. officials said.

But first, watch this video from Fareed Zakaria of CNN. Normally, I disagree with everything he says, but he is exactly right about Obama throwing fuel on the fire in Syria:


REUTERS Jordan’s reticence, confirmed by four U.S. officials, is a potentially serious setback for President Barack Obama’s proposed $500 million initiative, announced in June, to train and arm moderate rebels fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups. It could signal a larger challenge in finding suitable nations willing to host the U.S.-led training at a time of heightened tensions across much of the Middle East.


While U.S. officials have not made a formal request to the Jordanian government, the country was widely considered a top choice to host the training due its close security relationship with Washington, proximity to neighboring Syria and pool of more than 600,000 Syrian refugees.


U.S. officials and analysts said Jordan fears violent retaliation from Syria if its territory is used for overt training conducted by U.S. military units. “Jordan told the U.S., ‘No boots on the ground’,” said one of the officials, who all requested anonymity because they were discussing sensitive U.S. military arrangements.


Other current and former U.S. officials described the Jordanian position as less ironclad, however, and said they still hoped to convince Jordan to participate in the program, which must still be approved by the U.S. Congress.


The Jordanian government, through its Washington embassy, declined requests by Reuters for comment. A Jordanian official in Amman, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was “premature to even suggest the Kingdom has rejected any such plan that even the Americans have yet to flesh out.”


IF NOT JORDAN, THEN WHERE? While there are other potential sites where the training could take place, including Turkey and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, no agreements have been struck, U.S. officials said. Turkey and the Saudis also have sensitivities about the presence of large numbers of U.S. troops.


“There’s been no decision on location, at all. Or even … what the character of the program itself would look like, if we get the money” from Congress, said a second U.S. official. Jordan already hosts a small and ostensibly covert, effort by the CIA to equip and train small groups of Assad’s opponents.


But it faces increasing threats to its stability from the Syrian civil war and rise of extremist groups such as the Islamic State. The United States has already increased its military presence in Jordan to around 1,300 soldiers. It has also stationed Patriot surface-to-air missiles there.


Jordan’s King Abdullah met with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in Washington on Thursday for talks that included Syria, the White House said in a statement. U.S. and Jordanian officials declined to give further details.


If approved by lawmakers, the $500 million fund to arm and train rebels will not be available until Oct. 1 at the earliest, or possibly months later depending on potential delays in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.


Other important details, including how “moderate” rebels would be vetted to weed out those with records of human rights abuses or ties to extremist groups, have yet to be finalized, the U.S. officials said.


U.S. law requires the State Department to screen foreign military members and units being trained with U.S. funds. Assistance is barred when credible evidence of human rights abuses turns up. But it is unclear how the law applies to a proxy force like the Syrian rebels.


“I’m not seeing any evidence, as of yet, that there’s any sense of operational urgency here,” said Fred Hof, a former State Department official involved in formulating Syria policy before he joined the Atlantic Council think tank in 2012.


Rather than asking Congress for new funds for the fiscal year from Oct. 1, Obama could have requested urgent money from the Pentagon to get the effort started quickly, Hof said. Pentagon officials said the military’s U.S. Central Command drew up plans for a training program some time ago in anticipation of a White House request, and efforts had begun to flesh out the details.


RELATED STORIES/VIDEOS: (Send these links to your Representatives and ask them to deny this request for $500 million)

is-congress-going-to-give-barack-hussein-obama-500-million-more-to-fund-anti-assad-jihadists-who-do-this-to-people-in-syria-warning-very-graphic barack-hussein-obama-asks-congress-for-500-million-more-to-aid-moderate-syrian-rebels-fails-to-mention-hes-been-funding-training-and-arming-islamic-jihadists-there-for-2-years senator-rand-paul-agrees-with-bni-the-reason-isis-jihadists-are-attacking-iraq-is-because-the-obama-regime-has-been-arming-them-in-syria did-obama-intentionally-engineer-the-isis-attack-on-iraq-from-syria hey-america-these-are-the-al-qaeda-linked-jihadists-obama-is-arming-and-funding-with-your-tax-dollars we-knew-obama-was-forcing-our-troops-and-cia-to-train-the-syrian-rebels-in-jordanwe-just-didnt-know-they-were-actually-training-the-isis-terrorists barack-hussein-obama-orders-cia-to-continue-arming-and-training-al-qaeda-linked-jihadists-in-syria look-at-what-your-hard-earned-tax-dollars-are-going-for-in-syria senator-rand-paul-and-3-other-senators-sponsor-bill-to-stop-obama-from-sending-more-arms-to-al-qaeda-linked-jihadists-in-syria is-obama-lying-about-the-syrian-government-using-chemical-weapons-in-order-to-help-his-al-qaeda-allies russia-warns-americans-barack-hussein-obama-has-been-shipping-arms-to-al-qaeda-jihadists-in-syria-for-over-a-year take-a-look-at-what-the-obama-funded-al-qaeda-linked-jihadists-are-doing-to-their-victims-in-syria-now syria-islamic-savages-behead-a-man-for-being-a-supporter-of-the-assad-government-warning-graphic president-bashar-assad-is-right-says-the-west-will-pay-for-backing-and-funding-al-qaeda-in-syria salafists-and-al-qaeda-jihadist-rebels-vow-to-fight-until-there-is-an-islamic-state-in-syria

Awwww…fire destroys Rochester, NY slop chute owned by Yemen-born Muslim terror suspect

A fire has destroyed an upstate New York restaurant owned by a Yemeni Muslim man charged last month with plotting vengeance attacks against members of the U.S. military and the Shiite Muslim community.


AP  A fire has destroyed a New York restaurant owned by a man charged last month with plotting vengeance attacks against members of the U.S. military and the Muslim community. Local media report that firefighters responded late Sunday night to a report of a fire at the former Mojoes Restaurant in Rochester.

Firefighters had to break down the boarded-up door of the building to get inside. Officials say the restaurant’s interior was destroyed.

In June, the restaurant’s 30-year-old owner, Mufid Elfgeeh, was arrested after federal prosecutors said he bought two unregistered guns from an FBI informant. Investigators say he plotted to kill returning U.S. troops for American actions overseas and Shiite Muslims over the civil war in Syria.

Elfgeeh, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Yemen, is being held in Monroe County Jail.


BREAKING! Israel attacked on 4 fronts – GAZA, LEBANON, SYRIA, SINAI


 Since the start of the operation:

  • Over 1000 rocket have been launched at Israel.

  • 754 of those rockets hit Israel

  • Approximately 201 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

  • The IDF has targeted over 1,474 terror targets, with both naval and aerial capabilities.


Also Monday, rockets were fired at Israel from southern Lebanon, reported Reuters, drawing retaliatory artillery fire from Israeli forces, Lebanese security officials and the Israeli army said, in the third such rocket attack from Lebanon since Friday. An Israeli police spokeswoman said there was no immediate word of damage or casualties from the rocket fire. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.


A rocket fired from Syria hit an open area on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights on Monday afternoon, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Spokesperson Unit confirmed in a statement. The statement said according to initial reports, the launching was “deliberate.” It is still not clear who is responsible for the attack, the Walla news website reported.


A Hamas drone capable of carrying weapons was shot down Monday with a Patriot missile along the southern Israeli coast. “It was shot to smithereens,” Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli Army, told reporters Monday. Israeli officials said it was the first time Hamas militants had launched a drone since fighting escalated last week. Israel reported that its so-called Iron Dome defense system intercepted several rockets fired from Gaza, including one Monday evening over Tel Aviv.


4 lightly injured in recent rocket attack on Eilat.

h/t Weasel Zippers 70-percent